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GS 3KW & 6KW Operator Manual

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2 Users
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Attached is our Genetry Solar 3000 watt and 6000 watt user's manual. It is very detailed and will be a great guide if you are looking to get the most out of your inverter.

We will keep this updated as new features are added.

Sid put in alot of work to make this happen.

NOTE : Remote control feature will be available in the next update (1.1r4).

Member Admin
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2883

Yes, this is a slightly preliminary manual release...I'm trying to juggle a number of things here, so if you're running 1.1r3 or earlier, you may notice some differences and/or features missing.  1.1r4 hopefully will be a bugfix release (mostly with mDNS and local server stuff)...shortly...I hope!

But hopefully this manual will answer a lot of questions, and enable you to understand the capabilities of your inverter better.
