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Charging issue

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I'm am having an issue using the charging function. The inverter started to charge and then errors saying ac feedback. My setup is off grid so I am using a generator to charge the batteries. Right now I only have L1 and L2 connected in my panel for the charge function. The generator is a harbor freight 8750/7000 watt generator. I did a test for ac feed back (shut inverter off measured for voltage on the out side of the inverter) and got 0v. I have a version 1 board I think (I paid for the air shipping). 

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Posted by: @deeezz
The inverter started to charge and then errors saying ac feedback.

I'm wondering if your inverter still has the out-of-the-box firmware in it 😉.  I guess that because we don't have an "AC Feedback" error; might have at one point, but not anymore.

Can you check what firmware version your inverter is running?  (OUT page -> Diagnostic Info -> top 2 lines will show LCD version and CPU version.)

I'll work on/test 1.1r5 (current with fixes!) here this morning hopefully, and we'll get your inverter sorted out.


EDIT: Went through your user history, found you've updated it before.  Still, I'm curious to know what firmware version the inverter has.  Would appreciate a photo of the exact error message to be sure.

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I have 1.4 for the lcd and the cpu

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Here's a complete list of all the possible error messages (apart from "??undefined??").  Which one is it saying?


(you won't be able to get the "FET Amp Limit" on anything except the newer Rev. C boards with a GS mainboard, so that's out!)

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It said ac backfeed I tried switching L1 and L2 on the charge side and got xformer polarity so I switched them back. Also I'm at work now so my responses may be delayed a little

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I can send pics of the lcd when I get home to night.

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Posted by: @deeezz
I can send pics of the lcd when I get home to night.

"AC Backfeed" definitely narrows it down then...that makes it sound like something is going out of spec during charge, and it's dropping back to inverter mode--but the timeout threshold must be a little short.

Will run tests on 1.1r5 today, see if I can get all the quirks worked out, then we can try an update later today.

Is the inverter also powering loads during charge, or is it just doing a standalone charge?

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It was powering a light load about 250w-350w. I tried lowering the charge % and it seemed like the inverter would charge for a few seconds and then stop then kick on again and then off. Then I would get the error code. 

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Posted by: @deeezz
It was powering a light load about 250w-350w. I tried lowering the charge % and it seemed like the inverter would charge for a few seconds and then stop then kick on again and then off. Then I would get the error code.

Hmm...interesting.  Might want to look into this via video call or something if a firmware update doesn't resolve the issue.  "AC Backfeed" is a rather unexpected error--though it shouldn't be clicking on and off in the first place.

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Can the inverter normally charge at full function while also inverting at full output.

Also, is it more efficient/all-around-better to charge from a generator outputting 240v into the charger rather than 120v?

And if you are running a pair of 240v GS6 inverters with one in load assist (slave), would it be preferable to use that one as the charger?

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Posted by: @blackwaterpark
Can the inverter normally charge at full function while also inverting at full output.

Well, power can only go one way or the other way...not both ways at the same time.

For charge, the entire load has to first be "offloaded" onto the AC input, THEN the inverter can start to pull additional power from the AC input for charge.  "Charge" mode uses the exact same AC path, big AC transformer, FETs, and battery cables as "inverter" mode...they are not separate power paths.

A future firmware version for Rev. C boards will allow "hybrid" load powering, where the load is partially powered via the battery, and partially via AC input (utilizing AC input amperage limit functionality)--BUT unless the AC input is capable of FULLY supplying the output loads + charge power needs, you will still be pulling power from the battery.


Posted by: @blackwaterpark
Also, is it more efficient/all-around-better to charge from a generator outputting 240v into the charger rather than 120v?

Definitely will be able to run higher charge currents (due to transformer "AC" side wire amperage limitations...double the voltage = double the wattage).  Total overall efficiency will be slightly higher due to reduced losses in the transformer secondary.


Posted by: @blackwaterpark
And if you are running a pair of 240v GS6 inverters with one in load assist (slave), would it be preferable to use that one as the charger?

Again...unless the output load is FULLY offloaded to the grid/generator, you will still be discharging your batteries--albeit at a lower rate.

It would actually be easiest for the "slave" inverter to run battery charge as necessary--as it'll already be in "AC Mains" mode for parallel operation.  That inverter just has to change the FET drive setup and switch to battery charge functionality...

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Looking forward to the hybrid feature it’s basically the same as Victron power assist. This way if you as input ac cannot supply your peak load then it switches to hybrid mode and your battery provides that peak power. How fast will the switching be ?

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Posted by: @carlos
Looking forward to the hybrid feature it’s basically the same as Victron power assist. This way if you as input ac cannot supply your peak load then it switches to hybrid mode and your battery provides that peak power. How fast will the switching be ?

Inverter will already have to be in AC Mains mode (i.e. AC pass-thru) for "hybrid" functionality, as it's "AC Mains + battery assist."  Reaction time will depend entirely on the firmware: the CPU will be able to see an "overcurrent condition" within 1 AC wave, but then will have to throttle the FETs up to counteract the overcurrent condition.  Depending on the regulation algorithm used, it could be <0.25sec, or as long as 1sec.  (The issue with fast reaction is the tendency for the inverter to enter a regulation oscillation.)

Something for me to work on while everyone looks forward to it...the pressure 😉.

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Reaction time will depend entirely on the firmware: the CPU will be able to see an "overcurrent condition" within 1 AC wave, but then will have to throttle the FETs up to counteract the overcurrent condition.  Depending on the regulation algorithm used, it could be <0.25sec, or as long as 1sec.  (The issue with fast reaction is the tendency for the inverter to enter a regulation oscillation.)

One AC wave  to react to an overcurrent is possible  and necessary  .   The CPU  regulation algorithm  must be less than  15 millisecond .   The invention of the moffets is one of the most usefull  device .    The starship  can  switch  on and off  the FETs  for a 3 millisecond  burst of it steering  rockets  so   15 millisecond  is a lot of time  to protect the inverter  from  destroying itself .  

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