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6k Inverter shutting down

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I'm having and issue with a 6k inverter which I purchased and installed for a friend. I did the installation two days ago set it to do a pass through with 220v input but he called me yesterday morning saying that the system had shut down. I went to check on the issue and found that in pass through mode of you turn on a heavy load like a microwave it suts down and the error message says transformer voltage 310 or 400. Thing is when it is inverting from the batteries and you turn on the microwave there's not an issue. Also I realized that the voltage at the input terminals and what being displayed do not correspond. I'm seeing 226v at the terminals but the display is saying around 208v. I need some help getting this sorted. I encouraged my friend to purchase this as to use as a backup in case of blackouts which we get frequently here in Antigua and don't want him to be disappointed with his purchase. Also I tried lowering the output voltage to 225v from 240v to see if that would help but it didn't. 

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Posted by: @ira
I'm having and issue with a 6k inverter which I purchased and installed for a friend. I did the installation two days ago set it to do a pass through with 220v input but he called me yesterday morning saying that the system had shut down. I went to check on the issue and found that in pass through mode of you turn on a heavy load like a microwave it suts down and the error message says transformer voltage 310 or 400. Thing is when it is inverting from the batteries and you turn on the microwave there's not an issue. Also I realized that the voltage at the input terminals and what being displayed do not correspond. I'm seeing 226v at the terminals but the display is saying around 208v. I need some help getting this sorted. I encouraged my friend to purchase this as to use as a backup in case of blackouts which we get frequently here in Antigua and don't want him to be disappointed with his purchase. Also I tried lowering the output voltage to 225v from 240v to see if that would help but it didn't.

Sean got your voicemail as well, but wasn't able to return the call for some reason.  Said he also sent an email.


At any rate, there are 2 problems here to deal with:

  • input voltage not reading correct
  • shutting down with load connected


The first problem you can fix in the field; it's a simple input calibration issue (as I believe this your inverter has a Rev. B control board in it).  If you connect AC to the input of the inverter, then you can go to the CFG page -> System -> (scroll down) Calibrate Readings.

Find the AC Input line, and adjust the calibration number until the listed AC input voltage is as close as possible to the actual measured AC input.  (This was a setup step that must have gotten skipped during final testing of the inverter.)


The shutting down with Xformer Volt is a firmware issue I am aware of; I will do some quick tests/modifications to the firmware, and release 1.1r5 which should hopefully solve this issue.  For that, you'd need to set the WIFI -> Update Branch to "Rev.", and once I release it, you should see "Get 1.1r5" there, selecting that should update the whole inverter and clear up the issue.  (I have to release the update first though!)


BTW the number at the end of the status line is actually the highest current internal temperature, which you can set to Celsius if you want from CFG -> Appearance -> Temp Radix).

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Hey Sean. Thanks for the info. I'll try what you said and let you know the results. 

BTW I don't know if it's because I'm not in the US why your call didn't go through. I'm in Antigua in the Caribbean. 

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I did release 1.1r5 a day or so back (will be doing 1.1r6 shortly to fix a few more issues), but 1.1r5 should solve the Xformer Volt error.
