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Figured out the dashboard, thanks again for your assistance. 
 Use to click over when grid was appalled, although I got dashboard, no luck with pass-thru clicking over. 

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Yes, I have followed the juice to the inverter. And you are correct the ac input on output screen continues to show 0v 0a. On button stays green and doesn’t click over to blue pass-thru.

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Sounding very peculiar, as there's no electrical way that I'm aware of that this can happen.  (Should not have any connection to any of the load/surge testing you did w/out grid power.)

Do you see anything on the AC INPT 'scope channel with AC voltage applied to the inverter Input terminals?  (OUT screen -> press Enter -> down 1 time -> should highlight "Scope" -> press Enter.  Then press Down once more to go to INPT VOLT.)

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This is some charging data, and discharge data


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I was asking for the INPT AMPS 'scope readout on the inverter itself...

...if the inverter is providing AC output power in normal inverter mode, the FETs/transformer are behaving correctly.

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We are all human. Should I open it up to see if a cable slipped from where it should be?

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Posted by: @jd4130
We are all human. Should I open it up to see if a cable slipped from where it should be?

Wires from the terminal block go directly to ring terminals screwed to the control board--so it would be EXTREMELY unlikely to be an internal fault.

Do you measure voltage on the backside of the AC terminal block (i.e. where the wires going inside the inverter start?)  Would be dumb if it was an insulation issue right there on the terminal block...


When you were running the charge test, was the inverter still in AC Mains mode when you shut it down?  (Or was it arbitrarily back in inverter mode?)  (just trying to pinpoint down possibilities)

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I didn’t see input volts scope, it dose seem to be functioning otherwise. Heat gun pulls 1350 watts



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I intentionally connected ac with inverter running normal w no load and it would switch over perfectly, then when I was done, I disconnected ac to see inverter revert to battery power (green). Then I moved things to my battery barn to power a few things inside my house via a generator tap while disconnected from the  grid. 

<a href="/monthly_2022_08/F3C54802-47B8-415D-B8AE-78DBC5885B83.jpeg.92e260c108d6541f6fbcd5bb6a688f6e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1571" src="//" data-src="/monthly_2022_08/F3C54802-47B8-415D-B8AE-78DBC5885B83.thumb.jpeg.8a2f4e8e928a87b819e7421a29fdc83a.jpeg" data-ratio="75" width="1000" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="F3C54802-47B8-415D-B8AE-78DBC5885B83.jpeg">

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Will PM you.

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Posted by: @jd4130
I intentionally connected ac with inverter running normal w no load and it would switch over perfectly, then when I was done, I disconnected ac to see inverter revert to battery power (green). Then I moved things to my battery barn to power a few things inside my house via a generator tap while disconnected from the grid.

I sent you a PM a few minutes after my last message, did the forums not notify you?

at any rate, what's the status of the issue?

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I tried changing the input from auto to 120v with no success noticing the grid input. Let me know if you have anything else you’d like me to check. 
 Thanks again for your attention to the matter. 

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Posted by: @jd4130
I tried changing the input from auto to 120v with no success noticing the grid input. Let me know if you have anything else you’d like me to check. Thanks again for your attention to the matter. J-

That's just a "rule gate" determining whether a registered input voltage can be switched over to.  Did you get my PM (private message)?  Or should I just email you?

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No I didn’t receive that PM. And email would be great. 
Thank You 

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