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Additional Stats.json Fields Request

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With the new current-limiting functionality, i would think that a battAmps value could be calculated and put alongside battV and friends. This would be super useful for estimating efficiency and tracking power flow on a DC bus.

Also, not sure how new it is, but i see KWh for both "total" and "inverted only". It would be very useful to have a value for "passthrough" and "inverted", and ideally their inverses (output to input, battery to input, output to battery) - essentially acting as a Net Meter.

Another small question is at what rate is the json computed, and can the values be considered effectively atomically captured?

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I think the new units have DC side current sense? battAmps is definitely a field I've been wanting for a while for the reasons you stated.

KWh is what I've been using for tracking total energy usage in graphs in the new dashboards. This includes all current that passes through output - inverter output and passthru. "Inverted kwh"  I think was introduced in 1.2r0 1.2r2 which got me a bit closer to battery consumption numbers but battAmps + battV is the only real way to know.


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Yeah, i have a similar situation. KWh will tell me my AC usage, but without that battA value, there's no way to know exactly how much it's pulling from the DC bus. Especially with both DC loads and sources attached to the bus.

Now that the new units (and my "hybrid" unit) have current sense, i figure that value is a mere line of code away from being exposed to the stats.json.

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Posted by: @notmario
Yeah, i have a similar situation. KWh will tell me my AC usage, but without that battA value, there's no way to know exactly how much it's pulling from the DC bus. Especially with both DC loads and sources attached to the bus.

Sort of.

The biggest issue is that the current sense is intended for FET peak current limit (600A / 1100A).  Scaling that down for accurate low current readouts is not likely to be feasible... manufacturing tolerances will affect the scale.  (It doesn't have to be precise for the FET current limit.)

IIRC I did expose the raw current sense value in Stats.json for test or debug purposes, but it's unscaled.

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I cannot find any obvious field in the json... have a look...

{"setup":{"model":"GS-6000-24-240SP", "hardver":131, "softver":"1.2r3", "genCFG":0, "sysHZ":60.33, "UVPa":22.2, "UVPe":21.0, "OVPa":32.2, "OVPe":33.4, "ChargeIn":[120,240]},"outputs":{"outV":253.7, "outA":1.0, "outW":276, "outPF":0.00, "outHZ":59.9, "xfEFF":102},"inputs":{"inV":249, "inA":0.0, "xfA":1.1, "battV":26.24},"stats":{"invSTATES":2, "power":1, "hrs":13479, "KWh":4993.68853, "invKWh":926.300, "inFLAGS":751},"temps":{"rdx":"F","T1":-0.1, "T2":-0.1, "T3":-0.1, "T4":-0.1, "T5":-0.1, "T6":-0.1, "TTA":87.9, "TMA":75.1, "TTB":89.0, "TMB":76.1, "TC":-0.1, "TA":-0.1},"fans":{"FA":9, "FB":9, "FC":0},"errors":{"Alms":0, "Err":0}}

IIRC, there's a calibration placeholder for Battery Amps... What degree of accuracy are we talking here? Wouldn't take much to be better off than no value at all. 😄

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Posted by: @notmario
I cannot find any obvious field in the json... have a look...

Ok, I don't see one either.  I thought I put it in there, but maybe I didn't.  Something pretty easy to implement in code though.

Accuracy to the amp might be possible; fractional amps not so much (and especially not possible at no load).  The biggest issue is that I may need to adjust the current sense scaling in hardware...and that would change the LCD reading.
