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GS 6K Inverter Shipping update.

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I know, I know, I'm impatient on waiting for my two GS Inverters, and dyeing to know when they arrived at the Mother Ship to be assimilated into the glorious power eating giving monsters they shall be.

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Currently the palettes are scheduled for a drop here to me no later than this Friday. A few days of testing and they will start heading out. We really are excited to be able to get these out.


Thank you again for your order

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It's been far too long, but thanks to all of you who ordered for your extreme patience.  We will do better in the future!

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Getting the first of many things often takes the longest Sid.  It was a hard search to get my first brand new car in 1978. Ended up they had to build it from scratch. Got it in 1979. And they only built the ones with the V-8s on Wednesdays. Same sort of thing when Chevy came out with the new style Silverados in 2001 but one was found at another dealer. Not many were built as extended cab, long bed duallys with the 8.1L V-8 and cloth interior instead of leather. A new 2000 with a 454 was sitting next to it when I went to pick it up. Mine looked like someone had jacked it up as it sat a good 6 inches higher that the 2000. 😮 It towered over our work 3500s even though they were 4X4s and mine isn't. Mine also is wider than they were as it was built to the new Federal Specs. And was banned on some State highways unless you had an oversize permit.

So I'm a patient person. Most of the time. Well some of times at least. 🙂

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Did Sean said he already got the inverts in his 12k video. . .  I'm twittering my thumbs and they almost in knots.

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He has the 12kw prototype sample.  The batch of 6kw inverters has been in transit by truck from California for the past week or so. 

Just checked the carrier's tracking system with the bill of lading number, it has the following information:


Estimated Delivery Date:Thursday, 02/25/2021


After the inverters arrive at Sean's place, he will then have to set up, program, configure and test the inverters before shipping them out one by one to customers.

I'm sorry for these ridiculous delays.  We have to do better for our customers...

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Its not your falt, just things happen.  Thanks for the update though, that is something to know.


Since I can't see any pictures, is the lcd going to be like the PJ invert? cause I'm mounting these on the wall.


I was thinking on the 12k inverter, and Sean was talking about how its got fan on top of the core, seems to be a cool idea, to make a shell design like a shell fan and make the core rounded, make it look like a shell fan and That way you can controll the air to go around the core and out to the back have one fan in the front area to push in and on at the rear of the shell fan area to exaust, have them mounted at a angel to make the air spin around the core to the other fan.  The reast of the stuff I would have them side ways, sort of like a pci board in a computer that way you can make the foot print and reduce weight and still get good cooling if you direct the air fly in such a way.


Anyhow I'm rambleing, Thanks Sid for the Updat and your the Best.

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6kw inverter has a fan on top of the toroid, and one in front of the FET boards.

12kw inverter has fans only on the sides, none on top of the toroid.

For the 6kw, yes, the LCD is like the PJ inverter.

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Sid, don't feel bad about the shipping delays. Tomorrow I should be getting a package that left Iowa 8 days ago. It got caught in the storms. I also have a shipment that was last seen in Colorado on the 15th. It made it to Jacksonville, FL 30 minutes ago by UPS. I should see it on Monday. It hit Texas during their shutdown.

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Updated tracking info on the shipment:

Estimated Delivery Date: Friday, 02/26/2021

Hey, what's another day of delay?? least this is giving me time to work on the code.


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Geesh. and I was gearing up to hear my gs was on its way.  Thanks for the update Sid.

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I have to admit this mess of delays is comically ridiculous.  All the more reasons to get a significant amount of U.S. stock...which of course requires a large up-front cost to purchase the inverters...yes, nobody said business was easy.

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*laughs* Yep, that's so, so true. I miss the good old days when I was doing 300+K in sales a year, but dang, all the work I had to do to keep the business running smooth, all those hours!!!!


Oh well.  I'm surprise Sean didn't look for investors to help fund the first stock of GS, that would have solve a bunch of issue and as well he could have order the GS inverts before announcing them to the public and already had them on hand to send out the door.  But, that's a risky chance, though, if he had proof and all that to show investors, he would have most likely had a higher chance of getting the funds needed.  If I was still running my biz, I would most likely would have been willing to invest.


Since I did invest in several other company's to get started off the ground.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Oh well. I'm surprise Sean didn't look for investors to help fund the first stock of GS, that would have solve a bunch of issue and as well he could have order the GS inverts before announcing them to the public and already had them on hand to send out the door. But, that's a risky chance, though, if he had proof and all that to show investors, he would have most likely had a higher chance of getting the funds needed. If I was still running my biz, I would most likely would have been willing to invest.

I don't know much about business other than that you need to at least make a profit in order to succeed...but if investors fund the company, don't they then own a stake in the company?  It would be a great idea, but I'm sure it'd take a lot longer than the just over 1 year it's taken us to go from no ideas to a (soon to be) completely new product...

We're probably doing business things all wrong, but once we get a first prototype in hand and tested, we get the issues fixed up and do a production run.  Really risky, but so far...well, we still haven't gotten them yet, but I think it'll turn out OK.  My "1 prototype, let's do production" methodology must drive the factory boss nuts...

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Updated tracking info on the shipment:

Sid, I have a package coming from Iowa. It took 8 days to get from Iowa to Miami. Now getting it from Miami to here is another story. It has already taken 5 days and is still 30 miles away after being miss sent from two Post Office twice. The first one I have no idea how many miles it went to leave and get back. But the second one has already added 60 miles to it. And will add another 30 miles ( or more ) to get to the right PO.  I have seen them go past a PO, turn around and go 100 miles North, and then head back to the first PO before getting sent here.

And even better, the Treasury Dept sent a letter dated Feb 1, 2021. It arrived Feb 23, and was about the second virus stimulus saying a check would be arriving within 7 days. The check was deposited Jan 8th.  Mom got her copy of the same letter two weeks ago and was mailed from the same place and to the same address. Her check also went in the bank the 8th.

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