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GS 6K Inverter Shipping update.

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1 hour ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

Bill of lading indicates 3 pallets, with 2 of them each weighing over 800lbs.  Those would have to be some strong dudes ;-).


One inverter at a time? They only what 60Lb?  use a hand truck.  Sean got the army of kids that could help 😛  Oh well.   So if each pallet is 800Lb that means there is about 13 inverters per pallet, sounds like he might got around 30 inverts.

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8 hours ago, The Blind Wolf said:

One inverter at a time? They only what 60Lb?  use a hand truck.  Sean got the army of kids that could help 😛  Oh well.   So if each pallet is 800Lb that means there is about 13 inverters per pallet, sounds like he might got around 30 inverts.

15 per pallet, X 2 = 30 plus third pallet with 10 = 40. So my guess is 40.

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8 hours ago, Waterman said:

15 per pallet, X 2 = 30 plus third pallet with 10 = 40. So my guess is 40.

It should be 25 inverters for the first shipment.  There's a fair chance they might have other items in the shipment that I'm not aware of.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
It should be 25 inverters for the first shipment. There's a fair chance they might have other items in the shipment that I'm not aware of.

😛 I was closes.  Now if we can get them to get off of there lazy bums and deliver the blasted things.  I got Batts, just sitting not doing a dang thing but, sitting there.  No way to suck the power out of them, well unless I dead short them. . . But, I'm not going to try that, already had the plesure of shorting out 18650, and nearly had a bomb while taking it apart as fast as I could and ended up burning my fi ngers while doing it.  No fun.

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Well??  Did it!! Come in!!!.  *Turning a bit purple in the face.*

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Humph.  Remember the 2-star reviews.

They weren't lying.

Maybe I can convince Sean to hang up his phone for a whole day and spend 5-6 hours doing what the shipping company was paid to do...driving out to the warehouse (assuming they will let us do that) and pick up the order himself.  Assuming he wants to bench-press 1,800lbs of inverters.  Not like you can get an army of help into a pickup during business hours...or effectively use a loading dock with a pickup.

Even Mr. Jack is surprised about how bad the shipping company is. 

They told me Monday that they'd be calling Tuesday to schedule a delivery appointment Wednesday.

They never called.  Not even to say that "shipment is delayed due to other circumstances."


I give Frontline Freight a firm D-.

I won't give them an F.  They don't need to be "forced" to take this class again.

It's almost taken this shipment longer to transit the continental U.S., than it did to get all the way from the manufacturing dock in China, then by ocean freighter to the California port, through customs, and then to the warehouse in California...all thanks to the hands of this company.

They have 3 "testimonials" on their website.  That's probably the only ones they could find in their 29 years of business.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Humph. Remember the 2-star reviews.

Really makes me want to send them a nice gift, and hope they forget to get it out the door while its 100F inside.  Would be one smelly thing.  I would also make sure it snet to their addy with no return label lol.


*sigh*  Well, if our Lame leader in office pass this other bill, just means more batts and solar panels for me to throw up.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Humph. Remember the 2-star reviews.

Ans 2 of them are 1 star ratings. They say they can ship from CA to MI in 6 days. It looks more like they mean 6 weeks.

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So Sean called 'em again this morning.  From what I understand, he was told that the pallets are "loaded on a truck, but we don't ship the truck until it is full."  And no, they won't unload the truck to let you get the order yourself and cut the delays.

Am I surprised?

Not after reading 400 1-star reviews.


They're supposed to call him today with dispatch info.

Do I believe them?


Not at all.


"Frontline Freight.  That's how we roll ®"


Assuming that they fall through again, Sean may be able to convince them slowpokes to let him pick up the load at the warehouse.  But the earliest that could be would be Monday.

Future inverter orders will be through a local logistics company.  Might cost a bit more.  But we will get considerably better service.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
So Sean called 'em again this morning. From what I understand, he was told that the pallets are "loaded on a truck, but we don't ship the truck until it is full." And no, they won't unload the truck to let you get the order yourself and cut the delays.

Did they find enough dog bones to fill up that small, small box truck, I mean three pallets is more then a 18 1/2 footer box truck can take, and a 24 footer can take 4, unless you go side by side, then you are chancing on over loading and balance issues. I got one of thos 24 footers too with lift gate 😛    Maybe I need to send the 24footer box truck to Sean, I'll sell it for 5k,  the box been repanelled, with insulation and has a heman lift gate, also I put in a back up camra on it as well as air horns, its a 1988 International.  No CDL needed as long as you don't go over 26k.

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Tracking does not indicate any update.

Manufacturer checked in with 'em last night, and assured us they'd be delivered today.

Still don't believe it.  Sean says that if they don't feel like doing anything, he'll see if he can pick them up himself.  But if they won't allow that, we're still stuck.

Frontline Freight.  How about I rebrand you for what you are, "Backline Freight"??


I'm so sorry for this mess.  We're in talks with a local shipping company that was highly recommended to me by a family member (who used to make a living via importing goods with their services)...they won't be giving us the silent runaround and lying at every corner.  Might cost a bit more--but right now any cost savings aren't making a hill of a beans' difference.


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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Tracking does not indicate any update.

Seem like they could be tooken to a small claim court for all the lieing and damage they are doing to sean business.

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Talking with the new shipping sounds like the "LCL" (less than container load) shipment companies often behave this way.  Which is sad. 

We're at their mercy it seems.  I sure hope this goes through.  Lousy service does make it quite a bit harder for us to make a successful business.  Last time they'll ever get any business for us, that's for sure.

They were supposed to call today "30 minutes before the driver shows up."  2 hours 'till business day ends...and I frankly will be surprised if they actually deliver.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Talking with the new shipping sounds like the "LCL" (less than container load) shipment companies often behave this way. Which is sad.

LCL means  Less than CarLoad and was derived from railroad use long before there were TOFC or COFC loads. When items were shipped in boxcars or baggage cars. Railroad Express Agency was the LCL shipper to deal with back in the good old days as they picked up or you could deliver to them, transferred to a railroad at one of their locations ( near a passenger station ) into a REA car ( usually dispatched on a passenger train ), and either delivered or made available at the nearest REA terminal. They often had 3 or 4 day delivery times across the nation. REA went out of business in 1975 partly due to companies like UPS and the fact that the nation's railroads had mostly dropped passenger trains. Amtrak carried freight for a while but also dropped it and mail movement.

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Another update...Frontline Freight just updated the shipment to "delivered."

<img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="134" data-ratio="68.33" style="width:300px;height:auto;" width="568" alt="image.png.501b4af27e900a8e81e8d8fd7e211080.png" data-src="/monthly_2021_03/image.png.501b4af27e900a8e81e8d8fd7e211080.png" src="/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />

Only they never called to notify that the delivery was coming.  Nor did anyone knock at the door.

Nor is there 1,800lbs of inverters anywhere on the property.

Really suspicious that "arrival time" and "departure time" are both exactly the same: 7:59 PM.  It takes over 2 hours one way to get from the warehouse to Sean's place.

Looks like we're getting strung along some more...

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