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GS 6K Inverter Shipping update.

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20 minutes ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

Another update...Frontline Freight just updated the shipment to "delivered."

<a href="/monthly_2021_03/image.png.501b4af27e900a8e81e8d8fd7e211080.png" title="Enlarge image" data-fileid="134" data-fileext="png" rel=""><img alt="image.png.501b4af27e900a8e81e8d8fd7e211080.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="134" data-ratio="68.33" style="width:300px;height:auto;" width="568" data-src="//" src="/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />

Only they never called to notify that the delivery was coming.  Nor did anyone knock at the door.

Nor is there 1,800lbs of inverters anywhere on the property.

Really suspicious that "arrival time" and "departure time" are both exactly the same: 7:59 PM.  It takes over 2 hours one way to get from the warehouse to Sean's place.

Looks like we're getting strung along some more...

Did Sean pick them up himself? That would explain the same times.

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10 hours ago, Waterman said:

Did Sean pick them up himself?

No.  I messaged him when I noticed the tracking indicated "Delivered"...he was at home and hadn't heard a peep.  He went outside to look: no pallets sitting in the front yard.  No promised phone call from the dispatcher.  Nobody heard a truck.  Just nothing. 

So now we have another can of worms, "We delivered the shipment."  "No you didn't, where is it?"

Yeah, if we could fire these dudes, we would.

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2 hours ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

No.  I messaged him when I noticed the tracking indicated "Delivered"...he was at home and hadn't heard a peep.  He went outside to look: no pallets sitting in the front yard.  No promised phone call from the dispatcher.  Nobody heard a truck.  Just nothing. 

So now we have another can of worms, "We delivered the shipment."  "No you didn't, where is it?"

Yeah, if we could fire these dudes, we would.

Just wow, this is the longest Item I've ever had to wait for.  Now since they said it was delivere4d and it wasn't they could be held liable for grand theif if they don't cough up the shippment monday.  You just don't lose  over 2k in weight in less then a minute.  Unless, for some reaosn its on its way, but won't be delivered until monday, and they had to scann the packages before it left the dock, but that would be a stupid way of doing tracking.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Just wow, this is the longest Item I've ever had to wait for. Now since they said it was delivere4d and it wasn't they could be held liable for grand theif if they don't cough up the shippment monday. You just don't lose over 2k in weight in less then a minute. Unless, for some reaosn its on its way, but won't be delivered until monday, and they had to scann the packages before it left the dock, but that would be a stupid way of doing tracking.

Actually, that is how some shipments are done. When they load them on the truck, if they are at the front then they might be scanned a day ahead so that they can load the rest of the truck.  That would also mean that Sean might be the last drop and the furthermost from the terminal.

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So I can chime in here.

We will be on the phone monday as soon as they open to get this sorted out. I talked to them on the phone thursday and they had told me that it was scheduled for actual delivery on friday. I had the option to go pick them up if I wanted but since they assured me they would be delivered friday, and I cant fit 3 palets of stock in the back of my truck I decided to go ahead with their word and wait. And tricked I was. No inverters, just something saying they were delivered.

There will be hell to pay for sure and the good news is that Sid and I are working on better shipping

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Thanks for the update @sean-genetry-solar , hope you have less trouble with shipping going forward.

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And the Next part of this saga story is?  Waiting. . . Waiting. . . . Sean. . . Did they come up with a new excuse? ? ?

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
And the Next part of this saga story is? Waiting. . . Waiting. . . . Sean. . . Did they come up with a new excuse? ? ?

You bet they did.  "The shipment has been handed over to one of our partner carriers for your remote location, they should call you by 3 PM today to schedule a delivery 24 hours later."  But didn't say who it was.

Neither of us believe a word they said.  Especially when they blamed the long shipping time on the "nationwide weather conditions earlier last month"--when the issue isn't how long it took to transit the U.S. by rail, but rather the nearly 2 weeks it's sat in their Detroit warehouse.

I suppose our problem is trying to give them any sort of trust that they actually will do what they have been paid to do.

Sean decided to wait until 3 PM--pretty much counting on them having given us a lot more B.S. this morning--he will call them and demand access to pick up the shipment himself.  We just keep hoping that they will actually do what they're supposed to do...but so far............

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Its sad that the idiot Goverment is doing things faster then they are shipping things.. . . I'm almost betting that I'll get my $1400 check before the GS inverts even show up at my house due to them.

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UPDATE: After Sean called Backline Freight this morning on a 3-way call (yes I'm a hostile witness 😉) seems that enough buttons were pushed that things started moving.

Sean actually got a call from the final-mile carrier around 3 PM today (right before the "deadline" the Backline Freight lady gave this morning) to schedule the shipment delivery.  Turns out that they hadn't been informed of the residential delivery liftgate requirement....they also reportedly were not very fond of Backline Freight.  Which figures, alright.  I mean, I understand that weather caused shipping delays.  But that's no reason for the shipment to get all the way to a warehouse and sit for almost 2 weeks--and all the meanwhile Backline gives empty promises of delivery.

At least the shipment of inverters appears to be in someone else's hands.  Unfortunately their delivery estimate was pretty vague, "between 9 and 5 tomorrow"...but there's a glimmer of hope that maybe this saga will actually end tomorrow?

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Oh Joy, Happy, Hpaay, Joy, Joy, no I can go watch my Ren and Stimpy show. . .

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Geesh, I hate not able to edit. Will start to make sure I spell check things, takes more time :P.


Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!!  Now off to watch my Ren and Stimpy Show and Pinky and the Brain!!!.

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So they are out of the hands of Backwards Freight and into the hands of Larry, Moe and Curly Freight Company who can't read.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
UPDATE: After Sean called Backline Freight this morning on a 3-way call (yes I'm a hostile witness 😉) seems that enough buttons were pushed that things started moving.

Hey, I had mail not move for a week at times. We don't get customer service anymore.

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As the Saga unfolds, we wait, and see, and wait, and is that the sound of a motor coming down the road?  Maybe?  Can It be?  Shukes, it was a tractor going by Sean drive way.

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