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GS 6K Inverter Shipping update.

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Do you have any spare 36v inverters in the shipment that arrived there? And if not, can I acquire one with faster shipping?

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6 hours ago, Kbeck said:

Do you have any spare 36v inverters in the shipment that arrived there? And if not, can I acquire one with faster shipping?

The Inverts come not config for any voltage when Sean gets them, however, as far as I know in the shippment there is is none for grab, unless somebody switching to the second shipment which should come in fingers crossed by the end of this month.


I would say put in your order reguardless and when one is up for grab you will be in line for a 36v inverter.


I order two inverts and been waiting since October for this shippment thanks to slow front line freight makeing it even longer.

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9 hours ago, Kbeck said:

Do you have any spare 36v inverters in the shipment that arrived there? And if not, can I acquire one with faster shipping?

You would have to call Sean about this.

Unfortunately, no, faster shipping is not an option right now.  Factory has shipped all the inverters we ordered.


2 hours ago, The Blind Wolf said:

The Inverts come not config for any voltage when Sean gets them, however, as far as I know in the shippment there is is none for grab, unless somebody switching to the second shipment which should come in fingers crossed by the end of this month.

Correct, the inverters are configured for the desired voltage upon arrival to Sean's place.  <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="/profile/36-kbeck/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="36" href="/profile/36-kbeck/" rel="">@KbeckYou would have to call Sean to check and see if there's any available as a result of customers wanting to switch to a 2nd revision inverter.

Current expected PORT ARRIVAL (not delivery to Sean's) for the 2nd shipment is March 21st.  Really not that far away.  We don't know how long it will take to clear customs (2 days? week?), but after that, they're going to ship to Sean via UPS (figure a week to be on the safe side)

All future shipments will be handled by our logistics company.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
You would have to call Sean about this.

I've sent Sean a PM on it.

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I don't believe in aliens waterman

my wife and son took that picture

I have a lot more interesting ones than that though lots of strange stuff is seen by those that look up lol

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Well as of the 30th, mine was in Maummee, Ohio. Holy Toledo!!!!!!!!!!!🤣

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Well that is good I guess.  Mine is probley still on Sean Bench being treated like a battery not included movie show.




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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Well that is good I guess. Mine is probley still on Sean Bench being treated like a battery not included movie show.

He had to get the oddball out of there so it didn't get mixed up with everyone else's 48 Volt units.😜

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Well, I don't think so, there are 36V units, so its not much of a diff, just a tad less amps.  So far still not heard a word, I'm kind of wondering if mine got smoked lol more then once.  I'll probley be the last one to get my invert.  😛

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Haven't heard anything today, so I'm really not sure--but I've been really busy with more personal things lately, so I haven't pressed ;-). 

We have come across some QC issues with the control boards--still trying to figure out whether they are manufacturing faults, defective parts, or something that happened on the bench.  Admittedly, that's what we get for not providing Power Jack the CPU code to the GS inverters--they can't test the inverters before shipping them out. 

Nothing we can't fix; the GS LF Control board is so simple, it's pretty easy to replace parts if needed.

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Geesh, well at least we finding the bugs before they go out.  Is it only on the 24v system that this is popping up?  I'm sure he got spare boards.  Of course I know he wants to make sure it can handle what I'll be throwing at it, mainly the master going to low watts to max then the slave kicking on is going to put it to the test.

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Also I not sure if you answer this, but, is there a way to have the master and slave work together like one unit, splitting the load?  Like If I'm pulling 3k one invert doing 1.5k and the other doing the same?

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1 minute ago, The Blind Wolf said:

Geesh, well at least we finding the bugs before they go out.  Is it only on the 24v system that this is popping up?  I'm sure he got spare boards.  Of course I know he wants to make sure it can handle what I'll be throwing at it, mainly the master going to low watts to max then the slave kicking on is going to put it to the test.

We've put thousands of hours on the boards we've had (collectively over 10,000 hours of functionality on the Rev A.1 boards) the design is sound.  Just the startup hiccups of getting a reliable supply chain.  Nothing we can't fix though.

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1 minute ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

We've put thousands of hours on the boards we've had (collectively over 10,000 hours of functionality on the Rev A.1 boards) the design is sound.  Just the startup hiccups of getting a reliable supply chain.  Nothing we can't fix though.

I thought the Control boards came from them though?, even without the code the board should be the same as always.  Or is this a custom board you order from another company?

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1 minute ago, The Blind Wolf said:

Also I not sure if you answer this, but, is there a way to have the master and slave work together like one unit, splitting the load?  Like If I'm pulling 3k one invert doing 1.5k and the other doing the same?

Can't guarantee that--most other manufacturers accomplish this with an expensive proprietary "parallel" cable...which we have ditched. 

It is POSSIBLE that we'll be able to set the configuration up just right so the paralleled inverters equally share the loads...but more far more likely in practice that one unit will take most of the load--until it starts to throttle back slightly, then the other one will pick up the slack.  (Voltage drop in the wires to the breaker panel likely will figure quite prominently in this function!)

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