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Advice, 36V or 48V?

47 Posts
7 Users
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Also, considering that I be lucky to even push the second inverter more then 10 mins, unless I'm drying cloths and washing cloths then the hot water kicks on I would be pushing nearly 11k  Of course if I do what I do now, I can just wash cloths wait for the hotwater to get done then switch on the drier, that would keep it basicly under 6k running my house.  Unless I run the microwave or something like that, but thats only for either a few seconds or a few mins.


I idle around 600 watts at the moments.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
I personaly don't like the idea of going over 24v, as I know what 12v feels like getting sap and 24v is pushing it.

You should be fine at's a low enough wattage it should be alright.

Don't bother with 36v if you'd have to do a heap of work to get there.

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