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Status of Bench Testing of GS inverts.

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Posted by: @inphase
Oh, I just figured you worked as an engineer at a firm somewhere or had your own shingle out. Is the McMansion building a full time gig, or is it just to keeps the bills paid between gigs? I personally am very ADD/ADHD and can't hold a job working for someone else. Not very long anyway. So I've been self employed for going on 20 years.

I don't have a dime's worth of education, so I certainly wouldn't qualify for a firm of sorts.  Never held a formal far anyway.  Music was the first sizeable source of income...then on to helping local contractors on bigger jobs...and maybe once this electrical engineering stuff gets going well enough, I'll be "properly" self-employed. 

No lack of projects to work on, just need to convert them into saleable products, then all should be good.

McMansion has been pretty much full-time for going on a full year in about a month's time.  Definitely don't want to make a career in construction...

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Here, in Australia, being able to demonstrate what you can do carries a lot of weight.  Degrees etc all count but to be able to walk into an interview for an engineering role and point to the control board in the Genetry inverter and say "I did the design, layout and firmware for it", is a powerful thing and could land you in the job rather than the freshly minted university qualified engineer with nothing to show that they not only have a piece of paper, but can apply the knowledge too.

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What a degree really signifies is that you can sit quietly for years and do what you're told. Unfortunately, most states in the U.S. require some kind of school work in order to offer engineering services. But, a company could certainly employee someone in an engineering role without a degree.

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5 hours ago, InPhase said:

What a degree really signifies is that you can sit quietly for years and do what you're told. Unfortunately, most states in the U.S. require some kind of school work in order to offer engineering services. But, a company could certainly employee someone in an engineering role without a degree.

Sad but true. The school of hard knocks is looked down on while people with worthless degrees would get a job first. I'm not one that can sit quietly by and listen to a college instructor be wrong. So I stopped after having an Associates Degree. Applied for a job as soon as I had it and got turned down as they said I would not stay in the job long because I had it. Applied across the street from them and got a letter turning me down. And a phone call about 15 minutes later asking if I had received the letter and to ignore it and show up in the morning. I worked there for 8.5 years and it wasn't even in the field that my degree was in, although I was warned that the State could reassign me to one I did have it in at any time. Working with some who even have PhDs makes one wonder about what kind of schools some of them came out of. Sid should look into working for one of the local government jobs as if you can put up with some of the bureaucracy, it can pay off in the end at retirement. Being a roofer is one of the top ten jobs in the US in the way of danger.

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I've done enough roofing to know that it sucks. Besides, I'm not much of a drunk, so I'd never fit in anyway.

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8 hours ago, Waterman said:

Being a roofer is one of the top ten jobs in the US in the way of danger.

For sure.  Not saying that I like roofing--'cause I don't like it at all--but I'm old-school, and believe in working for my wages, not whining at the government for a handout.  If that's what it takes to pay the bills, that's what I'll do.


8 hours ago, Waterman said:

Sid should look into working for one of the local government jobs as if you can put up with some of the bureaucracy, it can pay off in the end at retirement.

Can't stand pork for breakfast, lunch and dinner... 🤪


8 hours ago, Waterman said:

Working with some who even have PhDs makes one wonder about what kind of schools some of them came out of.

How about a college where the engineering department's JTAG programmer required a parallel port, and they'd last used it 2 decades ago?  I won't mention that JTAG is an industry standard programming method...and the professors don't even use it?

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Can't stand pork for breakfast, lunch and dinner... 🤪

Now that is funny.

Professors/PhD holders sometimes make you wonder if the reason they wear slip on shoes is because they are too dumb to tie shoe strings. I have met PhDs from the same school that were on opposite ends of the spectrum. One as sharp as a tack and the other dumber than a brick. But yet both had degrees.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Can't stand pork for breakfast, lunch and dinner... 🤪

I would rather hustle a bit finding work, but as you get older the karma pays off.  Your genuinely a good person people can tell I am sure you do good work on the jobs you take too.

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Posted by: @inphase
I've done enough roofing to know that it sucks. Besides, I'm not much of a drunk, so I'd never fit in anyway.

I don't drink so if I feel off the roof, it would be my own fault.🙄 Most of the times when I had to do roofing work also happened to be on the hottest day of the year. Filling an A/C pan with hot tar in the middle of the summer in Florida is brutal. even when you are used to playing volleyball on the lunch time.

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Posted by: @inphase
If I were a shady corporate inverter manufacturer, I would find the narrow region where both of those quantities are optimum and use that as my efficiency statement. And if I were a shady Chinese government sponsored manufacturer, I would completely make up a wattage for a substandard inverter and then claim it was 99.99% efficient at 210% load.

You guys crack me up sometimes!

MY Powerjack 15kw will do 15kw!  They wouldn't lie!  I completely and 100% believe everything written in their manual with the cute girls on the front!  You couldn't put cute girls on it if it was a lie, could you?

And now I have to put a diaper on my face and go get an experimental dna-changing mRna drug injected because an actor playing a doctor in a commercial on tv said it was safe and effective.

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Sir, doubting something the talking head on CNN said about the virus makes you a racist. And there's two things I don't tolerate around me:

1) Racists 

2) The Irish





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Posted by: @inphase
Sir, doubting something the talking head on CNN said about the virus makes you a racist. And there's two things I don't tolerate around me:

Dem's fighting words dere Mick.

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Pretty sure what @inphase wrote was in sideways jest...

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Well, I've been busy relearing everything about Linux, and on it full time.  Only have a few issue, that I'm looking into is turning off my touch screen on this computer, as it keeps throwing my screen reader for a loop at times.  and none of the tips I've looked at has worked.


Also, I'm just keeping my mouth shut, as far as waiting for some postive news on my inverters.


I see that Sid says he is off today and tomorrow, so maybe I'll get a surprise. . .  I am already eyeing the 12k inverters in about a year from now, will be strickly used to charge my eletric car or truck only.  I need it to be water proof. . .  Like the IP 69 rating I think it is. 😛

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<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="/profile/3-the-blind-wolf/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="3" href="/profile/3-the-blind-wolf/" rel="">@The Blind WolfLearned yesterday that I'm basically done on the McMansion project (all the big stuff done, now it's just finishing touches/small stuff), so all the more time to software/inverters.

2nd shipment of inverters is in, I'm certain we can swap yours for the new ones with updated output terminals.

I'm working on code stuff right now for a large commercial order...hopefully later today I can get to the parallel/daisy code and get that stuff working so you can at long last get your inverters.

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