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5 hours ago, deeezz said:
Uhm, can you update it again? sometimes a firmware can act odd when install, if you can still update again, I try that and see what happen. If not Sid will know what to do.
Right now I think Sid is at a Wedding from a previous post he did.
Also while thinking about it, if you got breakers, turn them off to isolat anything going to the GS same for if you got charging hooked up to it.
I have tried turning off everything. I left the main breaker to the inverter off for 15 minutes and still the same. Its not letting me update again so far. The inverter connects to wifi but just says Update: (waiting...) .
I have tried turning off everything. I left the main breaker to the inverter off for 15 minutes and still the same. Its not letting me update again so far. The inverter connects to wifi but just says Update: (waiting...) .
well Sid will know what to do when he gets back. at least its connecting to wifi and trying to update. so maybe sid can push something to it.
Just got back...
Ugh. So power cycling it always comes back to "Err: Xformer Volt"? (This error basically means that the regulator hit full throttle without measuring the configured output voltage)
I'm afraid I know exactly what happened. Your WiFi board was set to the "Debug" channel (which is why it comes back to "Waiting"). And unfortunately in your case, I use that channel for testing experimental firmware on bench inverters. And doubly unfortunately, I spent all yesterday making MAJOR changes to voltage/feedback/regulation code (prep for Rev. C control boards)...and had not had a chance to test the updated code on a Rev. A.1 control board.
SORRY! This was kinda bound to happen, but...oops!
I need to revise the WiFi board code so if set to DEBUG channel, a power cycle will revert it back to Revision/Minor/Major. Likely, it was on the Debug channel when it was shipped.
I'll PM you and get on the phone with you tomorrow at some point (if you're available), and push you the latest "good" before my latest round of breaking features...!
Thank you Sid that seamed to do the trick. The inverter is up and running again. I did have another question about the charge feature. IL1 and IL2 were hooked up correctly. The solder points that you were explaining to me is what is in question to me it looks like they are all soldered closed here is a pic of the board. Please check it out when you have time. Thank you again.
OK, it's already set to 240v. If all 3 were shorted, it'd have blown something out and/or failed to turn on, as L2 would be shorted to N (the L2 circuit shorted out).
Glad to hear it's running and working. Mistakes happen, but at least we were able to get it all sorted out.
Enjoy the oscilloscope feature BTW 😉