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Getting GS inverters out as fast as I can

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2 minutes ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

There is no way around adjusting the frequency for the inverters to communicate...without redesigning the control board and figuring out a complicated feedback/load sharing cable.  Most modern appliances could care less about frequency shift...though some older devices with a clock probably won't keep good time.

A possible immediate solution would be to set both inverters up for 120v single-phase (50A), and run them in split-phase sync for 240v (one inverter per phase).  No frequency shift, and it will work right now.  "Master" inverter could run 120v charge...and incidentally, the "slave" inverter will provide the other phase.  (Which poses a bit of a problem for battery charge if the generator can't offset the total system's kinda hard to fill something up if it's being drained faster than it is filled.)

Way not have both well never mind you can't do both on charge mode, cause the dang slave is useing the input. geesh. too bad  you can't use like hummmm, the l2 on the slave output to conenct to the l2 input on the master as a hey bump up the power now. . . not sure if that is possble.  sort of like a sense wire.


that would leave the l1 and N for the gen to work at 120, and the l2 to be a sense line.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Way not have both well never mind you can't do both on charge mode, cause the dang slave is useing the input. geesh. too bad you can't use like hummmm, the l2 on the slave output to conenct to the l2 input on the master as a hey bump up the power now. . . not sure if that is possble. sort of like a sense wire.

This is not possible, as the output terminals cannot be separately controlled.  Output terminals basically directly connect to the transformer secondary, that's it.

Sounded like you only had a 4500W generator anyhow, which one inverter could handle.


Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Which is a drier, stove. Are you still making them both work at the same time shareing the loads? or still only haveing one handle all the load until it hits a wall? Seems if both are shareing then that would handle the power requirment more easier then just one doing all the work then begging to the slave to help me, help me.

Yes, the goal is to loadshare roughly 50%.  It wouldn't be possible to have the master take 100% of the load and then "call for help" with bigger loads--as then the wiring on the master inverter would have to handle the full 12kw potential output load.  Which it isn't rated for.

Currently, the "master" inverter provides a frequency droop that's proportional to the load percentage--and the "slave" inverter(s) respond by trying to output that same percentage of their power rating.  Bit of a dance as they find a balance point.

Originally was trying to use load-caused voltage drop as the "pony up the power" signal, but that only works if there's 20-30 feet of wire between the inverters to lose power in.

The issue I just ran into is that the CPU charge current sensor only works on one phase.  WiFi board can see total output power, but it only samples power 3x/second.  So....let's see what I can do...

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So that means on the Rev 3 board you going to have two phase sensing on the cpu I take it?  If I didn't have to cut wires and stuff to upgrade that darn PJ 8k I got, I would upgrade it to a 24v with gs board and wifi, but when sean sent me that split phase board, and I leisten to the video on what to do, I kind of chicken out, since well, there were things I didn't understand int he vid cause he didn't explai n it all and never would respone to emails or calls to ask for certin things, so I got a board split phase sitting in a box doing nothing. . . don't even know if its a gs board or a pj board, I think it is a pj board that has split phase cause the pj I got don't have true split phase, but after watching several vids on you tube as of the last two weeks, folks are taking those inverts and getting a auto transformer and turing them into split phase with out een haveing to open up the inverter.  If I could figure out what auto trans they useing I might do that to my pj.

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Pretty sad, I think i spent $200 bucks for that blasted board, that I can't do anything with.   Anybody need one?

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4 minutes ago, The Blind Wolf said:

So that means on the Rev 3 board you going to have two phase sensing on the cpu I take it?

Not sure.  Considering the option, but it would probably be a different sensing method.

For now I'll have to have the WiFi board tell the CPU how much power it sees...and hope that works.

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Not sure. Considering the option, but it would probably be a different sensing method.

Uhm, one thing, might want to have sean unhook the wifi board during operation to make sure the gs invert go into fail safe. . . just in case lol. . .  How long before we get the results back on the test run of the code?  or are you still codeing more on it?

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If the WiFi board comm is lost, the inverter will go into error mode within a few seconds.  That's standard procedure.

Also, the CPU will have a fallback to what the inverter measures (on L1) if the WiFi board does not report output power.

Worst case, if power is backfed, the master inverter will try to GTM throttle the slave down--and if that fails, it will shut down.

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Working on implementing the functionality now.  But kinda hard to update the house inverter when it's running a heat pump to warm things up a bit in here...

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Working on implementing the functionality now. But kinda hard to update the house inverter when it's running a heat pump to warm things up a bit in here...

Its that cold up there??  Just put on more cloths lol. . .

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Was 45 degrees last night...says it's up to 67 right now...

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Was 45 degrees last night...says it's up to 67 right now...

Oy, thats hot. . .   I mean it gets that low here after a rain storm and I never ever turn on the heat. only time heat ever gets turned on if its goes into the 20's. . . 😛  You in a house or a trailer?

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Fahrenheit, not Celsius.  We've got all the way to 100F to get to this summer...

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Fahrenheit, not Celsius. We've got all the way to 100F to get to this summer...

Uhm, I don't do Metric, bla, having to learn it with this darn 3d printing stuff.  9.2: =0.235mm  anyhow. I ment 20f.  46f is still hot to me, I could run in the woods in my birthday suit at that temp.  as long as it didn't rain lol. . .  75f ouside is too hot for me lol.  I like it just at 71f. . .

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Sounds like a you're a true blooded Indian...which I then by deduction conclusively am not... 😉

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Smoken Peace Pipe, makes one Strong and brave. I'll see you over the mountain I'll see you there. . .

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