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Split Hairs and yet no washing cloths yet again.

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I think I found a bug?  I'm washing dishes on one of the split phase slave, and then I try running my washer and well, trust me its not running, when its spitting water then jerk, then spit water, then jerk over and over while trying to fill up, and I took and throw it on grid it works fine. so Uhm, Sid.  Help?

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The washer is on the Master, my battery bank is 86% full. .

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I check the voltage when I plug the washer in and it showing 119V and not flickering far as I know, cause my meter ain't resaying the voltage if that was the case, but the wash sure hell don't like that master at all.

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Unless the slave input N supposed to connect to the input N on the master?  I got Output N and L1 going to slave E and N input.  Though I don't think it would make much differance, I got the second L1 going to slave while the washer is running off of the first double wire l1.

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We'll sort this out over PM.  Your washing machine seems to be a very particular machine; I have a very hard time believing it would run on a PJ inverter without complaints.  Only thing left I can think of would be that it's complaining about 0.3Hz off on the AC output--which is highly unlikely.  Or a grounding issue, if it's concerned with that...

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I   can never  run my  PJ  inverters  on washing machine  .   The  washing machine  cause  a huge  ac spike  and  surge  to the inverter .    Strange  my 12v  AS4L  8000 watt PJ inverter  will  start  a  5 hp commpressor   wired directly   240 vac  .    

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Well my PJ 12v 8k had no issue doing what I'm doing to the two GS.  All I know the washer is clicking ona nd off as if the power is turning on and off, yet the meter shows that it staying normal, only thing I can think of is that the slave has not been calbrated and while its running the dish washer its cause the master to get confused because the phase is off.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
only thing I can think of is that the slave has not been calbrated and while its running the dish washer its cause the master to get confused because the phase is off.

Not possible.  Washing machine connected to the master inverter...there is NO power transfer between the master and slave inverters in a split-sync setup.  The slave inverter is using the connections to the master inverter solely for a sync signal.  With the current wiring/system setup, the "master" inverter is completely and totally blind to the existence of the slave inverter.

I really have no idea why your washing machine will happily run on a PJ inverter--which has terrible voltage regulation by comparison (3v steps), complete with constant regulation oscillations...but is complaining with a GS inverter (~0.15v steps), which is capable of holding a perfectly stable AC output (with a stable load).  If it's complaining about a not-so-perfect sine wave, a PJ inverter will start to flatten out WAY sooner than a GS inverter, due to the transformer specifications.

The only possibility then could be AC output frequency.  Again, if it's going to throw a tantrum at less than 0.5Hz difference--goodness sakes, I don't know what to say.  We obviously can calibrate the GS inverter's AC output frequency, but...

What is your washing machine's make/model?  Maybe there's a clue in the manual.

Like I've said: I have a Maytag Bravos XL washing machine--a direct drive HE washer.  Never had a drop of trouble with it on my GS house inverter.

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all I know its a maytag, I bought it about 4 or 5 years ago.  I did yesturday get it to stop clicking on and off, and then started filling up like it should, but then while it was going back and forth washing the motor kept getting louder and louder, so I just unplugged it, I don't want my washing to  kill over.

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while it was filling up it did act like the power went off then back on real quick. I'm not sure.  I would have to video with you and you locate the model tag.

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Was the master inverter in charge mode while you were running the washer?

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"The Washing Machine from Planet 9!"

This is getting interesting!  When you guys figure it out, please detail what happened here for the rest of us.

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Okay, I try it with the slave, well, it having the same issue, plug the washer to the gird runs normal smooth and no issue.   So basicly for some odd reason my washer will not run on those gs inverter. . .   I must got one odd ball washer to hate what ever is going on, to make it click ona nd off over and over, then work for a few mins then stop and not want to do anything, just like now, I had the slave empty the tub, then while it was doing the clicking on and off, on and off, finally got it to start filling the tub, then it got so far and just stop, woudn't finish filling up the tub at all, waited five mins and nothing, so unplug then plug into wall and it started filling the rest of the way and started washing with out no histation or makeing the motor get louder and louder and louder.  Beats me, I don't know, all I know is its not working on the inverters, and filling up the tub should only take 13watts? geesh.

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No never ran the washer while in charging mode, it would probley trip the breaker, which it does every time I click the smart switch into on to start the charge I have to go to breaker and trip it back to get it to start up. 

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Would not having the grounding wire on the hard wire going to the one outlet be a issue? should I wire it in with the N?  also the cord I got going to the master to charge I don't have the ground wire hooked up either.  Just the two wires.

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