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Split Hairs and yet no washing cloths yet again.

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I have no idea what the washing machine is complaining about.  The part that stymies me is that it reportedly runs fine on a PJ inverter.  There has to be some really weird problem causing it to go haywire...and it could maybe be grounding.

Maybe try connecting the ground wire from your outlet to the inverter chassis (there's a screw for that purpose near the output terminal block).

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Did that, now the dang washer will not come on when I hit start, waited five mins for it to do anything, plug it in the wall grid and press the button one time and it comes on. 

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Did that, now the dang washer will not come on when I hit start, waited five mins for it to do anything, plug it in the wall grid and press the button one time and it comes on.

Wellllll...we're getting closer then.  Must be something it doesn't like about the grounding.  Which would make a heap more sense than either voltage or frequency.

But if it's this persnickety, how in the world it runs on a PJ inverter is beyond me.  There must be a major piece of information missing here...

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It ran on the 12v 8k with no issue, the only thi ng was the PJ you could hear the coil hum and I'm running exactly the same stuff I ran on the PJ on these two GS.  and the pj was wired to the breaker box I have in the same room, not the main box and the same outlet that I got the washer ocming from is the same one I had going to the breaker box just this time directly from the gs.  Also when I ran it on the slave inverter it does the same thing and thats through the 100foot extention cord.  the freezer, dish washer frig and everything else I thrown at them is working fine as far as I can tell.  I've not hooked up the microwave to it yet, will try that now, I got a amazon microwave that talks to my echo, so if it don't work then there is a problem. . .

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Just ran the microwave for one min, pulling 39amps with no issue. that running on the slave.


I guess I can run my whole house on the two gs and breake out the pj and run the washer on it. . .

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I'm not one to throw up my hands and quit...but unfortunately, I am not aware what the washing machine is complaining about.

It could possibly be frequency; I saw the frequency trim on your inverter was set to 60.33Hz.  But most appliances (especially the direct-drive washing machines of today) can handle 40-70Hz input range...if not beyond.

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If we knew the model of the washer. It might have an internal GFCI detection for safety that automatically resets when it sees the fault is cleared and some sort of interference is messing with it but I would expect a PJ to do similar.


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Posted by: @kuhrd
If we knew the model of the washer. It might have an internal GFCI detection for safety that automatically resets when it sees the fault is cleared and some sort of interference is messing with it but I would expect a PJ to do similar.

I'm trying to figure out how in the world the washer accepts a PJ inverter, but is choking on a GS inverter.  Seems grounding is a bit of a clue...

Grounding on a PJ inverter is capacitor coupled from L1 - N (failing UL code which requires ground to be floated between the largest potentials, i.e. L1 - L2).  Rev. B GS board (which @the-blind-wolf has) uses a single decoupling cap from Neutral to ground.  The PJ inverter also probably has an extra filter cap (2x 4.7uF) on the L1-N circuit (i.e. the single outlet) and of course no filter cap on the L2-N circuit.  The GS inverter has a single 4.7uF filter cap across each phase. 

One of those mysteries.  Sean had compatibility issues with an Amana washer, but ended up replacing it before we figured out the issue.

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Well, I have to have a video call, and tell me where to look for the model and read it.  I don't have Sid contact so i can't call him lol.


I'm planning on having the two hooked up to the mai n by this weekend. was hopeing to resolve what going on, and the slave needs to be calabrated anyhow before I throw it up as its reading wrong on the web page.

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Maytag model number is w10538570


Have at it.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Maytag model number is w10538570

Unfortunately today's manuals/spec sheets/info things don't list appliance specifications anymore.  I wasn't able to deduce any info from any of the literature I could find online.

Guess we're back to trial-and-error until we get the problem figured out...

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Oy, what now, want me to take the back panel off and take a snap shot of it? lol.

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Was Vaccuming with a vac and then a shop vac for a bit, pulling some amps had no issue, been useing the microwave, no issue.  wish i could throw a 6k load onto it. . .  Trying to get my 250ah battery bank back on the setup, working on fixing the cell that dropped and snap off that bolt head I mention, I want to get it at least back on the system while get the other two 24v batts I got basicly nearly done, just not assembed them into a case as of yet, cause I'm still printing those out.  I got to get those onto the system before I can do a full 12k load. I can push 350 with the other battery back on the system, but I need the other two to be able to hit nearly 600A levels.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Was Vaccuming with a vac and then a shop vac for a bit, pulling some amps had no issue, been useing the microwave, no issue. wish i could throw a 6k load onto it. . . Trying to get my 250ah battery bank back on the setup, working on fixing the cell that dropped and snap off that bolt head I mention, I want to get it at least back on the system while get the other two 24v batts I got basicly nearly done, just not assembed them into a case as of yet, cause I'm still printing those out. I got to get those onto the system before I can do a full 12k load. I can push 350 with the other battery back on the system, but I need the other two to be able to hit nearly 600A levels.

Yup, apart from some configuration tweaking, your inverters are performing as intended.  Just have that stubborn washer to figure out 😉.

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Wish the inverter had a way to install more tempture probs to monitor some stuff. like wire temp.  bus bar temps and such. I'll setup a load test, while its running I go and monitor the DC side of things.  I don't want to throw a load so high that for some reason I don't have neough wire size to handle it and then cause a fire.  So far with all the bolts and nuts tighten down I've not had any heat issue thus far.

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