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Split Hairs and yet no washing cloths yet again.

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Okay, I've been watching it since after I last posted, its still having some kind of issue, its almost like the motor is cutting on and off when it turns, as well as its slowly still taking aleak inside the tub it never finished filling it up, as its washing.  Normally it'll fill up to a point, agitake for a few mins, then stop fill up some more then do its thing for awhile then emptie.  its not doing that it litterly acting like its taking a leak and almost sounds like its on a modified inverter, I plug in the shop vac, and switched it on while it was doing its thing and the shop vac never once cut off or change pitch while running and the washer was still going.   I'm stump, I'm letting it keep going, though really, its still not as it should the motor shouldn't even be making a fuss like it was on a modfied sign wave. and pulse like its looseing power, and for the water valve to keep leaking almost seems as if its not getting enough of something.  That wash is normally snappy and happy, its like its draggin its feet and begging to be shot.

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Well, if everything is schedual as it should, the two inverts will be on the main this monday. as well as I be done with two more solar arrays.

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I  would   shut  the  washer  off and   not use  as I   think  you  will  burn up the motor  .    I  do not  know  what is  wrong  but  the motor noise is not good .   I  can not  use my  washer with my PJ  inverters .    Running  the new GS  12000 watts  inverter  with a washer  is a good test  .   

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Okay, I've been watching it since after I last posted, its still having some kind of issue, its almost like the motor is cutting on and off when it turns, as well as its slowly still taking aleak inside the tub it never finished filling it up, as its washing. Normally it'll fill up to a point, agitake for a few mins, then stop fill up some more then do its thing for awhile then emptie. its not doing that it litterly acting like its taking a leak and almost sounds like its on a modified inverter, I plug in the shop vac, and switched it on while it was doing its thing and the shop vac never once cut off or change pitch while running and the washer was still going. I'm stump, I'm letting it keep going, though really, its still not as it should the motor shouldn't even be making a fuss like it was on a modfied sign wave. and pulse like its looseing power, and for the water valve to keep leaking almost seems as if its not getting enough of something. That wash is normally snappy and happy, its like its draggin its feet and begging to be shot.

Shop vac was a good test.  It seemed your washer was happier with reduced output voltage--so I guess we can try that again, even if it makes your air fryer run slower.  I still don't know what it's complaining about.

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Posted by: @dickson
I can not use my washer with my PJ inverters

Could you elaborate as to what make/model washer you have, and what happens when you try to run it on a PJ inverter?  (More curiosity for maybe finding a clue that would tell us what's going on; I am fully aware of how the PJ output circuitry/driving works.)

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Well, it went through the whole cycles and finished, so not sure, really odd, and makes me wondering if it something to do with the low power requirment?  but, even with the shop vac on it didn't make any differance on sound.  I've been pushing slowly higher and higher power, so far so good, if solar works good tomorrow I'm planning on putting a heat gun, inferred heater two of them, shop vac and vacum all at once, that should really push the snob out of it.

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I'm not saing that the GS can't handle that kind of load, I'm makeing sure the DC side of things is able to handle giving that kind of load. . .  If I can max out one inverter and not have any issue with the bus bars  and the wireing of the batts, then that is good.Also got to change out the wireing on the slave to a larger wire size, since I found the other end to the fuse block.  also brining my other 250ah back on the system as well, thats going to eat up a lot of charging time.Well, it went through the whole cycles and finished, so not sure, really odd, and makes me wondering if it something to do with the low power requirment?  but, even with the shop vac on it didn't make any differance on sound.  I've been pushing slowly higher and higher power, so far so good, if solar works good tomorrow I'm planning on putting a heat gun, inferred heater two of them, shop vac and vacum all at once, that should really push the snob out of it.

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Washer is Frigidaire  FFTw1001PW  top loader .   My  8kw  and  15kw  would do the same  .  The  washer  will start  and fill the tub  normal  and run but  the  motor will  run slower and make humming noise and the noise get louder and the motor run slower    The  PJ  inverter  voltage  drop from 52vdc  to  48vdc  in one minute  and  the  red light and shut down .  The  8kw  voltage  drop from 12.9 v  to 10.9  in less the  one minute .   I  stop  testing  again .   I  have  40 kwh  lithium ion battery  (the dangerous kind outside)   and the solar panel only for charging the battery .    The PJ  may  run the washer  at   60vdc  because the sine wave is better  but  never try .  

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Posted by: @dickson
Washer is Frigidaire FFTw1001PW top loader . My 8kw and 15kw would do the same . The washer will start and fill the tub normal and run but the motor will run slower and make humming noise and the noise get louder and the motor run slower The PJ inverter voltage drop from 52vdc to 48vdc in one minute and the red light and shut down . The 8kw voltage drop from 12.9 v to 10.9 in less the one minute . I stop testing again . I have 40 kwh lithium ion battery (the dangerous kind outside) and the solar panel only for charging the battery . The PJ may run the washer at 60vdc because the sine wave is better but never try .

OK, I can definitely see what's happening there: the motor's getting louder and louder as the sine wave output from the PJ inverter turns into a square wave with the falling battery voltage.  Expected behavior I guess...but this doesn't appear to be the case with the GS inverters that @the-blind-wolf has.  His battery setup seems to be quite solid.

Definitely shouldn't be having voltage drop issues like that with a 40kwh Li-Ion battery, that's for sure.

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You  are right  about the  battery  voltage  drop  .    My  test  a year ago is not  accurate  because  I   use  a  extension cord    and   not  all  the  battery  are  online  and  connected  .    PJ  inverter  L1  and L2  are not balance  .   L1  is  114 vac  and  L2 is  104 vac   .    I  do not  know if   I  connected   to  L2  and the  extension cord  is 12awg  .    I   now connect a variac to  line L2  and  set the voltage  to 121 vac .     The washer  is too  old  to test  with  the PJ inverter  again  .   I  am sure  your  GS  6kw  or 12kw  will  run my old washer  .     I  now use  6 awg  wires  to the  inverters L1  and L2  .    The neutral  wire  is 4  awg .   Thank you  for  your  question  about the  test  .   

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