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Genetry Solar 'Parallel (AKA Daisy Chain) Mode

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Sid, buddy ol' pal 😉. Trying to set up my parallel mode. Master inverter is on Normal and is working great. Second inverter is set to Slave parallel. Keeps switching between Standby mode and throttling. I can hear the transformer buzz for a second then stop. I have a short video, let me figure out how to link it. 

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Posted by: @merner
Sid, buddy ol' pal 😉. Trying to set up my parallel mode. Master inverter is on Normal and is working great. Second inverter is set to Slave parallel. Keeps switching between Standby mode and throttling. I can hear the transformer buzz for a second then stop. I have a short video, let me figure out how to link it.

Ugh.  Sean keeps "selling" parallel mode, despite it not being fully tested......

It's difficult at best...though should be working better than you're getting there.  I presume both of these inverters have the A.1 control board (STAT page, second line)?

If they were preorders, they also probably won't have several internal fixes that will definitely help it work.  Might need to go over this with a video call to figure out what's going on--or more likely I should test this function on my bench and figure out whether it works in the first place.

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@mernerCan you try putting the "slave" inverter in "Normal" mode, and the CFG -> AC Input -> Transfer mode to "UPS-AC"?  With AC applied to the AC input, the inverter should switch over (blue power light) and remain in Pass-Thru mode without glitching on and off.  (If it fails this test, that would be a major clue.)

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I may have found the issue. Went downstairs earlier to try some other functions on this inverter.  Well wouldn't you know the AC input was only reading 108v with a steady 240v being applied.  I calibrated that and am now charging my batteries back up. Hopefully this afternoon I'll have some more time to play and see if I can get the parallel function working.  

The good news is that one inveter ran almost everything in my house at once, well pump, fridge, deep freezer, lights, 2 ton heat pump. The only thing I had turned off was my HW heater. 

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New clue, while charging the AC input value went off the chart. Power cycled, disabled charging and now I am sitting in pass thru mode.


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Update, update. It's dead. Unit shutdown and won't turn back on.

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Posted by: @merner
Update, update. It's dead. Unit shutdown and won't turn back on.

Oopsie daisy.

PM'd you, we'll get this sorted out.  Likely a bad connection on the NEG wire blowing a hole in the power chip...

...replacement Rev. C control boards will be headed your way as soon as I can get them out.

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Update, update, update. 

Sid got me what I needed in record time and I'm back to playing with my 2 beastly inverters. 

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