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GS Cuts like a Knife.

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One upgrade needed, and yes I know its PJ falt, but to solve a issue with getting cut up is some Trim that is made to go on sheets of metal.  Minaly the lid on the front and back area needs this, as if a person is not carful such as me, you might end up getting stiches.  Both of my GS inverters have this issue, How many other have the same knife cutting ends on theirs?  I have a metal bending press, and all they need to do is make the metal about a inch longer, then bend each end a half inmch 180 degrees to make a smooth rounded end then bend the metal for the shape of the inverter.  Might want to put in sharping on the box use gloves when hhandling.

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Posts: 92

we are aware of this. its happened to me. I might invest in a tool to round the corners. The thing is its not but a few that actually have this problem. I have handled nearly 50, with everyone of them open and I can recall only two that had some sharpness.

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Well, I know my Master is sure Knife happy, I mean litterly. goi ng to need bleach wipes to clean it up. . 
