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New Wifi page registration and MQTT

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Checking in on what the plans are for the new wifi page and MQTT server, and what do we need to do to get inverters connected?  Found a dashboard beta section, but got some little dogs when I tried to add my inverter so guessing that is still a work in progress.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by AquaticsLive

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Just in case someone needs this sharing doing a POST.  Anyhow this Postman example may help others so thought I would share.  The doubled up cmd threw me off for a bit, but looked at the codebehind and saw how it works on the local page


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Posted by: @aquaticslive

Checking in on what the plans are for the new wifi page and MQTT server, and what do we need to do to get inverters connected?  Found a dashboard beta section, but got some little dogs when I tried to add my inverter so guessing that is still a work in progress.

Thank you for the report; we just moved the new site / remote server, etc. live last night--so there's a few hiccups along the way as we fix things!

Just got back from work...digging into it, I see that the inverter is reporting an HTTP 301 when trying to connect to the server.  We'll dig into it and hopefully get it sorted yet tonight.


So the cute corgies was a bit of trying to be cute.  In short, the registration flow now (properly) requires data from the inverter before the corgis will stop running, and the inverter gets added to your account.  But as the inverters aren't successfully connecting to the new server, the registration flow never completes.


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spoke a bit soon...the 301 is on the update branch, when the inverter tries to verify the update file.  So that's expected until I push the latest update to the new server.

My inverter is connecting to the new server (either "", or the default "" in the setup works), and it is working fine on the beta dashboard.

Tested adding a test bench inverter to my dashboard, and it registered almost immediately.

@AquaticsLive can you check/confirm if your inverter is reporting "Connected" on the MQTT line?  If so, maybe retry the registration process?

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Mine didn't seem to work either but I went back and it's there. Not very mobile friendly though. Can't zoom out to make it fit within my screen and I can't scroll to the left

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Posted by: @cali-carlos

Mine didn't seem to work either but I went back and it's there. Not very mobile friendly though. Can't zoom out to make it fit within my screen and I can't scroll to the left

Oops---somehow we didn't check that......!  Mobile-friendliness is a bit of a requirement!

If you're logged in to the Genetry Solar website account, you can pull up to get just the dashboard page--and it's mobile responsive.  The fun of trying to embed a page inside the main page...


Cali Carlos reacted
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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar


@AquaticsLive can you check/confirm if your inverter is reporting "Connected" on the MQTT line?  If so, maybe retry the registration process?

Yes, I have tried with both of my inverters PJ with wifi board and my new GS unit.  No luck for either and they say they are connected on the inverter's screen.  I had them both setup prior to the migration

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Posted by: @aquaticslive

Yes, I have tried with both of my inverters PJ with wifi board and my new GS unit.  No luck for either and they say they are connected on the inverter's screen.  I had them both setup prior to the migration

The GS unit is being problematic too??  I sent you a PM last night, is that working?

We've made some changes to the registration to hopefully resolve the issue...and after those fixes can confirm that the PJ units are connecting to the server.  As a result, they should be able to successfully register now.  (I was not expecting to find spaces in the ID number, and as a result the "ID validation" functionality didn't accept spaces.  That's been adjusted so the server can accept spaces now.)


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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar

The GS unit is being problematic too??  I sent you a PM last night, is that working?

No luck yet, it doesn't show the dogs anymore.  I am guessing they both need to be removed so I can add them again after the recent fixes.

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Sent you a Skype might be easier, well not sure if you have that anymore.  I had to get my stuff reset so I could connect haven't used it on my new phone yet.  Always willing to do testing with you man.  Let me know what I can do to help. 

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Posted by: @cali-carlos

Mine didn't seem to work either but I went back and it's there. Not very mobile friendly though. Can't zoom out to make it fit within my screen and I can't scroll to the left

This has been fixed...though it took a bit of shenanigans to get the page to auto-scale for mobile environments!


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Noticed an issue last night the Dashboard Stat/Ctrl screen does not work on my phone.  I can use it on my computer, but trying it from my android phone and and touching the tab doesn't do anything. 

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Posted by: @aquaticslive

Noticed an issue last night the Dashboard Stat/Ctrl screen does not work on my phone.  I can use it on my computer, but trying it from my android phone and and touching the tab doesn't do anything. 

I'm unable to reproduce the issue on my phone with Chrome 115 (Android 10).

But I have a suspicion what the issue might be: try tapping on the inverter in the list tab, then go to the Dashboard page.  (The list tab needs to visually indicate the "currently selected" inverter--and evidently there's a bug with "selected unit" being null?)


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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar

I'm unable to reproduce the issue on my phone with Chrome 115 (Android 10).

Wow that is old.  I am using Android 12 on an older Moto Edge and Android 13 on a Pixel 7.  Chrome seems to work sometimes on the Pixel.  I primarily use Firefox which doesn't work at all on either phone.  Android 10 has hit end of life 6 March 2023, so highly suggest upgrading; we have been advised to remove support for Android 10 on all apps. 

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@aquaticslive Call me a cheapskate...I haven't paid more than $100 for a cellphone, as they usually end up breaking or otherwise in a year or two anyway!  Which is why I have a 2019 flagship LG  🤣 .  Planning to use it until it goes senile or breaks.  Besides, if you break a cheap phone, you think, "Great, let's look for an upgrade!"  (Breaking a $1,000 flagship phone tends to make you cry just a bit more.)  And no, I don't want to finance a phone...I really like a $16/mo cell bill!

Looked at the Pixels, but they were very expensive (comparatively speaking!) and very low on features compared to phones of a similar age.


Posted by: @aquaticslive

I primarily use Firefox which doesn't work at all on either phone.

Similar: my challenge with Firefox on Android phones is that it doesn't handle RAM limitations very well, and crashes very easily.

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