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Feature Idea: Cooldowns

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Here's a suggestion for a new feature... ability to set fans to 100% for extended periods of time, ideally for a POSTable number of seconds. If the lack of an RTC is a problem there, an alternative would be an ON/OFF pattern (fans: 100% or auto). Manually setting fan percentages aside from high values would be problematic for obvious reasons.

After a high load ends, I want to be able to tell the inverter to "get over with" the bulk of the cooling down process. The Fan Test button, as short lived as that works currently, does seem to show consistent drops in temperature and fan speed after a couple presses.

I'm working on geting the stats.json data into Kibana, which should tell us the exact relation between load and temperatures and allow comparison between those metrics with fan speed.  An extension to this feature would be automatic cooldowns that happen after a large drop in average load, which I can experiment with if I can make a POST request the fans to 100% and auto.

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Interesting usecase.  Technically, I could provide access to the RAM-stored "Min Spd" setting via POST settings...that way it doesn't save in NVS (non-volatile storage), but allows it to be externally controlled.  "Min Spd" doesn't override the other fan control settings, it just doesn't let the fan PWM value go less than a certain amount.  You could set it to 100% or 0% for "full blast" and "auto".

There's no RTC in the inverter, BUT that doesn't mean that there's no sense of time--notice the hourmeters, etc.  Just don't have a means of determining the actual date and time.  While an "extended cooldown" timer delay function could be provided...that's getting a bit more specialized.

Might be able to throw that into the 1.1r4 (which I haven't released yet...!)  BTW I've also set the error thresholds on the ATS function a lot higher...hope that will help your usecase.

Maybe POST a 0-100 number to "FA_MinSpd" / "FB_MinSpd" / "FC_MinSpd" or something like that?  Restarting the inverter would reset these to the saved values.

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3 hours ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

Interesting usecase.  Technically, I could provide access to the RAM-stored "Min Spd" setting via POST settings...that way it doesn't save in NVS (non-volatile storage), but allows it to be externally controlled.  "Min Spd" doesn't override the other fan control settings, it just doesn't let the fan PWM value go less than a certain amount.  You could set it to 100% or 0% for "full blast" and "auto".

There's no RTC in the inverter, BUT that doesn't mean that there's no sense of time--notice the hourmeters, etc.  Just don't have a means of determining the actual date and time.  While an "extended cooldown" timer delay function could be provided...that's getting a bit more specialized.

Might be able to throw that into the 1.1r4 (which I haven't released yet...!)  BTW I've also set the error thresholds on the ATS function a lot higher...hope that will help your usecase.

Maybe POST a 0-100 number to "FA_MinSpd" / "FB_MinSpd" / "FC_MinSpd" or something like that?  Restarting the inverter would reset these to the saved values.

Sounds great, actually. Min speed gives more control, so I could set it to 75% for instance until the unit cools down.

Can't wait to see the graphs from stats.json, that's going to be awesome I think.

I've had very few instances of issues since our last conversation- its mostly load driven. Toaster, induction cooktop, o r something turning on makes it freak out. Thresholds... as long as its safe. I prefer an annoying beep to volunteer fireworks.

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Posted by: @kazetsukai
I've had very few instances of issues since our last conversation- its mostly load driven. Toaster, induction cooktop, o r something turning on makes it freak out. Thresholds... as long as its safe. I prefer an annoying beep to volunteer fireworks.

So I don't think there's any chance of "volunteer fireworks" from the various errors you've been's simply the transformer secondary trying to keep the 2 phases balanced, causing unexpected power flow one way or the other through the L1 transformer current sensor.  Bumping the thresholds up some should help; obviously, the hope is that the revised Rev. C board solves the issue altogether 😉.

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Many thanks again for your patience and willingness to be a bit of a guinea pig on this journey to figuring out the root cause of the issue.  Helps everyone else down the road.

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2 hours ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

Many thanks again for your patience and willingness to be a bit of a guinea pig on this journey to figuring out the root cause of the issue.  Helps everyone else down the road.

No problem. Its actually very cool to be able to contribute in whatever little way I can. Feel free to reach out any time.

Tweaking fan settings a bit, min defaults +5F to 115F. Nice reduction in noise. If I bump Min to 120F I'll bring the MaxTmp down 5F as well to 135F, hopefully to bias it towards running a little warmer at low load but be quicker to ramp up? 

Come to think of it, there is no "C" channel fan in this inverter... option add? Where would one even be installed in the chassis...

Rethinking inverter in the cabin at all, for several reasons. Exhaust heat from the inverter could be better used heating my batteries in freezing weather than thrown outside or into the cabin.... speaking of which- is there a setting to stop charge at a certain low ambient temp threshold? Might want to consider that feature if not.

I tested spamming the "Test fans" button to see if it would have the desired effect- it did, fans went from a very slowly falling constant, to REEEEEE (100%!!!!) to silent. What would have taken 20 minutes of ramping down took 30 seconds.


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Posted by: @kazetsukai
Tweaking fan settings a bit, min defaults +5F to 115F. Nice reduction in noise. If I bump Min to 120F I'll bring the MaxTmp down 5F as well to 135F, hopefully to bias it towards running a little warmer at low load but be quicker to ramp up?

Have changed the code defaults to 110 / 145 / 170...don't want to put the Min down too low, but putting it too high has separate challenges.  Something to experiment with.  No idea how hot the internals of Aims or other inverters get under full load...if the air coming out is hot, I can only imagine what the internal temps are.


Posted by: @kazetsukai
Come to think of it, there is no "C" channel fan in this inverter... option add? Where would one even be installed in the chassis...

Somethin' that Sean has been bugging me hide the "C" channel on GS 6kw inverter LCDs.  LCD board was designed with 3 fan channels from the very beginning--and one of them just isn't used.


Posted by: @kazetsukai
speaking of which- is there a setting to stop charge at a certain low ambient temp threshold? Might want to consider that feature if not.

Well, there's that "ColdOff" feature, I don't think it interrupts charge just yet, but I could put a few charge temp settings in if need's only software.


Posted by: @kazetsukai
I tested spamming the "Test fans" button to see if it would have the desired effect- it did, fans went from a very slowly falling constant, to REEEEEE (100%!!!!) to silent. What would have taken 20 minutes of ramping down took 30 seconds.

Fun fact: all the "Test Fans" button does is clear the thermistor averaging buffer, causing it to read "no thermistors" for a few seconds (same as power on), then they fill back in with new data and eventually the fans drop back down.
