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Stuck at "Initializing Updater"

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GS 6k inverter has been stuck like the image for a while now.

I tried the Up / Down button press and that didn't fix it.

I also tried disconnecting power from the inverter, but when I reconnected, the screen remained the same. Granted, it was only disconnected for a couple of minutes. Do I need to leave it disconnected for long enough for the system to completely drain power?

Any other suggestions?

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="/monthly_2022_04/GS6k.jpg.860f7ed9fff4acd46d1e8fec4145ffe4.jpg" data-fileid="1272" data-fileext="jpg" rel=""><img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="1272" data-ratio="133.45" width="562" alt="GS6k.thumb.jpg.9a02c4da2c16ff8f73ac715814a13fb7.jpg" data-src="/monthly_2022_04/GS6k.thumb.jpg.9a02c4da2c16ff8f73ac715814a13fb7.jpg" src="/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />

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Posted by: @richard
I also tried disconnecting power from the inverter, but when I reconnected, the screen remained the same. Granted, it was only disconnected for a couple of minutes. Do I need to leave it disconnected for long enough for the system to completely drain power?

Unfortunately in this case, sounds like you will have to disconnect it until the green MOS lights inside go out.  You could speed up the process by putting a resistor across the inverter's battery terminals to speed up the discharge process.

It SHOULD come back to the default screen when powered back up.

...the "initializing updater" page is the inverter trying to connect to the GS webserver to access the download file.  Unfortunately it seems to be missing a timeout...or an abort method.  I will work to address this in the next update.

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As the inverter's running (I can just see the power button lit up green), you should be able to just kill battery power--if the inverter's running, it'll discharge the caps pretty fast.

There is no proviso in the LCD board to "resume previous operation"...if fully restarted, it will come back to the main screen.

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Doing the disconnect with the inverter powered on solved the problem.

I had the inverter off the last time i tried.

Inverter kept working the whole time...probably a few weeks at least, as I wasn't in the mood to deal with it.

I still don't know how I got there...maybe I fat-fingered my way to a firmware update?????

Thanks, as usual.

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Posted by: @richard
Doing the disconnect with the inverter powered on solved the problem.

Definitely want to know how it got to "update", that's not something that just pops up!  There are no "back door" accesses to the update command, so I'm not sure how that would even inadvertently happen.

Curious what firmware version your inverter is running?  (OUT page -> press Enter, "down" 3-4 times to "Diagnostic", press Enter -> top 2 lines.  Press Enter to exit the Diagnostic Info page.)

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Hey, I dug through the code, only to find that the HTTP GET timeout defaulted to disabled--and was not set otherwise.

That'd definitely give the ability for an infinite hang on "Initializing Updater"...

This will be fixed in the upcoming 1.1r7, thanks to your report 😉.

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 Passed thru 4MWh this morning...

Code is 1.1r5.

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Glad to hear.  Onwards and upwards 😉.  I must be just too inverter has just over 2MWh in 11,523 hours...

Currently have 1.1r7 (with a major local server redesign) in testing trials...hoping to get it debugged and released before too long.

EDIT: correct version number...1.1r6 has already been released for Rev. C.  Probably will "skip" 1.1r6 for Rev. A.1/B, and just bump them straight to 1.1r7 after the WiFi upgrades are fully tested.
