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Need help with what to do with my wifi board

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Ordered the wifi board about a year ago, but didn't get it until six months later (story in itself).  I have a 24v 8000w split phase power jack inverter 10.3 version.  I did not get a harness with the current sensor.  Also I need my board programmed to be used with the wifi board.  Can't get any info on sending it in for this.  I did ask if I can get the bootloader to maybe try and program it with a pickit4 device then maybe the wifi board could program the microcontroller, but said that might contain ip.  okay.  but now stuck with a wifi board that can't connect to the inverter.  i have tried the multitude of methods to get service (calling, text, email).  Any help?

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Posted by: @dbilbo
Ordered the wifi board about a year ago, but didn't get it until six months later (story in itself). I have a 24v 8000w split phase power jack inverter 10.3 version. I did not get a harness with the current sensor. Also I need my board programmed to be used with the wifi board. Can't get any info on sending it in for this. I did ask if I can get the bootloader to maybe try and program it with a pickit4 device then maybe the wifi board could program the microcontroller, but said that might contain ip. okay. but now stuck with a wifi board that can't connect to the inverter. i have tried the multitude of methods to get service (calling, text, email). Any help?

Yeah, we are not handing out bootloader/firmware.  Being a 10.3 control board, that's quite a challenge, as the CPU is not removable.


Something doesn't add up here, as Sean would not have sold a WiFi board without including either a programmed CPU (v7/v9/v9) or a entire control board (10.3+) with a refundable core charge upon return of the original board. 

For that matter, we are ending support for upgrading PJ inverters, as there are just too many design issues with the PJ design that can't be fixed.
