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10KW Power Jack Inverter I just bought for 250 dollars, possible to still get 220V board to convert?

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Title says it all, ill add a picture of this beauty I got for what I consider a steal.  It is however only 110V but it has TWO BEAUTIFUL toroid transformers in it, it really is a nice inverter if you ask me.  So is there a place I can buy one of those boards that genry soloar used in his youtube videos to upgrade from 110v to 220v?


Also anyone have a pdf of the manual by chance?



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Whoa that's an OLD PJ torpedo inverter!  (They sometimes put up to 3 transformers in those LONG chassis, too.)

@Sean-Genetry-Solar has not been working with Power Jack for the past couple years, and as such no longer has access to the boards and parts.  They wouldn't help in this case as the inverter's far too old for the boards he did have!

If you're quite electrically knowledgeable, you can get an effective 220v output from this inverter with the following steps:

  1. Verify that the transformer secondaries are in parallel.  If they aren't, or if you don't know what this means...abort the mission here 😉
  2. Pick one transformer to be your "L2-N" circuit.  Disconnect one lead from the control board "N" terminal.
  3. Move the other lead of said transformer from "L" to the "N" terminal.
  4. The "disconnected" lead becomes your L2 output
    • ...the existing "L" terminal becomes "L1"
    • and Neutral remains "N".

You would be advised to put a 4.7-10uF AC-rated (metal film/polyester...250v or 400v rated) across the "new L2-N" output--though worth noting that PJ doesn't do this in their inverters anyway, and you just get a very dirty AC output on the L2-N circuit.

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Well one thing I noticed and maybe this will change it but I swore each leg is odd like 80v on one leg 30v on the other, does that mean they did this differently?

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ahh basically what you said "verify" in parrelel and I dont think they are i think it is series cause 80 + 30

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Also by chance do any of you know where I could find a manual for ANY power jack inverter they seem very similar so I might be able to figure out what this battery wheel does I know it changes voltages but for what types of batteries 

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Posted by: @paul-janney

ahh basically what you said "verify" in parrelel and I dont think they are i think it is series cause 80 + 30

If that's the case, then you're pretty well stuck with 120v single-phase output...and that would be the weirdest design ever I could think of.  Two differently-wound transformers.


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Posted by: @paul-janney

Also by chance do any of you know where I could find a manual for ANY power jack inverter they seem very similar so I might be able to figure out what this battery wheel does I know it changes voltages but for what types of batteries 

I personally do not know where a PJ manual could be found--but what I do know is that several of the battery charge setpoints are higher than the overvolt shutdown threshold.  Also worth noting that that inverter's so old that it's using the previous MCU on the control board--and presumably a completely different firmware.  In other words, it may not functionally match a 'manual' for a newer one anyway--which said 'manuals' sometimes don't bear any resemblance to the actual unit in the first place.

And the "DC adjust" knob (not the battery "wheel" switch) adjusts the DC feedback to the CPU, so it will also adjust the charge setpoint.  Fun fun!

