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Possible to limit charging current?

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Just purchased another PowerJack inverter, this time a 5000w Split Phase Low Frequency Inverter Charger.

This is the first PowerJack inverter ive owned that has a built in charger... Now according to the specs, the charging current is 50 amps. The problem im having is even after making a 4ft whip/cord using some 14awg SJ cord for the AC input for the inverter, it still gets way too warm while the inverter is charging the battery!

I've been a electrician for 25+ years and when wires carrying 120v AC start getting "too hot" it makes me very uncomfortable... 😬 Sure I could make a new cord using some 12awg wire but, damn... But ideally it would be nice to have a way to adjust the charging current instead. Occasionally I will use the inverter on multiple different battery banks some much larger then others, and I normally don't use the inverter to charge them though sometimes it convenient. 

On some of Seans old videos he shows and talks about some adjustment trimpots for when replacing the main boards to use on different battery voltages. Curious if there happens to be one for adjusting charging current on the inverter/charger models... assuming not but...

So if Sid, Sean, or anyone else knows of a way of limiting the charging current whether it be already on the board or another method, i would love to know!

Thx Fellaz



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Posted by: @bigjoncoop

Curious if there happens to be one for adjusting charging current on the inverter/charger models... assuming not but...

Drumroll.....nope, there isn't.  Not a separate one, anyway.

The L1 "current sense transformer" circuit provides ampacity feedback to the CPU--however, this applies to both charge AND inverter modes.  So while you might be able to drop charge current with the SMD DIP switches (assuming the inverter you have is new enough to have those on the control board), it will also cause in the inverter to overload shutdown much sooner in inverter mode.

On the "v11" control boards, PJ has a cobbled transistor circuit (inside a silkscreen rectangle "Charger Amp Limit") which tries to externally separate the charge limit from the inverter limit (i.e. when the "charge" relay is on, adjust the feedback level); I have no idea how well that works.

Note that the DIP switches work by shunting the feedback signal from the "current sense transformer".  As the CPU is going to try to regulate a specific value on that input, the lower the input signal, the higher the resulting "regulated current" will be.  So the higher the input feedback signal, the lower the "regulated current" will be.
