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Pictures of new v11.0 Power Jack board

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The upgrade board arrived.


Whole Board


Driver board.


Here's the control 'panel'.

The board has three open 10pin sockets, and the wire harness has two 10pin plugs. I do not know what goes where. I'm not sure ehe rainbow colored ribbon will be long enough to plug into the 'sub-board'. My existing ribbon is much longer.

You can also see the two thermistors.

As for the control board, I'm going to need to drill some holes and nibble the square. I will also need some standoffs - preferably plastic.

I believe the standing rotary switch is the Charge Rate Switch. I have know idea what the others do.


I think these go the fans ???


Here's the charger version


Thar be the underbelly of the beast.


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The  3rd photo from  the top  is  Sid Rev. 1.0  LF Driver Board  .    Is this LF board  from  Sean and Sid  or is this from Powerjack in China ?    I  have a  11.1 control board but  do not know  how to connect to the  main board  as the mainboard  connector is  different from  10.3 control board .   No  help  from China  .    

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The  4th photo from the top  is really confusing  as the red and black sensor connector go the  center of the 11.1  control board .   The  sensor connector go to the  left  end on the  10.3 board  .   The  mainboard  ribbon connector  go to the right side where the wire is twisted on the 11.1 board  .   The ribbon cable to the 10.3 is  straight and not twisted  .     Is  this  the re design  of the new  powerjack  inverter ?     I   can not  get  any  10.3  or  older  powerjack parts .   Any comment ?  

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11 minutes ago, dickson said:

Is this LF board  from  Sean and Sid  or is this from Powerjack in China ?

Funny, after telling me that it blew FETs up at higher wattages, they shipped at least several out.  This is a board design I provided to them as a drop-in-replacement for their LF Driver board, but only it's perfectly balanced...

I haven't gotten one on my bench to see what causes the problem, but I suspect it's EMI on the ribbon cable punching through the FET gates...


1 hour ago, Clark said:

As for the control board, I'm going to need to drill some holes and nibble the square. I will also need some standoffs - preferably plastic.

Shouldn't need to; the mounting holes for the control board have never changed (to my knowledge).  Should be able to use the old standoffs.


<img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="459" data-ratio="75.00" width="300" alt="image.png.dc3b92276ad8bd2ea3bca84472ec5fd0.png" data-src="/monthly_2021_06/image.png.dc3b92276ad8bd2ea3bca84472ec5fd0.png" src="/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />

These connectors are intended as plug-in upgrades for your v7 LCD board (if your inverter had one); these are the AC output voltage and current feedback lines, as well as +12v for powering the LCD board.

It does appear that the round current transformer is missing from this, or else you're expected to have one from the old board...

1 hour ago, Clark said:

I believe the standing rotary switch is the Charge Rate Switch. I have know idea what the others do

Standing rotary switch is something like that...some preset charge programs, some of which are higher than the overvoltage shutdown.  Go figure!

The 2 buttons switch between 50/60Hz, and "speaking language" (but curiously they didn't provide the voice chip on your front panel board...)

One knob adjusts the battery voltage feedback to the CPU (changing every single setpoint), the other adjusts the AC voltage feedback to the CPU.


1 hour ago, Clark said:

The board has three open 10pin sockets, and the wire harness has two 10pin plugs. I do not know what goes where. I'm not sure ehe rainbow colored ribbon will be long enough to plug into the 'sub-board'. My existing ribbon is much longer.

Go Power Jack...

I told 'em that the ribbon cable is too thin for the driver current.  They concluded that the ribbon header couldn't handle 22 AWG wire, so they switched it to a 10-pin XHB connector--and then stayed with the ribbon cable wire, which is part of the problem all along...

SO...the 10 pin cable from the front panel board goes to the CENTER 10-pin connector.  The connector with the thermistors, etc. goes in the LEFTMOST 10-pin connector (with the two 2-pin 12v fan connectors below it).

The rightmost 2 10-pin connectors (near the LF Driver) are the FET drive signals.  They sure made life hard for you with that board...

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SO...the 10 pin cable from the front panel board goes to the CENTER 10-pin connector.  The connector with the thermistors, etc. goes in the LEFTMOST 10-pin connector (with the two 2-pin 12v fan connectors below it).

The  black and red  wire connector  go to the left  and this  is the same as the  10.3 control board .   The  11.1  and  the  10.3  board is the same  except  why  PS  send the  LF Driver Rev. 1.0  that you   design .    Will  the FET  blow out  on  15kw  inverter  but  not  his  8kw inverter ?    Maybe  PS   make more money by selling parts .  

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WOW... Lots of good stuff.

Here's my original post with pics of my 2016 (or 2017??) version 7 Power Jack.

<iframe allowfullscreen="" data-embedauthorid="71" data-embedcontent="" data-embedid="embed3239521875" scrolling="no" style="height:257px;max-width:502px;" data-embed-src="/topic/157-version-110-control-board-for-my-old-version-7-powerjack/?tab=comments&do=embed&comment=2743&embedComment=2743&embedDo=findComment#comment-2743">


2 hours ago, dickson said:

Is this LF board  from  Sean and Sid  or is this from Powerjack in China ?  

The website I purchased the 11.0 board is   Took ten days to get here Fedex from china.


2 hours ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

the mounting holes for the control board have never changed (to my knowledge)

I meant the voice/voltage/hertz/Whatever board. My 7.0 only has the one rotary switch for charging voltage on the front next to the power switch.


So... connecting the VVHW (voice/voltage/hertz/Whatever) board to the control board:

VVHW CN2_1 connects to control board CN1_2

VVHW CN2_2 connects to control board CN1_1

VVHW CN2_3 (2pin,red/black) connects to control board CN3 with the thermistors.


19 minutes ago, dickson said:

Will  the FET  blow out  on  15kw  inverter  but  not  his  8kw inverter ?

WHAT??  This has been mentioned several times now...


2 hours ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

The connector with the thermistors, etc. goes in the LEFTMOST 10-pin connector

I was going to ask where do I attach the terms?  I only have one on my 7.0 rig on my transformer.


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Posted by: @clark
VVHW CN2_1 connects to control board CN1_2

This appears correct when compared to a 10.3 board I have here.


Posted by: @clark
I was going to ask where do I attach the terms?

Temps, you mean?  They normally put one on the MOS boards, and one on the transformer.  According to my tracing, the leftmost thermistor connection is "MOS", and the right-er one is "trans."


Posted by: @clark
WHAT?? This has been mentioned several times now...

No idea.  Your photos are the very first time I've seen my designed LF Driver board.  Reportedly (from PJ), it causes instant FET blowups over a certain wattage, but without one to test with my 'scope, I can't confirm or deny the statement or say why.  Doesn't make much sense though, as it is the same strength as PJ's driver board, just fully matched.

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Actually, I meant Thermistor. I just went out and looked closer, and yeah Transformer and Mosfet heat sink.


The mosfet ribbon cable on my old PJ is about 12 inches long.

So, the short ribbon that came with the board is actually a pigtail??

Actually, I'm not clear on the issue. Do you have a suggestion or workaround?

6 hours ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

I told 'em that the ribbon cable is too thin for the driver current.  They concluded that the ribbon header couldn't handle 22 AWG wire, so they switched it to a 10-pin XHB connector--and then stayed with the ribbon cable wire, which is part of the problem all along...


<img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="462" data-ratio="108.33" width="480" alt="MosfetRibbonCable_1.JPG.3a7c034e2bc08be9740f5052ec5dd825.JPG" data-src="/monthly_2021_06/MosfetRibbonCable_1.JPG.3a7c034e2bc08be9740f5052ec5dd825.JPG" src="/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />


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Posted by: @clark
So, the short ribbon that came with the board is actually a pigtail??

I have no idea what the purpose is of the short ribbon that they provided.  And unfortunately there is no easy workaround, not without splicing the old wire onto the new connector (bonus points if you can crimp XH connector pins, and put 'em in the header.)  As I don't have a v11 PJ board to examine the wiring on, I really can't help too much there.

If PJ had included a new mainboard connector (from the board to the new 10-pin connector), while it'd be difficult to desolder the old and then resolder the new one in...that'd be a half solution.  But they didn't.

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I  have a 11.1  board  but afraid to test  on 15kw  PJ    The  11.1 control  board  has 10 pin male  inline  connector at the far  right  for connecting   the mainboard  which  the connecter is double row  female plug .    The  short  pigtail connecter  is to match  the original  mainboard connecter  to the 11.1  inline 10 pin connecter .   I  am  waiting for  youtube   to show a PJ   inverter with  the  11.1 board  inside  and  all  the connections .    I   not going to  buy  a PJ inverter  just to see the 11.1 control board inside  .  Your LF Driver  board  is a surprise  and  not  want to see if the FET  will   blow out  on a 15kw  .   

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Does anyone have the pin-out for the main board CN02 10-pin (two-rows of five pins) plug and what pins on the control board CN1_3 connector Output for MOSBoard each pin should go to for each of the pin? I got a new LF Control board and did not get an adapter cable, so I need to create one.

PCB Board info: NEW: HYZ-051BP13, Power Jack, LF control board, 11.3 V, 202105

EXISTING: HYZ-002BP13, Main board, v2.6, 2016/5/4

 Main board HYZ-002BP13, CN02 Pin=colors 

01=Black, 02=White, 03=Gray,  04=Violet, 05=Blue,  06=Green, 07=Yellow,  08=Orange, 09=Red, 10=Brown

the functions/voltage on each pin would also be a great help. 

<a href="/monthly_2022_04/D92541C0-0865-4637-93F8-E3326465CFA9.jpeg.144858cb7b52da4ecb59109c72bb574c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1281" src="//" data-src="/monthly_2022_04/D92541C0-0865-4637-93F8-E3326465CFA9.jpeg.144858cb7b52da4ecb59109c72bb574c.jpeg" data-ratio="96.41" width="473" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="D92541C0-0865-4637-93F8-E3326465CFA9.jpeg">

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Thank you for being extremely detailed.  This sort of question requires a response 😉 .


"QUESTIONS FOR These NEW BOARDS" (unfortunately the picture got resized down, so it's not super clear to read!)

  1. (I need to carefully check this and get back with you.  Worth noting that I don't have one of the cables, so I will be sort of guessing.)
  2. SW1 is basically an adjustable resistor divider that varies the loading on the E124-LF-L transformer.  The bigger the load (i.e. the more switches "on"), the more load it requires for the software shutdown threshold to be exceeded.  (It also adjusts the "charge" current.)
  3. No.  PJ's "split phase" design still runs 120v into the inverter (it will only work at 120v charge, you can't input 240v), and the other transformer phase is basically hardwired to the output terminals with no filtration.  You might want to put another polyester cap on the unfiltered phase...
  4. Not unless PJ will give it to you.  Such items are their IP (intellectual property), and it's up to them if they choose to divulge it.  That being said, I can almost guarantee you that they will not hand it out.
  5. Ditto.
  6. RY01 is an SPST relay.  PJ inverters cannot handle split-phase AC input; trying to connect split-phase AC input (or ground-bonded neutral) to the inverter is guaranteed to result in inverter failure.  Additionally, as mentioned above, PJ "split phase" can only accept 120v AC input (and even then has a reputation for blowing FETs.)


Will have to dig into the connector pinout later--as swapping 2 pins is almost guaranteed to result in spectacular FET failure.  If you wanted one of PJ's cheeky adapters, you'd need to get that from PJ; we at Genetry Solar don't have those.  There aren't "updated" mainboards with a different connector AFAIK--no, PJ just uses a cheeky adapter.

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Posted by: @jeff2022
Main board HYZ-002BP13, CN02 Pin=colors

Spending a few minutes with a DMM, and knowing that the FETs form an H-bridge results in the following pinout chart:
(L = left side, R = right side)

  1. VBAT+
  2. VBAT+
  3. R_FET_LG [low side Right MOS, Gate terminal]
  4. L_FET_HG [low side Left MOS, Gate]
  5. R_FET_HS [high side Right MOS, Source] - also "transformer line"
  6. L_FET_HS [low side Left MOS, Source] - ditto
  7. R_FET_HG [high side Right MOS, Gate]
  8. L_FET_LG [low side Left MOS, Gate]
  9. GND (VBAT-)
  10. GND (VBAT-)

A quick look at the above pinout shows that the FET drive signals are literally interleaved (like I've said elsewhere) in the worst possible way in the cable.  Putting opposing signals side-by-side in a ribbon cable is ASKING for signal crosstalk (especially considering that large numbers of FETs in parallel will require a significant current--in the order of several amps--to switch on and off quickly)...

As to the voltage levels of said pins: this connector basically provides battery voltage (to run the control board) as well as the Source/Gate connections to each of the 4 MOS blocks ("boards") in the H-bridge.  Low-side FETs' "Source" terminals are wired to battery negative, so the pairs are x_FET_LG / VBAT-.  High-side FETs' control pairs are x_FET_HG / x_FET_HS.  The maximum voltage range on the control pairs is +/-20v (or whatever the FETs' gate voltage specifications are).

Cross-checking a v9 board's FET connections to LF Driver board connections -> translating to a v11 board's connector pinout results in the following chart:
LEFT COLUMN: PINOUT AT MAINBOARD!  Right Column: CN1_3 / CN1_4 on v11 control board (going with your "pin 1" guess, as it really isn't marked):

CN1: 1  -> CN1_3: 1 {BAT+}
CN1: 2  -> CN1_3: 2 {BAT+}
CN1: 3  -> CN1_3: 3 [LF Driver board Q03/Q05] {R_FET_LG}
CN1: 4  -> CN1_3: 6 [LF Driver board U1 6-7] {L_FET_HG}
CN1: 5  -> CN1_3: 8 [LF Driver board U2 5] {R_FET_HS}
CN1: 6  -> CN1_3: 5 [LF Driver board U1 5] {L_FET_HS}
CN1: 7  -> CN1_3: 7 [LF Driver board U2 6-7] {R_FET_HG}
CN1: 8  -> CN1_3: 4 [LF Driver board Q09/Q08] {L_FET_LG}
CN1: 9  -> CN1_3: 9  {BAT-}
CN1: 10  -> CN1_3: 10 {BAT-}


I do not think the pinout ascertained from a YT video is correct.  Keep in mind that PJ ran the XHB-10 connector directly to an IDC connector, then mirrored the pinout into the mainboard connector with a 2x5 header.

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Thanks you so much.  I will review, try implementing this weekend and see if I can get everything working on my

u-Power ( Super-Power ) 
Model: LFPSW-10000-200 Low Frequency Pure Sine Wave 10,000 watt inverter with 200 Amp battery charger

It has all “Power Jack” Boards. 
