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Need more details, bigger overview of the board / connections. Is this a replacement board / replacement transformer / what's going on??
I can take pictures of my output board connections if you want . Look at Sean youtube videos . The input L1 left top corner center input Neutral input right top L2 from your photo . Your photo show the 3 output connections to the breaker or fuse . The transformer connections is on the top left of your photo .
The transformer connections is on the top left of your photo
I look at my output board again and the left top corner is wired L2 print 220v the center input is Neutral and the top right is L1 but the board print 110v . Do not connect your transformer according to my output board . I have to take the output board out to see what the difference is . Your board is wired different .
I look at my output board again and the left top corner is wired L2 print 220v the center input is Neutral and the top right is L1 but the board print 110v
My spare output board is 10.1 and look the same as your 10.0 . The picture of the connection is L2 top right corner and middle connection is Neutral and the third wire is L1 print 110v . The output is red wire L1 top left corner and the middle connection is ground yellow wire and the black wire is Neutral same as your picture . Your first picture of the 3 input from transformer is top right corner L2 the middle connection is Neutral and the bottom right is L1 print 110v .