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110 to 120

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Can y change the voltage from 110 to 120 upgrade in the inverter

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You may want to add a bit more detail to your question so that someone can more easily help answer your question.

What size and version of inverter are you asking about?

I would assume this is a split phase inverter (L1-110v-N-110V-L2) and you are asking how to adjust the output voltage?  Once you clarify what inverter you have, I am sure someone will be able to answer your question.

If you are asking how to get both L1-N and N-L2 to both be the same voltage on a power jack inverter, that answer is more difficult as it may require adding turns to whatever transformer leg is lowest and testing with a variac until both sides are equal.

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can you use 24volt dc terroid with three wire coming out of it its also supposedly rated  20/25k watts on a 48volt mainboard powerjack

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If I understand your question correctly, the answer is NO.

Technically, if you put a "24v" transformer in a "48v" inverter, it WILL least initially.  But any sort of surge load (or significant load) will result in blowing all the FETs.  Been there, done that at least 3 times.  (First 2 times trying to run a 48v inverter at 65vDC...third time trying to run a 24v inverter at 40vDC.)

The transformer ratio needs to be at least somewhat matched to the nominal battery voltage--otherwise it's not going to work well.

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 Been there, done that at least 3 times.  (First 2 times trying to run a 48v inverter at 65vDC...third time trying to run a 24v inverter at 40vDC.)

Good to know  that the powerjack  48v inverter will blow up at 65v .   The highest I have my 48 v  powerjack  is 64 volts  and run good   but I   shut it  down when the FETs  measure 135 degree F.   and   never  at 65 volts DC .   

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Posted by: @dickson
Been there, done that at least 3 times. (First 2 times trying to run a 48v inverter at 65vDC...third time trying to run a 24v inverter at 40vDC.)

Worth noting that the 48v inverters blowing up at 65-66v were the older "long mainboard" style, not the current design with 2 smaller mainboards.  These blowups were caused by bad FET drive signals / crossstalk caused by poor design and FET drive.

It is our experience with GS testing that the long mainboard is more of a liability than anything else--it will melt solder off the FETs at ~9kw due to poor board layout.

That to say that the newer design might be able to handle higher voltage / power than the older design.  Have not tested it though.
