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powerjack power inverter 26,000 watt AMG version 48 volt PSW LF 13,000 watt continuous at 240 volts or 120 volts etc.

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Hey Dickson >>>Aliexpress has a 12000 watt board for 48-volt and a 15000 watt board for 60-volt for about $185


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 Dickson??? the Aliexpress inverter board it uses hy4008 mosfets the 12000watt 48-volt aliexpress board to rebuild or build the monster inverter...tons of large capacitors??? on it see the pics above.... a chinesium product of course.... from aliexpress....

they likely source from the same component factories a lot of the small components,,, but then again they are masters at copying,,,, but quality is hard to know...🤔


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45 minutes ago, pilgrimvalley said:

48-volt PowerJack LF SP PSW AMG version 26000W (advertised at a rated at 13000 watts continuous) trying to understand it better.... they say 54.4 volts DC current goes into the control boards/inverter boards and is converted to 32 volt AC which goes to the primary winding of the toroidal transformer and then the toroidal transformer secondary winding puts out 120 or 240 volts AC...the 120 being from the center tap of the secondary winding of the transformer and the 240 volt AC is each end of the secondary of the transformer... correct????

Yes, that's the basic premise.


45 minutes ago, pilgrimvalley said:

yes i understand it will likely not do the 13000 watts continuous.... maybe more like a model number in the chinesium math....🤣🤣🤣🤣 ((( i think my abicus works better than theirs)))

An ASL5 with a fully loaded winding specification will top out at ~6kw continuous.  (You'd have to count the strands on the primary and secondary windings to determine this.)

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12 minutes ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

An ASL5 with a fully loaded winding specification will top out at ~6kw continuous.  (You'd have to count the strands on the primary and secondary windings to determine this.)

i may actually do that (count the strands) on the second PowerJack 26000 watt 48-volt LF PSW SP AMG version as the smaller white covered wire going to the breaker on the front has the connection broke off.... but will require more dis-assembly to get to it....( to count the strands) the 4 smaller white covered stranded wires are the secondary at the higher voltage >>> correct???

the larger black wires are the primary wires going into the toroidal transformer at 32 volts >>> correct???

DIY oh my???

takes more to box it up and ship it back than to fix it is a bear to man handle....🤔😎

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An ASL5 with a fully loaded winding specification will top out at ~6kw continuous.  (You'd have to count the strands on the primary and secondary windings to determine this.)

OH NO  a  ASL5  in a 26000watt PJ  is  the biggest lie so far .   With the  rev 11.1 or rev 11.3 control board  it will not do more than  4000watts continuous .   Sorry to tell you this  as this is now  1/6 of advertise  output .   A  32VAC   primary  is  good for  16s   LifeP04  .     

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5 minutes ago, dickson said:

OH NO  a  ASL5  in a 26000watt PJ  is  the biggest lie so far .   With the  rev 11.1 or rev 11.3 control board  it will not do more than  4000watts continuous .   Sorry to tell you this  as this is now  1/6 of advertise  output .   A  32VAC   primary  is  good for  16s   LifeP04  . 

wow..... i wonder if it being labeled as an ASL5 AMG version is any different??? it has a 3/18/2022 manufacture date on the transformer tag...

this toroidal transformer is quite large and heavy,,,,,

maybe a different inverter board like the one on aliexpress??? would improve its output??? they have one rated at 12000watts 48volts....

got the chinesium blues! 🤣🤔🤔😎 

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you would think if they (PowerJack) claim to have 18 years inverter manufacturing experience they would make some sort of improvement and not go backwards....🤔🤔


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the transformer output is also hindered by over heating as i understand it which is what they have referred to as transformer saturation >>> this is the reason for the high speed fans to cool off the transformer and to cool off the mosfets so they do not go into melt down mode....

the finned aluminum heat sinks are to help get rid of the heat from the mosfets....

remember I am still learning??? so some things may not be written correct in correct terminology.🤔

thanks all, 

time to go feed the bottle lambs again. sun is out again >>> yea!! 😎


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Hey Dickson >>>Aliexpress has a 12000 watt board for 48-volt and a 15000 watt board for 60-volt for about $185

Yes  I  brought one 3 weeks  ago  from your  post on this  forum  .    I  should get it  this week  and  try  the ASL9.0  transformer with it .     It  has a EG8010  board .    My  15kw  shut down  at  90 degree F   with 2 fans  now and  not use with seven fans  because  too much noise .   I will try the EG8010  board  form  ebay .    I am waiting  for the GS12kw . 

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37 minutes ago, pilgrimvalley said:

the 4 smaller white covered stranded wires are the secondary at the higher voltage >>> correct???

the larger black wires are the primary wires going into the toroidal transformer at 32 volts >>> correct???

In my vernacular, yes 😉.  PJ seems to like to reverse the labels...but the big black ones going to the heatsinks are what I call the primary.  White ones to the output board are secondary.


14 minutes ago, pilgrimvalley said:

the transformer output is also hindered by over heating as i understand it which is what they have referred to as transformer saturation >>> this is the reason for the high speed fans to cool off the transformer and to cool off the mosfets so they do not go into melt down mode....

Transformer overheating is due to inadequately sized wire on the core, not core saturation.  Resistance * current = the less the transformer coil resistance, the less heat generated at the same current.

FETs will only go into melt-down mode if they're being driven poorly.


25 minutes ago, pilgrimvalley said:

maybe a different inverter board like the one on aliexpress??? would improve its output??? they have one rated at 12000watts 48volts....

Switching to an Aliexpress inverter board might stop your lights from noticeably flickering--but the transformer will still overheat just the same.

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PowerJack 48-volt 26000W LF SP PSW AMG version inverter:

so to determine the ASL5-x AMG 48-volt version capability a bit more accurately one needs to measure the number and diameter of the primary and secondary wire windings....of the toroidal transformer... i have a digital caliper i may be able to do that when i unbolt the case more.... all sides of the case are individual pieces bolted together.... so it is possible.... a few more days or so (maybe) or more before I get to doing that.....

because I as I understand from previous comments that the ASL number does not really tell you anything,,, and the fact that they put an "X" behind the ASL number may complicate it even more....

what significance does the X mean on their label???? on the tag of the toroidal transformer label???

more chinesium marketing  or what??? 🤔

for instance the ASL1-x may be in the AMG version 16000W, and the ASL3-x may be in the 20000W AMG but they tell you nothing about the size of the diameter of the windings or the number of aluminum wires on the primary and secondary windings of these AMG version inverters.... (never looked at their labels yet) but the box said that on another label....

the PowerJack 26000 48-volt watt LF SP PSW AMG version inverter box says it has an 11.3 board in it....(which is the part on top of the two inverter boards below....) basically bolted to one of them but looks like they are identical inverter boards below....

had to put it all away before the curious little girl arrived home (but only re-installed 6 bolts to the lid)...

thanks for the input/suggestions and your patience.... 🤔😎


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You got me curious as to the wire diameter size and number now for sure.....

that is why the real copper transformers can transmit more electricity and the cheap aluminum wound transformers can not because they do not have an adequate amount of larger aluminum wires...

transformer overheating due to the wires are too small and too few.... hmmm hmmm

they try to trick you by coating aluminum windings with a copper colored enamel....

kind of like promoting the sale  of the dwarf cow on a pile of manure in a dark barn.....

deception is ****

later, 🤔

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Posted by: @dickson
ASL9.0 transformer with it . It has a EG8010 board . My 15kw shut down at 90 degree F with 2 fans now and not use with seven fans because too much noise . I will try the EG8010 board form ebay .

sorry to hear about the inverter shutting down on you..... did you order the higher rated 15000 watt board on Aliexpress supposedly designed for 60 volts???? like to hear how it goes for you!

somethings are cheaper on eBay and sometimes cheaper on Aliexpress, and sometimes Amazon.... Amazon is the quickest to ship, so must have huge stock piles of pieces and parts for different vendors....

i never really learned about the small component details before as the old plug and play and research what drivers etc were missing in my computer building days....

I am not at all familiar with EG8010 component.... like to hear your feedback....

why make things compatible??? just change the design so everyone has to buy the new so-called improved version...🤣

yes, I do not hear the fan noise until i go outside in the off-grid solar power shed,,, kind of prefer this noise somewhere else for sure... i used to get silent fans for the computers to cool off the processors...

sounds like the 12k gs inverter is out about 4 months or more for the 12k version according to sean's YouTube video estimate...if all goes well for the pieces and parts supply chain.

thanks all, 😎

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sorry to hear about the inverter shutting down on you..... did you order the higher rated 15000 watt board 

NO  inverter can  run  more than 2 hours  at 120 degree F .   The outside  temperature  is now  90 degree F .  My 15kw  now has  2 fans and will  shut down  if I run the hot water heater  for more than an hour .    Last year I  had 7 fans  and  the noise  is not allow at night in the city  and the  15kw PJ  will still  shut down  with  7 fans .   My  15kw  is not  use in the summer  so a GS 12kw  will work  by  running a portable  14kw AC  to cool the inverter  and the  GS 12kw will run the 4 ton heqt pump  at the same time .     Then the air to the GS12kw  will be less than 90  degree F  and within spec .  

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