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Pin-out Old Main Board to New Control Board

1 Posts
1 Users
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Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 3
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Is the below the correct pin to pin wiring between the New 11.3 control board Output for MOS board to an Old 2.6 main board?

Main Board ……….   … Control Board

CN02 pin=colors..   … CN1_3 pin

===============… =======

01=Black,    ..…………..  01

02=White,    ..…………..  02

03=Gray,      ..…………… 06

04=Violet,    ..…………… 03

05=Blue,      ..…………… 05

06=Green,   ..…………… 08

07=Yellow,  ..……………. 04

08=Orange, ..………….. 07

09=Red,  ………………… 09

10=Brown, ……………… 10


PCB Board info:

NEW: HYZ-051BP13, Power Jack, LF control board, 11.3 V, 202105

EXISTING: HYZ-002BP13, Main board, v2.6, 2016/5/4

