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PowerJack 30000Watt 48volt LF SP PSW 2 box inverter 2021 model 189 pounds

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PowerJack 2 box stainless steel 30000 watt 48-volt inverter say 15000watt or 12000watt continuous....who knows...

the transformer is the heavy box with both SS Boxes together weighing 189 pounds.....poor UPS or FEDEX guy!!!

but it is not the AMG version

and the transformer is in one box and the control boards are in the other box....

$1500 on eBay.... they had it as $1599 but i offered $1500 and they accepted... so maybe in 60 days or so by the slow boat ride; i will have the opportunity to put in the newer larger off-grid solar shed....

of course there was the local sales tax of $67.50 so $1567.50 with free delivery.... 

no LCD meters but it does have the volt meter to show it function correctly.....

Looks like the same set up as the 24-volt 15000 watt 3 piece inverter i have been running the last 2 years....

new baby hair sheep last night so, the off-grid farm is always a joy.... 

cold and windy spring day rural South Dakota...

 cheers all....

30000watt Pure Sine Wave Power Inverter  
DC 48V to AC 110V-220V

AC 110V: 15000w continue power/16000w 10mins/17000w 5mins/60000w peak power

AC 220V: 15000w continue power/16000w 10mins/17000w 5mins/60000w peak power


We separate the control board and the transformer in two boxes,
so customer will receive two boxes as photos show, one is the transformer box, weight :66.65KG
size:450*400*180mm, the other is the control box, weight : 20.2KG
size:520*450*200mm, these total weighs about 87kgs,  the express company can only send package inner 68kgs, so we design this inverter with two boxes. We will send connection cables with them, but no battery cables are included, buyer need to prepare battery cables.

2021 version:

1. T box has a transformer cover to fix the transformer tightly make sure not remove during the delivery.


2. back side as have big amp coming, that why after connector the cable, please put back the back side cover, then you will not touch it .

3. front side also have cover, you can choice you want put the cover or not.

4. T box add a voltage meter, you can self testing the transformer good or not.


usually the T box arrive to your place with good condition, this is good to use 5-10 years without any problem, all you need take care is the C box, thats easy to solve the defective you right away to have a brand new inverter again. This we called recycle version inverter. in the marketing inverte, if inverter dead, all you have to do just through it away, that the only solution you have.


how to testing the transformer before loading?



1. input : L1+N 110V or L2+N 110V , output : 30-40 v means transformer good

2. input : L1+L2 220V, output T1+T2 will have 30-40 v, can see the left side has a ac meter  

3. during the working situations, the ac meter will also go to 30-40 V that means transformer is good to go

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PowerJack 2 box stainless steel 30000 watt 48-volt inverter say 15000watt or 12000watt continuous....who knows...

the transformer is the heavy box with both SS Boxes together weighing 189 pounds.

The  30kw  of  2 years  ago has a ASL11.0  transformer  and  will  run  9000 watts  continuous  according  to someone on this  forum   with the rev 10.3  control board .  1500 dolars  is a  good price as  original  price  was  3000  dollars .   

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yes, i always stayed away at 3000 dollars, but 1500 dollars seemed a bit more reasonable! although still a lot....

i keep seeing most component and battery prices going up with inflation,,,, maybe come down someday,,, but shipping is very expensive and even the solar panel are increasing in price....

i think the big corporations >>>>they use corona virus excuse to aid their price gouging...... 

like the Quantity of 32 280ah lifep4 cells went from $2900 to $4900 in less than 2 years time!!!

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PowerJack 30,000 watt LF SP PSW shipping today...4/21/2022

see how long the slow boat from China and UPS or Fedex takes.... A two piece stainless steel monster with the transformer box weighing 66.65 kg or (66.65 x 2.205 = 146.96 pounds) and the separate control box weighs 20.2 kg or ( 20.2 x 2.205 = 44.541 pounds) so slightly more than 189 pounds....

i may have to change out the propane hot water heater and put in an electric one....

propane is very expensive now.... always goes up in price in the winter, but the petro monopolies are gouging the poor folks again....

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PowerJack 30,000 watt LF SP PSW: 

have a happy May day all..... did you teach the young ones about may baskets?

At any rater I wonder what the windings and such on the PowerJack 30000 watt beast will be???? even the diameter of the windings evidently is a part of the puzzle???

what ASL number will the toroidal transformer be in the 30000 watt unit??? I think it is a 2021 model as it is not the AMG version....

I am to understand that the ASL number they use is only a diameter size of the iron or iron composition core of the toroid transformer and simply allows a certain amount of the enamel coated aluminum wire to be wound upon it.... the more wire of the proper diameter will give the transformer more ability before it gets too hot....

PowerJack ASL number designation is simply a diameter indication of the iron composite core....of the toroidal transformer before winding it with the enamel coated aluminum wire....

Bigger thicker wire is better, and better yet would have been real copper wire... as aluminum is not nearly as good a conductor as is copper... but cheap inexpensive inverters have to scrimp somewhere...

I personally use as big of copper wires as I can make fit in most of the wiring I do (with in reason)....

they sent me a skype contact for personal attention, but I have not yet contacted them... but the PowerJack 30000Watt two box Stainless steel LF SP PSW inverter is en-route via the slow boat ride from China...

maybe another month to 6weeks before it actually is at my off-grid farm in South Dakota..

spring lambing is in full force with 6 bottle lambs and numerous lambs that the mothers take care of....thank you...ton of work to feed bottle lambs...

It is getting closer to time to pour more cement for a larger off-grid solar power shed and solar array structures....

Recently, I received a notice/reply from another forum from a man who bought 32 of the EVE LF280K for  $4100 dollars including shipping and tax  so maybe some vendors you may find a better price...

Have a great day all! 😎👍

perhaps a 30000 watt one will power things adequately in the off-grid shop.....🤔🤔🤔

the battery bank is the most expensive part by the off-grid set up...

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perhaps a 30000 watt one will power things adequately in the off-grid shop.

IF the transformer is ASL11.0  then  it should  do  9000 watts contiuous and run a  4 ton heat pump  with a  rev 10.3 control board .    I  do not understand  why PJ  raise the price  that  much  unless  they  will put it on sale at a lower price later  to make it like a bargain  .    Nobody  will  buy a PJ  at that price  when  I  can  buy a  new design   18kw  sigineer  for  3800 dollars  that is  UL listed .  

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Posted by: @pilgrimvalley
the battery bank is the most expensive part by the off-grid set up...

I'm not sure i agree with this. At 3.8WH/$ for LiFePO4, a solar array appropriate for the bank size will be somewhat similar cost.

10KWH LiFePO4: ~2700$ inc. BMS (Chinese pricing)
2.5KW Solar Array: ~1900$ + 400$ ctrl (Chinese pricing)
2KW Turbine: ~2500$ inc. ctrl. (Chinese pricing)
6KW Inverter: ~1500$
Misc Wiring/Bus/Breakers: ~1000$ (do it right [tm] chinese pricing)

The battery bank, even with one of the best technologies just doesn't really stand out all that much, price wise IMO.
I'm no expert, but 4hr of full output on the solar for 100% charge seems in the ball park? Maybe a bit on the fast side, a bigger bank is probably justifiable. But most power is used during day time and thus less batt is required.

Posted by: @dickson
perhaps a 30000 watt one will power things adequately in the off-grid shop.

No telling what you'd actually get out of it.
The idle draw on those sigineers is brutal... I have a 1KW one with an idle draw the same [~29W] as my 6KW GS. LOL. Need a 3KW GS unit for my RV.

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No telling what you'd actually get out of it.
The idle draw on those sigineers is brutal.            I do not know  if the Sigineer  will do  18kw  but  should do  9000 watts continous .   Youtube do not show load test .  

<a href="/monthly_2022_05/629085536_Screenshot(459809)48v.png.61c6cbf0a74350f1f78906d3576d2a4e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1324" src="//" data-src="/monthly_2022_05/1070147812_Screenshot(459809)48v.thumb.png.af0b41f0333f98a5b4115c3a91d22eb6.png" data-ratio="56.1" width="1000" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="Screenshot (459809) 48v.png">

<a href="/monthly_2022_05/266508777_Screenshot(459819).png.0db67ed3097ca0647ee19bc1acf8bdc4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1325" src="//" data-src="/monthly_2022_05/1961618513_Screenshot(459819).thumb.png.eafa42c874d684420b406c262d1eda45.png" data-ratio="56.1" width="1000" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="Screenshot (459819).png">

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the solar panels were about 50 dollars per 250 watt 60 cell panel so 200 dollars per 1000watts of solar PV panels I have 80 of them so 20,000 watts of solar array plus I bought 40 327watt panels but I forget the exact price of those...

so 50 of the 250-watt 60-cell solar PV panel x 80 = $4000 dollars delivered still small in comparison to the LiFePO4 battery cost...

the 30000 watt PowerJack LF PSW SP inverter was only $1567.50 dollars including tax and miniscule price...

the 96 (272 and 280Ah) LifePO4 cells cost about $10,000 dollars delivered including tax and delivery...

still there are other wire costs etc, 400 amp class t fuse i bought for 8 dollars but the fuse holder was more like 30 dollars..

circuit breakers etc...

but still the most expensive part for me was the 96 large LiFePO4 cells....

yes, the Sigineer Power 18KW inverter with UL listing is a good candidate for a large system at 3800 dollars...a 220 pound beast....copper in it????

it would take 2 of the 30000 watt PowerJacks to do what the Sigineer 18KW would likely do in a tried and true inverter.... i have heard /read good things about the Sigineer brand...🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

thanks for the replies,


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For an offgrid solar system you should aim for a 0.5C max discharge rate and a 0.2C max charge rate.

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280Ah x 32 cells x3.2 volt = 28672Wh EVE brand cells

272Ah x 32 cells x 3.2 volt = 27852.8Wh Lishen brand cells

.2C max charge rate on a 48-volt battery would be 560Ah x .2C= 112 amps of solar charging rate.... for EVE cells

I get about 15 amps out of every 2 panels so (don't quote me on that number, I have to go check it or review old numbers).

112Amps divided by 15Amps per set of 2 250-watt Solar PV panels  = 7.466 set of panels or basically 15 of the 250-watt 60 cell panels... to get the .2C charge rate...

if my math is correct????

15 panels cost (15x50=750) $750 dollars in my setup...

so need about 45 of the 250-watt 60-cell solar PV panels for the 96 LiFePO4 cells... to charge at the .2C charge rate...

I had not really put those number in context yet as I plan to use the excess solar electricity in diversion to heat water to heat the house etc... summer time I may just irrigate the garden with the pond and artesian well water more, to use more electricity. I bought some DC pumps to move water...and also DC heat elements to heat water...still need a good steel tank for the water heating....

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28672Wh cost $4300 dollars for the EVE brand LiFePO4 cells.... including delivery and tax to South Dakota USA

so 28.672KWh cost 4300 dollars...

so $4300 divided by 28.672 = $149.97 dollars per KWh......

am I wrong???? likely 🤔

still have to add in a BMS for the LiFePO4 battery and some cable interconnects (American Math) but all LiFePO4 cells were purchased via Alibaba via the slow boat ride method...

so two of the 30000 watt PowerJack LF PSW SP inverters at 9000 watt continuous possible output may still be a good price... at $1567.50 delivered each???

in comparison to the 96 LiFePO4 cells at 10,000 dollars....

I am sure some people pay more and some people pay less... but it is a ball park with many different pitchers...

Let me know if I have any bad math mistakes... thanks all,

this is off-grid and is stationary and will never be connected to the grid... and will never be connected to a gas or diesel generator as I dis-like the noise...

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 I bought 40 327watt panels but I forget the exact price of those.

I  have  15  sunpower  327 watt panels  cost 125 dollars  each  from  SanTan solar  .    These  64  volt  panel  work with 4  MSB  60 amp  controller  120 dollar each  to output  66 volts  and reduce to 62 v  to the  PJ inverter  and the LED  light  never flicker at that  voltage  .     My  13 strings  of car ev battery  is the most  expensive  about 5500   dollars .   The  EV  battery  come from  Mercedes  BMW  Leaf  Prius  Mitsubishi  LG(not chev bolt)  Fiat  Samsung  in 16v 20v 30v 56v  67v  connected in series and parallel for 13 strings.     

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SanTan sold the 327 watt 96-cell panels in a pallet price but I would have to find that price as it was about 3 years or more ago...

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SanTan sold the 327 watt 96-cell panels in a pallet price but I would have to find that price as it was about 3 years or more ago.

I   happen  to live a few miles from  SanTan  and I  just pickup at the location .   Sunpower panel  are the  best  .   Many  people  brought  the 250 watts panel (not sunpower) at 50  dollars  each .   Almost all the solar panel go to  RV installation  as  the city  do not want DIY  to  tinker with Offgrid  stuff .  

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