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PowerJack 30000Watt 48volt LF SP PSW 2 box inverter 2021 model 189 pounds

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There is an alternative to using one giant high power Chinese inverter that burns through watts like paper.  Split the load up.  Use a more efficient and lower idle draw HF inverter for most of the appliances and a smaller LF inverter to run the load that would be problematic for a HF inverter.  It may even be practical to run the LF inverter in its econo-mode where it senses the load and turns off output if below a certain point.

Assuming of course that you won't or can't buy a GS inverter which given where we are posting is a tad insulting to the forum operators...

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 The Chinesium inverters have low voltage cut off and, assuming you have a lithium battery of some type, your BMS should step in and prevent discharge below '0%' (which is not 0 volts) anyway.

I  was  thinking  what if  my MSB controller  fail   and if the  BMS  fail   the  Sigineer  inverter  will still  have the high  idle draw  even after the inveter shut off  at 43 volts  and  the battery will continue to go down  below  SOC 20 percent .     .   

 looking at other 12 to 18kw inverters now.....Sigineer & Sungold power are 2 possible for off-grid       I was thinking of  Sean  in which  he was talking  about  the Sungold  in parallel  mode in his youtube chat .   He  forget  which  HF  inverter have parallel  mode  and he thought it  is was Sungold .    The  HF inverter Sean  was thinking  cost 8500  dollars that has parallel mode .     That HF inverter  need a  soft starter  to start  heavy inductive  load .   

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I use multiple inverter now for different loads. off-grid..

the problem comes into not having a large enough inverter to run the whole house etc,,,

if you can not connect 2 inverters to the same breaker box... it causes a lot of redundant systems that do not work together.

probably good that i did not get the scam 30000 watt PowerJack inverters as Sean does not repair or have parts for them anyway.

it is my understanding Sean no longer works for PowerJack and does not repair the inverters for PowerJack any they abruptly dumped him without any notice....

i do not know if they still contract to have him say talk to the seller as he has no authorization for warrantee work or not>>>????

the gs12k inverter has been hyped for 1.5 to 2 years.... and has a projected 4 month delay after the preorder period is started/finished..... that would be sometime in October if it was ready today,,, which it is not at that point yet....and has no price set as of now....

the 6k will not run a whole house etc. with any requirement of electrical power loads...maybe ok for some with lower electrical demands....

but I keep watching to see what they get going.....



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19 hours ago, TheButcher said:

There is an alternative to using one giant high power Chinese inverter that burns through watts like paper.  Split the load up.  Use a more efficient and lower idle draw HF inverter for most of the appliances and a smaller LF inverter to run the load that would be problematic for a HF inverter.  It may even be practical to run the LF inverter in its econo-mode where it senses the load and turns off output if below a certain point.

Assuming of course that you won't or can't buy a GS inverter which given where we are posting is a tad insulting to the forum operators...

do you have and operate a gs inverter?? 

the forum topic was 30000 watt powerjack inverter which is not sold by gs or serviced by gs....the problem I had with the powerjack was a scam flat cardboard envelop with nothing but a piece of paper received and the powerjack seller reporting the item delivered....on eBay

in the past YouTube videos Sean hyped the 15k and 20k powerjack inverters,,, this is no longer done on his YouTube videos....

it sounds like he (Sean) may have heard some people who bought and actually received the 30000 watt powerjack had problems,,, not anything about actually seeing one or repairing one... 

Sid says all gs inverter transformer and case etc  is made by PowerJack in their specificatioon other than a few parts and final assembly of acquired parts will be done via Sean and Sid's custom programed wifi boards etc...

the scam by powerjack sellers on eBay and their newly inflated sales prices may be a good or bad selling point for the gs inverter line....

powerjack does not have the decency to respond to their customers or to Sean when they dumped him as their repair center...

yet it is reported that powerjack jack and powrejack Helen are just selling under new seller name on eBay with lower ratings.... buyer beware is what i am reporting....

if a good product arrives from powerjack ..... I will report what I find.... not holding my breath on anything arriving...

I recommend not buying any powerjack via eBay to any forum viewers.... at this time...

power save does not function correctly on the powerjack inverters i am running....




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1 hour ago, pilgrimvalley said:

I use multiple inverter now for different loads. off-grid..

the problem comes into not having a large enough inverter to run the whole house etc,,,

if you can not connect 2 inverters to the same breaker box... it causes a lot of redundant systems that do not work together.

probably good that i did not get the scam 30000 watt PowerJack inverters as Sean does not repair or have parts for them anyway.

it is my understanding Sean no longer works for PowerJack and does not repair the inverters for PowerJack any they abruptly dumped him without any notice....

i do not know if they still contract to have him say talk to the seller as he has no authorization for warrantee work or not>>>????

the gs12k inverter has been hyped for 1.5 to 2 years.... and has a projected 4 month delay after the preorder period is started/finished..... that would be sometime in October if it was ready today,,, which it is not at that point yet....and has no price set as of now....

the 6k will not run a whole house etc. with any requirement of electrical power loads...maybe ok for some with lower electrical demands....

but I keep watching to see what they get going.....



Isn't the GS inverter designed to run in parallel?  Maybe buy 2 eventaully?

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Isn't the GS inverter designed to run in parallel?  Maybe buy 2 eventaully?

YES  the GS 6kw was designed originally to run in parallel  .      I   was  going to buy  2  GS 6 kw  with the revA  control board  but  parallel mode is still  not available .      Sean  say  the GS 12 kw  can not  run  two in 120vac to get  24 kw .   I   will  buy two  GS 6 kw  if a external  sync wire  will  get two GS 6 kw 240 vac in parallel mode .      

but I keep watching to see what they get going.....


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Posted by: @robertm
Isn't the GS inverter designed to run in parallel? Maybe buy 2 eventaully?

Well.....eventually, once I get the code written 😉

Currently still working on getting that 12kw spec manual written up.

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Posted by: @robertm
Isn't the GS inverter designed to run in parallel? Maybe buy 2 eventaully?

if you watch Sean's YouTube videos .... he talks of wanting 3 or more gs 12 inverters but they will not be connected to the same ac panel but will be separate panels not connected together. Right now he (Sean) does not have the battery capacity to run one gs12k inverter 24/7... but maybe he will in the future...

they (GS inverters) are not yet designed to be hooked to the same AC panel and functioning simultaneously.🤔🤔🤔

I think each of the 3 proposed 12k inverters (Sean proposal) would take a large battery or not be usable with inadequate solar PV generation...

he (Sean & the 5000 sf country house))would probably do better with more insulation and a more efficient air conditioning system.,,, first!! IMO😎


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if you can not use the inverter in the night,,,, it would not be very helpful in an off-grid design,,, so battery storage capacity and conservative use when no sun is needed, 

for me the inverter is the weak link....

I have plenty of solar panels a lots of lifepo4 battery capacity..

that is why i want the large whole house compatible inverter....

I have 4 LF inverters hooked up but only using 3 24/7,,, one is hooked up but not utilized much so turned off....

I do not need the WIFI as my BMS has the WIFI monitoring of the expensive lifepo4 batteries...

things can malfunction so i like redundancy where possible....such as charge controller or bms...or inverter for that matter!


off-grid is more rewarding but requires more batteries etc.... not living like a hermit that is for sure!

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3 hours ago, pilgrimvalley said:

do you have and operate a gs inverter??

No I don't and I likely never will unfortunately.  I can see the day that my current not-entirely-cheapo Chinese inverter will go bang.  At that point I'd like to replace it with a GS but being in Australia it's not practical so I will probably end up with a Victron.

The topic might well be 'PowerJack', but it's pretty clear that

  • they are junk
  • don't do what is written in the specifications
  • there is no such thing as a good powerjack inverter

So instead of repeatedly buying something that you 100% know is simply not going to do the job, support Genetry by buying one of their infinitely better GS inverters if you live in an area where it is practical to do so.  It'll actually do what it says and in the long term  will end up cheaper than throwing money at Powerjack.  Buy 2 if you need redundancy (always a good idea when off grid) rather than 4 or more Powerjacks.

Look at your own situation right now.  Look at all the drama that you are going through because you've been ripped off by the Powerjack seller let alone being ripped off by Powerjack itself.  Now imagine you had purchased a 6kW GS.  Not only would it produce more power than a '30,000 watt' powerjack, you'd have it and be using it, right now!

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if you watch Sean's YouTube videos .... he talks of wanting 3 or more gs 12 inverters but they will not be connected to the same ac panel but will be separate panels not connected together. Right now he (Sean) does not have the battery capacity to run one gs12k inverter 24/7... but maybe he will in the future..

That  is my  concern  about  getting  any  12 kw  inverter  is the idle draw after the inverter  shut down   and  I  also do not have  enough  battery capacity  .        Sean  say he use  80000 watt hour per day  on youtube  so he need 4 GS 12kw inverters .     I  can use a GS 12 kw  because of the low idle draw  .   


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No I don't and I likely never will unfortunately.  I can see the day that my current not-entirely-cheapo Chinese inverter will go bang.  At that point I'd like to replace it with a GS but being in Australia it's not practical so I will probably end up with a Victron.                                Youtube has a lot of  video  about Victron  .    Almost  all RV  and motor home use Victron .   

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Look at your own situation right now.  Look at all the drama that you are going through because you've been ripped off by the Powerjack seller let alone being ripped off by Powerjack itself.         

This can be a new topic  that  I  thought  would never happen .     What if I  pre-order  a  GS 12 kw  with  a bank credit  card  and  had to  wait til October  for delivery  then that is  past 60 days  and no refund  because of the delay .    Sean  already  gave the money to  Powerjack  so how is Sean  going to   refund  me  ?         Sean  made a  funny chat  about  Sid    disappear    to the  Arctic ??     and  he will  do the refund   but the money is gone  ?    

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Posted by: @thebutcher
No I don't and I likely never will unfortunately. I can see the day that my current not-entirely-cheapo Chinese inverter will go bang. At that point I'd like to replace it with a GS but being in Australia it's not practical so I will probably end up with a Victron.

Never say never 😉.

The biggest issue with overseas shipping is (besides the logistics)...the cost of shipping. 

That's not to say that we don't have GS inverters in several countries outside of the U.S.  As of right now, I'm aware of Haiti, Jamaica, Canada, and one in the U.K. (yes, you read that right).  Generally before we allow an out-of-the-country shipment, the buyer has to sign an agreement that warranty replacement is void (due to the much higher cost of shipping).  Obviously, if there are any issues, we'll provide replacement parts/service help--just we can't afford to be legally liable for shipping an entire inverter back and forth.

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I'm not surprised you have units around the Americas but I am surprised that you have one in the UK.

Warranty and support is exactly the stumbling point, not that I'd expect a lot of hardware problems anyway.  It's unreasonable to expect GS to offer the same level of support 15000km away that a locally sold product offers.  The sheer cost of getting a GS across the pond to me would pump up the effective purchase price to the point where as nice as it'd be to have a GS it simply doesn't add up.

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