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PowerJack 30000Watt 48volt LF SP PSW 2 box inverter 2021 model 189 pounds

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Posted by: @thebutcher
No I don't and I likely never will unfortunately. I can see the day that my current not-entirely-cheapo Chinese inverter will go bang. At that point I'd like to replace it with a GS but being in Australia it's not practical so I will probably end up with a Victron.

victron is way over priced but lots of good things except not sufficient for whole house sized inverters unless you live in a tiny house. they only have small inverters....not what I am seeking but I like the looks of Victron equipment...Victron may be adequate for small homes possibly....

powerjack was promoted for years on Sean's "Genetry Solar" YouTube channel and I have 4 of them hooked up but not in a whole house large inverter that I seek...until they decided to not have Genetry Solar do any repair work without notice....

so definitely not the first customer screwed by the powerjack company..,,,,


my system is off-grid....

I am sure for the right amount of money Sean could ship you a GS inverter when they get some made....maybe even offer you the discount if you prepay....🤔 you should ask him....

not sure why powerjack has decided to defraud their customers via eBay via the now non-existent eBay seller rayjunglepower.... just a pawn for powerjack,,, 

i have got a refund and will seek another large inverter of better quality ....

at any rate My recommendation is to avoid all powerjack purchases on eBay to those who read about them on this thread...

all I received was a flat cardboard envelop with a piece of paper in place of the 189 pound 30000 watt powerjack inverter they advertised and sold on ebay via the seller "rayjunglepower" ; this was reported via other sellers on the eBay site also...the scam letter was sent certified and was reported in the eBay system as delivered but a piece of paper is definitely not a 189 pound inverter. 

A powerjack promoted scam as far as I can tell....

thought Sean would chime in but has never said anything about the eBay scam.... he (Sean)  indicates on the YouTube videos that the Genetry Solar forum is Sid's Sid is doing all the design and specification work for gs products manufactured by powerjack....


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Posted by: @dickson
This can be a new topic that I thought would never happen . What if I pre-order a GS 12 kw with a bank credit card and had to wait til October for delivery then that is past 60 days and no refund because of the delay . Sean already gave the money to Powerjack so how is Sean going to refund me ? Sean made a funny chat about Sid disappear to the Arctic ?? and he will do the refund but the money is gone ?

I think one would have to read the small print and definitely talk to the credit card company and or paypal to see what their guarantee is.... I think the reason I received refund is it was less 30day mark that the fraudulent report of the seller rayjunglepower showed the item as delivered...but if I waited longer it definitely may not be so pretty....

yes, a different thread of credit card ability and paypay ability to refund money would be a subject all on its own....more so may be found in the small print which nobody normally reads,,,,until you are being scammed....

they are not likely to be good....

credit cards have the ability to do a charge back on the seller.... what happens then when powerjack rips off the contractor?? they go bankrupt??? hide in Artic  ??? good one Sean!🤣

no need for air-conditioner!

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Victron inverters run whole factories.  Yes, you read that right.  Whole factories.  Not one obviously instead a professional parallel setup, but you can't a whole factory on a single GS either.

You definitely can't run a whole house off a Powerjack* so I'm not really sure what your point here really was.

*well not unless it's a tiny house 🙂 or at least a non-USA house.  Personally I could run my whole premises off a 3kW inverter and do, but I don't have a 30kW whole house airconditioner either.

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Posted by: @thebutcher
You definitely can't run a whole house off a Powerjack* so I'm not really sure what your point here really was.

your house could run off a small powerjack, but my load is more... 

so your statement of what the LF PowerjJck inverters can power is definitely wrong....and without any actual usage to back up your false statement...

i have a 15000 watt lf powerjack that has been running 24/7 for about a year or more and a 6000 watt one and an 8000 watt powerjack that have been running close to 2 years 24/7... plus another 8000 watt one hooked up not being used...they were mostly bought on auction for a fraction of the current prices... likely 4 of the 15000 watt ones for the price of a single 3000 watt Victron.....

so >>>>  a powerjack could easily run a whole house with a modest you describe your load as....

but not the demand I am seeking...😎

and as someone who has no direct powerjack inverter usage,,,, why do you post unknown rhetoric....of what the powerjack inverter can or can not do...????

I suggest a larger inverter of a more reputable company for large whole house off-grid my family is not looking to be in the primitive stoneage home.... if the family wants the stove and electric dryer and furnace to function or AC, etc. at the same time and tv and lights etc... that is the design criteria... 

so i am looking at 12k to 15k to 18K inverters in a reasonable price line that will last as long as the solar panels and LifePO4 batteries...

the current problem with powerjack is the company not producing an inverter that is delivered without a scam at this moment so I was not able to test their 30000 watt version and likely never will at his point as I seek a more reputable company that delivers something other than the flat cardboard letter with a piece of paper... at this point the powerjack company has shown to be a scam sales outlet on eBay as  also reported in multiple reviews now..

i do  not know why they (the powerjack company) let these things occur...????🤔

Victron is a real expensive company with good product reviews but I will not buy their expensive equipment to speak of at this time... not needed....I do own one Victron Smart shunt though....🤔



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Except that you are flip flopping.  Your are talking about a single big output LF inverter to run a whole house.  This is clearly not what you are doing therefore my statement regarding your situation and not being able to run the whole household off a single Powerjack is proven by your own words.

How many watts are you actually pulling out of those PJ inverters, individually, and at what power factor?  State it.  Right here.

15000W PJ - actual continuous load, peak load, power factor

6000W PJ - actual continuous load, peak load, power factor

8000W PJ - actual continuous load, peak load, power factor

Maybe that will help you appreciate what I am saying here.

I'll give you a hint about the alleged 30kW PJ.  It'll perform equally as badly, perhaps worse.  30kW?  Not a chance.  Stop wasting your time buying and testing this crap.  You already realise the outcome.  It won't do what you want.  Put your name down for a GS inverter (perhaps 2) or stump up the cash and buy a name brand such as Victron, Magnasine and others.

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Posted by: @thebutcher
Except that you are flip flopping. Your are talking about a single big output LF inverter to run a whole house. This is clearly not what you are doing therefore my statement regarding your situation and not being able to run the whole household off a single Powerjack is proven by your own words.

the 8000 watt powerjack inverter is smaller than I want...but will easily run your 3000 watt load. just not the inverter for my whole house,,, the 15000 watt one is direct wired to the house breaker box.... in split phase... 

 as an armchair commentor with no actual powerjack usage, your rhetoric is worthless to me. you have no proof to your false powerjack rhetoric...with no real usage...why are you bashing the powerjack product for which you do not use and have no actual usage????

I have other large powerjack inverters but still not exactly what I want...

you can buy a couple GS inverters as you appear to be their best sales person with no actual product usage,,, I have to wait to see what they produce... as they are not yet producing the gs12k yet...

the 30000 watt powerjack inverter they they never delivered was the topic of this thread...unfortunately i did not actually receive it so have no actual use data to report on it other than buyer beware of the scam sales issue I encountered via eBay seller rayjunglepower. 

please do not reply as you have no real use information on any of the powerjack inverters...

i also have 2 of the powerjack 26000 watt AMG version inverters in the 48-volt version but have not tried them yet....due to farm demands of my time....

not going to buy a victron, magnasine,,,,not interested in those....🤣


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A deaf dumb and blind person could readily see that I am not attempting to make you buy a Victron or other top shelf product.  I'm encouraging you to buy a GS inverter because it will actually do what you are trying to do.  Personally I don't care if you piss your money up against a wall with this stupid pursuit of a Powerjack product that you already know up front will simply not do what you are trying to do.

Your money.  Go ahead.  Throw it on the fire if you must.  If nothing else it will be an education for anyone else reading in why they too should steer clear of Powerjack.

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a victron 5000 watt invert is $1711 dollars.... quite expensive canadian based chinese parts manufactured inverter...

but a 300 dollar powerjack will output the same >>> now they >>> the small powerjack 8000watt inverters cost about 400 dollars with the inflated prices.

a 26000 watt amg powerjack will likely reasonably output more than 7000 watts. this is according to SID guestimate.

Sid has vast testing/tinkering of some of powerjack products so I can rely on his replies as accurate...

 Super Robkar's YouTube video was outputting close to 6000 watts with a 12000 watt powerjack amg version.

Sean's (Genetry Solar) YouTube stress test has shown over 3000 watt on a powerjack 6000 watt 12volt inverter... I only have 24 and 48 volt inverters.

these were documented on multiple YouTube video...

Sean (Genetry Solar) hyped the 15000 and 20000 watt powerjack inverters in his YouTube video but never ever showed the load test he promised....

I will not stress test any inverter as I do not need to do that....I want them to function as long as I may need them...not kill them off....

I have two PowerJack 26000 watt AMG version Powerjack LF inverters, waiting to be connected and purchased for $599.61 delivered, so one third the price of a 5000 watt Victron;  but they are now selling the same PowerJack 26000 watt one for $999 to $1199 on eBay. unfortunately inflation has been setting in hard...

I am headed away from any more Powerjack products due to the cardboard envelop with only a piece of paper scam I encountered via rayjunglepower >>>> a ebay seller for powerjack

they have not responded since May 13th, 2022  and so as others have also encountered the Powerjack scam >>> I have lost any faith in their vip customer service >>>

powerjack jack replied on skype in May but never followed through so eBay and credit card to the rescue...

i so you got 4-5pcs from ebay

thats why we set up your skype account

we will make vip service for you

this is the last communication from the fraud skype of powerkack-jack on may 13th,

they seemed to diasappear... still no reply (((today is june 16th 2022)))

maybe they went to the "Artic"

the gs 6k inverter is $1299 (was advertised but out of stock now) plus shipping so definitely competitive with more bells and whistles than a 26000watt powerjack amg version inverter...hearing they may be more expensive (ther GS 6k inverters) in the next batch???

I am still watching for gs12k to see what they the final version...

the 30000 watt purchase never arrived only the flat cardboard envelop with a piece of paper not the 189 pound 30000 watt powerjack lF inverter they advertised....

stay clear of the powerjack on eBay.

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Here's my 2 cents on the EBay drama. The current sellers of PJ inverters are the same as they ever were, they're just now using new accounts. The PJ inverters have now almost doubled in price. I successfully bought a PJ AMG inverter off EBay 6 months ago, cheap. It's supposed to be 4000W continuous, and has 2 caps on the main board.  It won't start a 240V 1/2 hp pump, but I haven't given up. It also initially wouldn't start a 115V 750W refrigerator, but I discovered a trick, and now it starts and runs it fine. I'll do the best with it that I can, because I don't have the budget for anything better. My entire setup, including batteries, cost $1500.

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thats why we set up your skype account

we will make vip service for you

this is the last communication from the fraud skype of powerkack-jack on may 13th,

they seemed to diasappear... still no reply (((today is june 16th 2022)))

maybe they went to the "Artic"

What if  Powerjack  change name as a   manufactoring   supplier and also went to the Artic .      Good luck going to court in CHINA  .       The court  allow Powerjack  to LIE  as they please  and all is legal   from  google  search .    

<a href="/monthly_2022_06/175314568_Screenshot(574551).png.4c56ffbf5f09263840e4d1cca1752d28.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1389" src="//" data-src="/monthly_2022_06/943826283_Screenshot(574551).thumb.png.8baa68672794226892c027dd905580a5.png" data-ratio="56.2" width="1000" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="Screenshot (574551).png">

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seems like the battery range is rather narrow for the PowerJack to function under load may be part of the issue(as I try to interpret what issues improvements can be done,) so perhaps a larger battery will not have the battery power requirement sag low voltage issue to start the larger loads,,,,

also the PowerJack AMG versions (almost all) have the disclaimer of a external inductor/choke is needed for heavy loads, some have had improvement/success with that method....

the previous PowerJack non-AMG versions in 6k 8k and 15k and 20k did not have any such warning of the external choke/inductor required for starting heavy loads... hmmm

I still think Genetry Solar could have a large market audience to supply replacement setups to cure the PowerJack woes...

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Posted by: @dickson
What if Powerjack change name as a manufactoring supplier and also went to the Artic . Good luck going to court in CHINA . The court allow Powerjack to LIE as they please and all is legal from google search .

exactly... they sell the same product under u-power, green power, super power, etc via new eBay seller accounts.

impossible to collect from a scam artist.... 

hard to collect from deadbeat rental tenants even after you get a court judgement.... so what will you do against the fraud Chinese company who goes to the Artic???

so....>>>> use the credit card as the sole method to purchase anything....possibly with PayPal via credit card....I don't use paypal much as my credit card gives me 2 percent back and the federal tax credit in the USA is still 26 percent for the solar off-grid project which has made the off-grid solar more doable....for my setups in the USA...

it looks like the credit card has come to the rescue for me over the flat cardboard mailer with only a piece of paper scam....

PowerJack just changed their names with a different sticker...

buyer beware...

i have some hope for the 26000 watt AMG PowerJack LF PSW SP 48-volt inverters to function still... but no faith in PowerJack VIP service no more...

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also the PowerJack AMG versions (almost all) have the disclaimer of a external inductor/choke is needed for heavy loads, some have had improvement/success with that method.   

The  external huge choke to the  AC  output does nothing  but make PJ  more profit  .         I   stop looking to buy  any  PJ  stuff  after the AMG  went on sale in ebay  with the LIE about more power .      The AMG  transformer  with  2  separate  120vac  winding  is  not  going  to make more power like PJ  advertise .       Sid  say many times that PJ  do not understand   USA  split-phase  .         Now  after 3 years I    know  why my   ASL9.0  transformer  has  2 times more  winding on L1  than L2   and  L2  ac  output is  10 vac less than  L!  and is unbalance .        

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Here's some more grist for the mill. With these AMG inverters, we're being told they need AC choke coils to safelt start motors, and three different ones are for sale by the EBay seller. The uF values seem to relate to the voltage that you draw, and they seem to market them as 110V accessories. I hope to use my inverter in the 220V mode, so I might need 2 of them. I see similar chokes on AliExpress for much less money.

To start my pump motor I tried a 24V capacitor bank, but didn't do a good job building the starting "battery". My new plan is to use nickel strips to directly attach to the little terminal holes of the pcb boards and build a good secure terminal block out from the nickel strips. I will charge the 24V bank on lithium mode with my solar controller. 

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yes I also have been looking at the chokes on Aliexpress especially the copper wound ones....

tinkering but still seeking a larger more powerful inverter....


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