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I ordered the cheap 12k from powerjack and got something else

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Are the larger transformers AMG? Does it matter? Did Helen run off with Ray Jungle Power? The timing is suspicious.

The ASL5.0  transformer for  AMG has 6 wires .   I like the ASL5.0  not AMG has  5 wires .     Need to ask PJ in China  if the REV 11.3  control board  will work with the  discontinued  ASL5.0  five wires transformer .    It is very suspicious that  they  leave  PJ in China at the same time .    Ray Jungle Power still  have 2  active accounts on ebay with different name .   Helen  still has her original  ebay account   and is still  working for PJ  but in a different department  in Walnut  (not Walmart )  on what to do with  all the returned  inverters and repairing them   but  not deal with complaint .         

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23 minutes ago, dickson said:

The ASL5.0  transformer for  AMG has 6 wires .   I like the ASL5.0  not AMG has  5 wires .     Need to ask PJ in China  if the REV 11.3  control board  will work with the  discontinued  ASL5.0  five wires transformer .

As far as electronics are concerned, there is zero difference between any of the transformers (or control boards) that PJ has made.  Any control board to any transformer (of the general same voltage specification) change/no problem.


1 hour ago, RobertM said:

Are the larger transformers AMG? Does it matter?

As far as I know, the "AMG" has to do with the winding specification.  "ASLxx" defines the core size.

kinda curious that the "AMG" spec matches the GS spec pretty closely, hehe.

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2 minutes ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

As far as electronics are concerned, there is zero difference between any of the transformers (or control boards) that PJ has made.  Any control board to any transformer (of the general same voltage specification) change/no problem.


As far as I know, the "AMG" has to do with the winding specification.  "ASLxx" defines the core size.

kinda curious that the "AMG" spec matches the GS spec pretty closely, hehe.

AMG is an acronym for All Most Genetry

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Posted by: @robertm
AMG is an acronym for All Most Genetry

Haha.  Might as well.....for the voltage spec and nothing else.

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Is there an asl5 available....48v?

If not the asl2 should be able to handle intermittent loads


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If not the asl2 should be able to handle intermittent loads

ASL2 handle  resistive load  but not the  inductive load like well pump  when surge   last  more than 5 seconds .     Sean has ASL5.0  in his  barn  but no time to  check  .    ASL5.0  was discontinued  but  ASL5 AMG  is available  but shipping from  China is not  worth it .    

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Not in a hurry for it, but definitely interested in the asl5

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13 hours ago, dickson said:

Sean has ASL5.0  in his  barn  but no time to  check

No idea where that nonsense is coming from.  Sean sold off all the extra transformers he had before he moved from the Lansing address.  He is not doing PJ repairs anymore, and as such does not have access to spare parts such as PJ transformers.


worth noting that an old-style AS-5 transformer that I got in a "9000W" PJ inverter, would overheat at 3kw.

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Not in a hurry for it, but definitely interested in the asl5

Best to  not do anymore  testing with Powerjack inverter .    Many parts I  get from ebay are BAD  and the wires  arc  and on fire .  PJ in CHINA  discontiued  many parts  so parts are not available  .      

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No matter

This 8k they sent me runs pretty well

Been running the house on it and only issue I've had was blown fuse at 4500W........kinda expected as it's a 20A fuse

Bought the NOS 6K GS unit so it won't matter long 

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I have now modified my PJ unit by removing most of the transformer supports

I'm running 1 strap and no center bolt allowing air flow through the center as the center of a toroid has the same thermal energy as the outside in a much smaller area

It runs much cooler now

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 Sean sold off all the extra transformers he had before he moved from the Lansing address.  He is not doing PJ repairs anymore, and as such does not have access to spare parts such as PJ transformers.   

Anyone  doing PJ repairs  is going to  be almost impossible  as Powerjack  only make rev 11.3 control board .   Sean latest youtube  say he will  sell  working PJ inverters  with NO warranty  and used parts with no  test and  NO  warranty .    He will  not sell parts  from a working  iunverter  and  used parts will   come from  non working  inverter .     

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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
No idea where that nonsense is coming from. Sean sold off all the extra transformers he had before he moved from the Lansing address.

seems odd he(Sean) is now advertising and selling off his PowerJack stuff.....see on the gs website and his recent YouTube videos....he must be hiding stuff from ya...🤔

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PowerJack sellers just get new accounts under new alias.

I have dealt with several before they get into trouble on eBay and disappear....

rayjunglepower was the latest fake abusive PowerJack sales account on eBay that is now non-existent...

money is their next alias please!

you do not know if a Jack is a Jill or a Bill or a David.

and Helen is still there....???? just not into complaints department...

I can not tell by email or text if any of them are accounts...same thing>>> can't tell a Jack from a Jill

I do not speak Chinese and will never go to China. I doubt anyone from gs has ever seem any of them or ever traveled to China/Taiwan or actually been able to either...

just blindly trusting them to send something??? 

must be a Confucius warning they keep to themselves about buyer beware!!!!

they claim Taiwan made but not likely as most originate out of China....

has anyone ever seen any of these fake people???

my opinion, I have never seen any one of them....

at least the cc companies and eBay got my money back when they sent the piece of paper crumpled up in a tiny card board box or the flat envelop with only a piece of paper....

seen more than one of their scams....

what do they get except bad publicity for these fraud schemes??? do they gain on the float of the money....does the credit card company and/or eBay take the hit???

just curious?

more snow and colder than yesterday and more cold n snow coming this week....

off grid in South Dakota 😎

the above dribble is for your Saturday morning pleasure....

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PJ is real

They do sell real inverters 

Their first stuff was pretty bad but they improved..........

Than they got more concerned about weight than performance and cut back on capability (but not labeling)

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