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PJ 8000w SP got shorted out

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Hm, put a new MOSFET board on, all 4 are now lit. Put it back together and find out? Lok

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Posted by: @notmario
Did you replace all 4 mosboards at the time?

More than

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Ok, back together. Turn it on, nothing explodes, all green lights, then is pulsating the LEDs on the MOSFET board on the negative side, and beeps after a bit.

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Forgive the loud fan, it's on the other inverter. Have to look close to see the green LEDs start flashing.

Actually, it's more of a.pulsating. and all of the boards do it to an extent. 


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Well, now it does nothing when you turn it on. Just green lights on the boards.

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Well, now it does nothing when you turn it on. Just green lights on the boards.

Look like a rev 11.1  control board  is bad  .     Powerjack  do not make rev 11.1 control board  for some unknow reason  ?   I  replace my rev 11.1 with the new rev 11.3  but also  replace the   mainboard  and ribbon cable  .    IT works  but no LED on LF driver and I will load test later  .    

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Posted by: @jsg
Ok, back together. Turn it on, nothing explodes, all green lights, then is pulsating the LEDs on the MOSFET board on the negative side, and beeps after a bit.

Well, that's a start.....

Pulsating LEDs, but do you have the AC output transformer reconnected to the heatsink?

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Sid, yes I



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I have to say, honestly....being a PJ, there's pretty much absolutely nothing for diagnostics.  If you have an oscilloscope, there's a chance you could trace signals and see if anything coming out of the MCU ("CPU") is correct.  But as the previous driver board had blown low-side transistors, I would not be the slightest bit surprised if control board circuitry upstream from the driver board is damaged.

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