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PJ is standing me up......

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Well PJ is now ignoring me after I explained to to them my problem of not starting A/C. So no I am screwed and out $2000. I am so done with this sh!t. What a waste of my time and money. If I have to spend the rest of my life to stop these people from stealing peoples money and sending out junk that is what I shall do.

Thanks for all the help. These forums are very valuable and has helped me and others a lot. I have reconnect my 20Kw that works just fine and maybe I can scrap this 30Kw and get some of my money back

Thank you and I hope all have a great summer.

Very disgusted,


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Posted by: @crazydave
Well PJ is now ignoring me after I explained to to them my problem of not starting A/C. So no I am screwed and out $2000. I am so done with this sh!t. What a waste of my time and money. If I have to spend the rest of my life to stop these people from stealing peoples money and sending out junk that is what I shall do.

I thought you had it working by swapping in another output board??

Definitely don't scrap least not the transformer.  There are a couple people on the forums here ( @ben for one) who would be delighted to get their hands on an ASL11 transformer core.  They could remove all of the existing wire, and re-wind it with copper wire.  They'd definitely be able to cover shipping, and maybe even a bit for the transformer...

The rest of the inverter could be scrapped.

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 Definitely don't scrap least not the transformer.  There are a couple people on the forums here ( @ben for one) who would be delighted to get their hands on an ASL11 transformer core.  They could remove all of the existing wire, and re-wind it with copper wire.  They'd definitely be able to cover shipping, and maybe even a bit for the transformer... 

  I  will  paid  for shipping  and  the  ASL11  transformer  and the  rest of the  case  .    I   can fix  the control board  and run  at   most  8000 watts  .     

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I have a friend with a giant huge power jack inverter and he said it wouldn't start his ac 

I seen this pj with my own eyes it has a massive huge tranny and two mainboards

It was a really nice inverter 

I about fell over when he told me it wouldn't start his ac 

There's something going on here 

This makes no sense to me 

I will try to get to the bottom of it if my friend brings his back to my house 

If so I will try to remember to post what was wrong with his here 

I know when I was testing my power jack before changing to the GS control board one bank of mosfets would be hot

After changing to GS control board on the same pj main board all run cool so definitely something not exactly right with power jacks control boards 

I really like the GS control board it is incredibly tough 

Gs control board is the way to go on these big pj inverters if you ask me 

But before anyone goes that route better make sure there is no problems with the tranny 

To those that have two boards in your inverter this may not work because GS control board doesn't have two outputs 

I personally would go down to one mainboard and get the gs control board anyway

Maybe sean or sid knows how many watts a single smaller board can do 

I would think it would do 8k likely more  8 k for very long would take a massive battery back

It sould do as much as a long board just not as long because of less heatsink 

If all 20 k pj trannys are as big as the few I have saw the tranny alone would cost a person 1500 to 2000 bucks 

The big ss case I saw wasnt as thick or as strong as the GS case but it could be mounted to plywood to stiffen it up 

The case would cost a few hundred bucks also 

My point is don't give up quite yet maybe this will get fingered out here soon 

It might turn out the with just a gs upgrade kit you will have a heck of a reliable big inverter 

These gs control boards are no joke and no exaggeration!!

If you can give it a little time

I am pretty sure my buddy will bring his back up

 He builds Electronics I have dumb luck sometimes and I  have a best in world expert phone a friend if we get stuck to bad

Good chance something will get fingered out 

God bless all of you guys 


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