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Hello from Iowa
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Hello from Iowa

2 Posts
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I found this forum after searching for MakeSkyBlue answers.  I have been reading the MSB datalogging topic with great interest and currently run a v118 60a charge controller using 24v batteries and 600 watts of solar for my off grid workshop.  I plan to use the info in the datalogging topic to gracefully inquire my charge controller about what it has been up to.

I am a Software Engineer working in the healthcare industry and have been active with solar, wind, CNC, and cloud computing.

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Posted by: @dave
I found this forum after searching for MakeSkyBlue answers. I have been reading the MSB datalogging topic with great interest and currently run a v118 60a charge controller using 24v batteries and 600 watts of solar for my off grid workshop. I plan to use the info in the datalogging topic to gracefully inquire my charge controller about what it has been up to.

It's always fun to find "hacking info" laid out for you instead of reinventing the wheel 😉.

Curious what kind of CNC equipment?  (I'm guessing in the medical industries?)

And also curious what kind of success you're having with wind?  I have yet to meet someone who's truly happy with their wind turbine(s)--or finds them very reliable.
