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Hello, My name is Bob and i would like to say hi to all you guys and girls out there. Now I have a problem with my 8000w power jack inverter. it has two boards that do not have lights on. I am a retired electronic tech. I have the equipment to do the repairs. All I need it the flow chart or schematics, or if thats not available. how the thing works as in where it starts and where it ends as in troubleshooting. EX: 24v input to power board, to transformer switched with power MosFets etc. How the alarm circuit senses the alarms and what each cards function is. Or other help to get me going. Thanks for the help and hope everyone is healthy wealthy and strong. From Big Bob
That's one for sid.
Sorry @big-bob, the initial post missed my alerts, and I didn't even see it until @tim posted back...
All I need it the flow chart or schematics, or if thats not available.
We don't have any flow charts or usable schematics. Even if we did, they would be the IP (intellectual property) of Power Jack, and they would be none to pleased if we publicly shared it.
How the alarm circuit senses the alarms and what each cards function is.
Let me just say it's sometimes a wonder that it even functions. Boards/cards are quite intertwined in ways that don't make any sense--so there's no practical "flowchart" that even could be written.
In basis, all power comes to the "mainboard", which is nothing more than a MOSFET H-bridge connected to the transformer. All MOSFET drive signals--and battery power--go to the control board via the ribbon cable. From's all over the place.
Now I have a problem with my 8000w power jack inverter. it has two boards that do not have lights on
Can you elaborate further? What version Power Jack inverter? (I'm assuming from your mention of "cards" that it's between Rev. 4.0 and 9.0.) What boards aren't lighting? What does the inverter do when you try to turn it on? Lights? Beeper? Error? Try to run at all? What was the inverter doing when it stopped functioning? Photos of the setup/internals and what's going on?
Ha, now I'm double confused, this was double-posted...
Sorry Sid I haven't learned how to delete a post.i get a bit shaky at times.
I have several 8000 watt power jack inverters... could you put a pic of your boards.. If our boards are similar we may be able to trouble shot.....
I have several 8000 watt power jack inverters... could you put a pic of your boards.. If our boards are similar we may be able to trouble shot.....
This got cross-posted on a different thread, with more discussion:
<iframe allowfullscreen data-embedauthorid="39" data-embedcontent="" data-embedid="embed4708498098" scrolling="no" style="height:391px;max-width:500px;" data-embed-src="/topic/79-power-jack-v70-8kw-24v-wont-turn-on/?do=embed">