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energy provider
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energy provider

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Your  latest video about energy peovider  is the best  about the lies that utility  advertise  .   Grid tie Solar install  by utility  is not free  in the long run .  They  install smart meter to  check for  illegal  off grid in the city .   I  cut my utility  bill  in half  by using  the powerjack inverter  and  they  change  the smart meter .   6 months later they change the smart meter again . The last  time the utility  took my service entrance box (outside own by utility) apart to  inspect for  solar or generator  transfer switch when I am not home  but there is none .    You are a brave man  to talk and thank you .  

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I have no doubt that as more people move to solar the private, and government, electricity supplier / authorities will be figuring out ways to keep the money flowing in.  I can appreciate that the poles and wires have to be paid for some how, but if it's a privately operated electricity network with poles and wires owned and operated by private enterprise, well, frankly, if they tried to impose a pole and wire charge on me even though I had no account with them I'd be raising hell.  On the other hand in many places the network itself is government owned and operated as a common good, and in that case I wouldn't mind contributing to pole and wire maintenance, providing it was a reasonable fee.

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I have owned my house for about 5 years now however my grandmother was living in the house up until her passing in the spring of last year (not covid-19) and after she passed I basically put the house into mothballs while the family had time to go through things and start cleaning the place out.  after about 2 months of the power bill going from about $90 per month to around $25 per month the power company sent an employee to come out and inspect the meter.  I happen to be in the house at the time and I went and talked to them.  They explained that they noticed I was abruptly using less power and they thought the meter was possibly faulty and explained the situation and they made note of the change on my account.  At the time I also told them I wasn't going to be using as much electricity as I am at work sometimes 16-20 hours a day as a teacher so I am not home as much to use electricity.  Since then my bill has been averaging $35-50 per month and I have been slowly weening the house off of the grid as I move circuits from one panel to the other.  I don't ever plan to disconnect from the grid but I do want to keep the usage very low.

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*lkaughs* I'm on the pay as you go thing for my power, I could litterly just not pay and it get cut off and they would never know I'm still live, until they come to my yard and see all the solar panels and wind turbin lol.

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3 hours ago, kuhrd said:

I don't ever plan to disconnect from the grid but I do want to keep the usage very low.

Same path here, one day I might cut mains but until then ... (yes, my column is the blank one!)

<img class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="465" data-ratio="111.91" width="235" alt="image.png.15a509f1f508cdf06f23a6838bd85629.png" data-src="/monthly_2021_06/image.png.15a509f1f508cdf06f23a6838bd85629.png" src="/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />

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Posted by: @thebutcher
(yes, my column is the blank one!)

Isn't that the greatest spot to be?  Helps a lot to be out in the country, there's far less nonsense and regulations out here.  We actually had to choose between replacing the power pole or disconnecting power and removing the infrastructure.  We eventually chose the latter...they took it down, and that was that.  Never regretted it.

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Posted by: @thebutcher
Same path here, one day I might cut mains but until then ... (yes, my column is the blank one!)

Take the second highest ADU and double it and that is ours. Comes out to about 8 dollars a day though.

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Same path here, one day I might cut mains but until then ... (yes, my column is the blank one!)  by  TheButcher  .


I can never cut the main  .    My  patio outside is   118 degree  F.   and  can not use the powerjack .     My  ADU is 32 kwh  yesterday  and the cost is 3.53 dollars .   I  live a few miles from the world  largest  nuclear power plant  .     I  follow the (time of use plan)   or  the cost would be 4 times and  be 13 dollars for one day .  

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Posted by: @dickson
Same path here, one day I might cut mains but until then ... (yes, my column is the blank one!) by TheButcher .

You live in Japan?

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I   do not live in Japan  only visit one time.  I can feel the ground  vibrating all the time  in Japan .    Google  the Palo Verde  Nuclear Power Plant  .  My energy provider is part owner  and  seem to make the law  on solar energy in this state  which  is not good for  off grid  .   Almost all  off grid  go to  RV  user  .    There is  now code for  RV  and boat user  too .   

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Posted by: @dickson
I do not live in Japan only visit one time. I can feel the ground vibrating all the time in Japan . Google the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant . My energy provider is part owner and seem to make the law on solar energy in this state which is not good for off grid . Almost all off grid go to RV user . There is now code for RV and boat user too .

So the largest US nuke plant, not the world's. I live within 15 miles of the US's 6th largest Nuke plant and it soon will be the 3rd largest nuke plant in the US if they get on with the construction. Yours does have another distinction, the only one cooled by treated sewage.😉
