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I found out now it...
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I found out now it takes a lot of battery to go off-grid at night .

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.      Dickson, hope you get things figured out the way you want

Thank you .        I  am able to  run off-grid  by  doing what you do for  24 hours    .       I  do not have enough  solar panels   because  I live in the city  and had to hide the  solar panel  in the back of the house   .     The neighbor huge tree  block  the sun  also  but  no  problem  charging the battery  .        I   was making  a what if statement  about  charging    and using  the battery at the same time   because  it was  boring  talking  about  PJ  inverter   so talking anout  other inverter is just as boring  because   all the China inverter  is the same  and  all  has  high  idle  draw  .      My  PJ 15kw  is running  less than  4000 watts  so battery is not a problem  .     

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TheButcher post june 12 2022 .    You can't both charge and discharge a battery.  It's one or the other.  It might oscillate back and forth but it's still one or the other.  If you are having to put 2.6kW in via a wall of ebike chargers you have made a fundamental design error with your system.  Fix the PV side so that your production is commensurate with your expected load or run at least part of your load direct of the AC supply that you are using to run the chargers instead of the chargers into the battery  

TheButcher is right .   I can not charge the battery IF I am using the same battery that run the inverter .    My ebike charger will  OVERHEAT  and the FETs in the ebike charger be  damage .  Same  thing  will happen IF  using  a second  inverter  as a charger  to charge  the  first inverter battery .    The first inverter  and second inverter  are using the same battery .    You can't both charge and discharge a battery.  It's one or the other.  It might oscillate back and forth but it's still one or the other.  I can not find  the Youtube  where Sean did that  and the second inverter blow up .     I  now only charge  my lithium ion battery  when not connected to the inverter  and stop chargung at SOC 80 percent .   The charger must go to float charging at SOC 80 percent  or my battery will OVERHEAT  and go to thernal runaway and blow up .    Now I only use very expensive dedicated  lithium ion charger.

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I am in the North east Pocono mountain at this time practically no sun! how much batteries do I need to run the whole house.  With an Average 11kw  daily.I have  2 Powmr ( @24v 3000watt )One  is the 450v PV input seems to do better job  with sunny days than 100v .( I have 25 @100 watts PV and 7 @100 amp 1@290amp lipo.after 6 pm is back to the grid charging ..What can I do improve the efficiency ),.funny thing I was pushing about 10kw  monthly into the Grid with my other 3000watt grid tied inverter in good sunny days, when I try to get credit I run into a lot of red tapes , the application process requires an electrical engineer to answer all the questions.I want to focus on off grid only.






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I find running the whole house off grid is impossible with not enough solar panel and no sun .   MY battery  must be charge by  17kw of solar panel during the day . The inverter must run thru the night and can not charge the  battery  at the same time  the inverter is running .  30kwh battery is use for running the inverter and  15kwh battery is charge during the day by dedicated  lithium ion chargers and AGM charger .  The battery being charge is not connected to the inverter .   I use about 12kw a day  and run the inverter about 16 hours a day .  Charging the battery with the grid  do not save any money  so my battery is only charging when there is sun .   I have 10 hours of sun every day .   

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I'm running 25Kwh battery and 20kw solar

I charge any time the sun shines and inverter is always running

Most days it stays off grid entirely even charging my EV

This post was modified 1 year ago by Steve

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I can have my GS12kw running 24 hours a day but  ATS mode do not save any money .   ATS will charge the battery  from the grid and the load is also power by the grid .  I see Sean GS12kw is in ATS  and  the inverter is charging  the battery and running the load  from  the  inverter AC input .  I do not think charging the battery from  AC input  will save any money .   I  shut the inverter off after 16 hours  and  wait  8 hours for the sun to  charge the battery .   I can use my generator to charge the battery also but the cost of gasoline is more than  running in ATS .   

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Posted by: @dickson

I can have my GS12kw running 24 hours a day but  ATS mode do not save any money .   ATS will charge the battery  from the grid and the load is also power by the grid .  I see Sean GS12kw is in ATS  and  the inverter is charging  the battery and running the load  from  the  inverter AC input .  I do not think charging the battery from  AC input  will save any money .   I  shut the inverter off after 16 hours  and  wait  8 hours for the sun to  charge the battery .   I can use my generator to charge the battery also but the cost of gasoline is more than  running in ATS .   

ATS will only charge the battery from the grid IF you have configured it to do so.

If "Charge Mode" is set to "Manual", it won't auto-trig on ATS mode.  (Older firmwares would force-trigger charge on UPS mode; I have changed that on the latest firmware.)


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If "Charge Mode" is set to "Manual", it won't auto-trig on ATS mode.  (Older firmwares would force-trigger charge on UPS mode; I have changed that on the latest firmware.)

This mean  the battery can be charge  by solar  during the day .   Then this will save money to charge the battery .   It cost alot of money  to charge the battery  using  the grid at night .   

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My solution to the problem of keeping the battery charged - but keeping room for the solar to function has been my Victron GS Connector.

Since my battery is LiFePO4, i optimize charge targets to ensure maximum lifespan - which involves discouraging the battery from ever getting highly charged...
Node Red ensures the GS goes into charge when SOC drops below 10%. When it charges past 10%, the GS stops charging - leaving 90% of the battery available for solar to charge it.
As the solar charges the battery, Node-Red compares GS output watts to solar charge watts, once the battery is full enough to handle the predicted load until the sun goes down, it then will switch the GS to inverter mode.
Once the solar charge drops below a certain point (or the battery hits 10%) it will then switch the GS back to ATS.

The set points are all significantly increased when the battery temp reaches 2c (eg. 50% instead of 10%) - ensuring the battery has enough charge to allow a discharge to warm it up before it would need to be charged again.

So this is completely automatic, maximizes battery lifespan, and uses pretty much all available solar energy.


Now, all of that said... A grid-assist functionality would make this infinitely simpler - and more efficient by reducing battery round-trip power to nearly 0.

This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by NotMario

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Thank you .   

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Since my battery is LiFePO4, i optimize charge targets to ensure maximum lifespan - which involves discouraging the battery from ever getting highly charged..

Victron has very accurate shunt  which give accurate SOC .   Victron make it safe to charge lithium ion  and LiFePO4  battery  with accurate  SOC  . Lithium ion battery must go to float at SOC 80 .  This avoid overcharging  and overheating  the battery and thermal runaway  which cause the lithium ion battery to  blow up .     

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Andy purposely does things wrong to get attention-grabbing YouTube headlines....

he is in it to make money from the innocent lamb herd on YouTube....

if you can entertain (great) but entertaining with bad information > >> I had a go-round with him a couple of years ago .... and do not bother to comment on his comedy act of confusion anymore....

I bought 64 of the new version 3 LifePO4 LF280K cells to start a new battery pack 

64 cells x 280Ah x3.2-volt = 57,344 Wh for $6615 delivered.... (December 28th, 2023 order)

they should arrive shortly from the California warehouse.... Fedex has them en route now...

Happy New Year

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I bought 64 of the new version 3 LifePO4 LF280K cells to start a new battery pack    64 cells x 280Ah x3.2-volt = 57,344 Wh for $6615 delivered.... (December 28th, 2023 order)

You and  Busky are right  that a lot of battery and solar panel are needed to go off grid .    Using a generator do not save any money and inverter ATS mode  do not save money since the grid is use for charging the battery and running the house .   Battery  and solar panel price are dropping .  I bought 60000 Wh  lithium-ion battery  for 3500 dollars include delivery  on Battery Hookup auction   The battery delivery by semi truck weight over a ton  on pallets .   


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TheButcher post june 12 2022 .    You can't both charge and discharge a battery.  It's one or the other.  It might oscillate back and forth but it's still one or the other

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