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Power jack inverter 8000 low voltage shutdown

3 Posts
3 Users
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I just replaced all board on my power jack 8000 and am now getting low voltage shut down. Voltage just before alarm and shutdown is 14.5 DC and 87.4 for 110 and 175 for 220 My question is what possibly causing low voltage and is there possibly a way to fix this?

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Posted by: @outerlimits1980
I just replaced all board on my power jack 8000 and am now getting low voltage shut down. Voltage just before alarm and shutdown is 14.5 DC and 87.4 for 110 and 175 for 220 My question is what possibly causing low voltage and is there possibly a way to fix this?

This is sounding almost like a 24v transformer being run on 12v DC?  (If that's the case, you need a different transformer and/or need to rewind the one you have.)

Noble Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 1058

This is sounding almost like a 24v transformer being run on 12v DC?

Maybe  PJ  or  Ebay  sent  a wrong  control board .    The jumpers  maybe  set  for 24 volt  and not  for a 12 volt control board  ?      Too  difficult to rewind  a   toroid  transformer  and a  different  transformer  will cost more than  a new inverter  .      
