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Our Intital "New 12,000 watt" testing results are now live

5 Posts
3 Users
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So I spent a few days testing this inverter. Gathered up the numbers and did a nice full video on it. This is our first test and the second test will remove the transformer tape and possibly relocate the thermistors for a better reading on temperatures. I am more than happy with the test results. As always I welcome the discussion.



Noble Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 1054

I watch the youtube  about the auto pilot Deere tractot 3 days ago .   You say youtube remove Genetry Solar from  the search .   I  search  INVERTER and  no  review for Genetry Solar  but a  Pakistan inverter company has youtube   search  review .   I do not know why youtube make it difficult to buy  GS inverter .   

Estimable Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 212

My YouTube search shows plenty of Genetry Solar related videos

If that's what I look for

They have promoted videos pushed into the results 

Estimable Member
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 212

Your right, searching inverter doesn't show any

12kw inverter gets 1 hit, and it's old

Noble Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 1054

I search POWERJACK  and I get old youtube videos  of Sean working on inverters .   Old powerjack inverter  problem  will not help to sell the new GS12kw .  
