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PowerJack inverter Board Ver11.3 2022

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Currently have Two Ver10.3c cards up and running one AS4 & the other ASL4 Trans, 24V 8K 220/110 true split with battery charging with OEM external modified amp limit. The other inverter has 220/110 only. I have a 11.1 board with adapter for one of the 24V 8K units that i plan on installing in one of these inverters if i can determine the card to be reliable compared to the Ver11.3 card.

I have a third inverter I'm trying to repair. The same foot print 8k24V/ASL4T Ver11.0 W/Charger function. This one is working but has a Ver11.0 card and has a charge problem. The charging issue is charging Only 283Watts @ 119Vac with 3.32Amp with the battery voltage at 24.3 Volts. Replaced the OEM Ver10.3 board that the charger was working, but had running issue with output maintaining load on inverter 110 output. When working was like 12A*125V at 1500Watts.

Here is the question. Does anyone have a idea if the Ver11.3 board fix any known problems?


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Posted by: @ted-alva-jr
Does anyone have a idea if the Ver11.3 board fix any known problems?

The v11 control board is basically the same as the 10.3(c) board with the "OEM modified amp limit" circuit on the board.  There is no other significant change to the board that I am aware of.

The purpose of the "amp limit" board is to reduce the charge current to a set amount regardless of the inverter's wattage size.  So it does sound like it's working 🤪.

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The v11 control board is basically the same as the 10.3(c) board with the "OEM modified amp limit" circuit on the board.  There is no other significant change to the board that I am aware of.

I  replace the working  rev 10.3 control board on  my PJ 8kw with  rev 11.1 controlboard  and now it will not run my 5hp air compressor and shut down the inverter with red light alarm .     I  replace the  working  rev 10.3 control board on my 15kw PJ with rev 11.1 control board  and now it  will not run my 4 ton heat pump  and shut down with red light alarm  but  this will never blow up the FETs .    I  like Sean to test the new PJ  rev 11.3  control board .   Pictures of the new rev 11.3 controlboard . 


Screenshot (118172).png

Screenshot (118173).png

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Well I bought one and will let you know.

Lets see if it fixes anything and how fast it comes off the boat. I Requested for them to test and set up for AS4/ASL4 Trans.

I have a external amp limit 10.3c that charges good at 1500 watts with 12 amps. Runs my friends Titanium welder but not my Vulcan welded. Anyways Removed and replaced with 11.1 to test because ONE to repair another backup inverter was its original intent, but reason TWO to test to see if anything was different from the replacement 11.0 board PJ sent to my friend as a warranty, to see if the charging feature is different. We tested yesterday the 01/20 and our theory was correct. His 11.0 charges at 400Watts,  I think 3-4 amps. Like Sid said "To P.J. its working". The 10.3C Modified card and or with the external charge amp limit is different between the two card from OEM inverters but only the one from the ones with some modifications from the factory. A fresh virgin 10.3c card is the same as 11.0 as far as the surge goes is some what useless to me HZ gets out of hand. The 11.0 is the same just integrated the amp limit into the card. 11.1 is the MOSFET drive harness/ Rainbow cable but the sent me a adapter was a plus. So lets see what the 11.3 looks like. I will put some picture of some findings with two cards later. One with out charging W/ASL4 trans and the 10.3c W/External amp limit W/ASL4 Trans as well.

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replacement 11.0 board PJ sent to my friend as a warranty, to see if the charging feature is different. We tested yesterday the 01/20 and our theory was correct. His 11.0 charges at 400Watts,  I think 3-4 amps.

You know a lot more than me about the PJ   rev 11.0  control board .   I  change the SWI DIP  switch  but not  improve the wattage output .   My  old  rev 10.3 control board with the ASL4  8kw PJ  will run my hot water heater but  will not with the rev 11.0  board .   Now can not run the microwave .     PJ  consider the low wattage output  working  as I now never blow up any more FETs  as the inverter shut down  with red light alarm  with load over 2000 watts .   Do you know how to change the integrated amp limit or is this program into the  MCU  and can not be change  like the GS inverter that  never blow up the FETs  ?    I  find  it  interesting  what PJ  can do with  the program on the new rev 11.3 control board  if the output will be even less .  

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Posted by: @ted-alva-jr
11.1 is the MOSFET drive harness/ Rainbow cable but the sent me a adapter was a plus.

It's funny how they get stuff completely wrong.  The different FET drive connectors is directly my fault in a way--but they evidently completely misunderstood what I was saying.  Basically, the little 28AWG ribbon cable is going to have a problem running the several-amp FET drive signals--so I told them they'd be better off with a 20-22AWG cable.  Well, that won't fit in the IDC connector--so they switched to XHB-10 connectors on the board.  Then for whatever ridiculous reason...kept the 28AWG ribbon cable.

Might as well have stuck with the IDC connector...


Posted by: @ted-alva-jr
We tested yesterday the 01/20 and our theory was correct. His 11.0 charges at 400Watts, I think 3-4 amps.

Sounds like Jack's plan worked: "we want to stop MOS burn, make charge amps same on all inverter size."  Success: FETs shouldn't burn out as easily (well, more or less!), and charge amps are reduced 😉.


Posted by: @ted-alva-jr
A fresh virgin 10.3c card is the same as 11.0 as far as the surge goes is some what useless to me HZ gets out of hand.

"HZ gets out of hand"?  Can you clarify this one??

The biggest limitation for surge LIKELY is the transformer windings (especially if you're running 12v or 24v).  The DC resistance can be so high that a transformer "battery side" winding deadshorted across the battery may not pull enough power to meet your surge load--and a deadshort will provide absolutely no output power.  (Any useable output power will be far lower than the deadshort rating.)

The firmware does not have any dynamic power limiting, so unless it shuts down with an overload condition, the lack of surge ability is directly a result of the system design (input power wires, FETs, FET drive, transformer losses, etc., etc.)  If the firmware overruns the max (which it will if full throttle *2 isn't enough), you'll get a repeated "warping" sound from the inverter until it shuts down.


Posted by: @dickson
I find it interesting what PJ can do with the program on the new rev 11.3 control board if the output will be even less .

There is no "program change" to reduce output current limits.  The only modifications from stock PJ firmware, was to make the fan output controlled by both thermistors, and to compile for the different CPU so it would work.

PJ does not write/modify the code of their products.  That's why all of the changes have been external to the CPU, with adding parts/chips to the control board to try to adjust the firmware behavior.

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PJ does not write/modify the code of their products.  That's why all of the changes have been external to the CPU, with adding parts/chips to the control board to try to adjust the firmware behavior.

Since PJ  do not understand  crosstalk  and do not have  software engineer so I  think  PJ   maybe have  YiYen  design and  make the control boatd  according to PJ  spec  to cut down  the return  rate of their inverters .   

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Posted by: @dickson
Since PJ do not understand crosstalk and do not have software engineer so I think PJ maybe have YiYen design and make the control boatd according to PJ spec to cut down the return rate of their inverters .


PJ has their own in-house designs manufactured to their files.  They have no connection to Yiyen.

As a matter of fact, Jack has in the past talked about buying an SMD placement machine so they could literally assemble their own boards in-house.


The only similarity between Yiyen and PJ (and for that matter, ALL other Chinese LF manufacturers, including Growatt, Aims, etc., etc.) that they all copied the exact same initial inverter PCB design to start with.  Reportedly, this was an older Xantrex inverter.

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... and that seemingly none of them have the chops (or perhaps desire) to fix the various issues we are all familiar with by now.

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Posted by: @thebutcher
... and that seemingly none of them have the chops (or perhaps desire) to fix the various issues we are all familiar with by now.

I personally am quite surprised how much a penny matters to PJ.  I mean, literally, to a fault.

But hey, people keep buying PJ inverters, so....!

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But hey, people keep buying PJ inverters, so

I  bought  a  15 kw  PJ  because  PJ  advertise  that it will do 15kw .    The price is cheaper than any other inverter .   I  do the test  and  found out that it blew up all the parts .  That  why  PJ can sell  the 12000 watt  on ebay  and a lot of it for  329 dollars .    The parts to repair is more than  329 dollars  2 years ago .     The  2  complete  large mainboards is  390 dollars and the  control board with  LF driver is 130 dollars .   The ac output board is  10 dollars  at the time .   So why not buy a  12kw PJ  and use the parts  and get  3000 watts  usable  ouput ?    My 15kw will now only do  4000 watts  with the rev 11.1 control board .   They  PJ  fix the various issue by  cutting the output power  so less  return .   Most people test with small load  and  do not know the real max output and the warranty run out in 2 weeks  so too late to return  and if complain then no more inverter for you on ebay  right ?    


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 PJ can sell  the 12000 watt  on ebay  and a lot of it for  329 dollars .  ….
Good Lord Man ! I have paid $586 for my12000v AGM, blew up all the FETs  and more on  day one . I did get  replacement parts but still cannot use  the device as it was intended. PJ( jelly ) went silent on me . as much that would like to exchange the unit ., For my consolation prize “ My Queen can enjoy  her WWE and talk to the screen  “ and The 1500w heater seems to be running…..





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 PJ( jelly ) went silent on me . as much that would like to exchange the unit 

Jack  control every ebay order and return  and what a one man show with business all over the world .    The  control board is 130 dollars and the 4 mosboard is  100 dollars and that is the best you will get after 2 weeks .       Just enjoy that it sort of working  and knowing how to repair  next time .     
