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Honey. . . I blew up my two GS 6k's!!

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Well, it happen.  and there were signs and I didn't relized it until it was toooooo late.


Was running my house all day with no issues, then went and turn my two GS off, then to the breaker and turn the two GS breakers to off.  Well stupid me didn't pay attention.  Turn on the main breaker.


Went back into the power room, hooked up the chargeing cable to the master to the power strip, and reached over.  


Here is the thing, I have a Tower fan hooked up to the slave, and it was running with the slave gs turned off.  That should have told me something, and I never thought about it till after the facts.


Hit the power switch and it fired up, a cla clunk sound came from it, well I thought it was the GS switching to charging mode. . . wasn't thinking about it, so I reached over and hit the slave power switch, lets just say, boom!!  and lots, and lots of probley smoke cause it sure smell like a real good times inside that thing.


none of my batts fuses even flintch, which I guess was a good thing, though now I got two smoked GS.  My Wife if I had any would probley have thrown me out to the Dog house tonight. . . .


Maybe the C board would have stop it before it happen. . 



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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf

Maybe the C board would have stop it before it happen. . 

No, it would not have.  No magic sauce.

The reason everything went south when you turned the slave on, is because in split-sync (or 3-phase) configuration, the slave inverter(s) must ignore "AC output present upon powerup".  Otherwise, they'll never start under load.
Reason being that in a synced config, the inverters are at different phase offsets.  As the inverters don't start simultaneously, a load will "connect" the "master" inverter to the "slave" inverters--and they'll see "AC output present upon startup" and never start.  If they however ignore this "AC output present upon startup", a normal split-sync (or 3-phase) system will easily be able to overdrive the "wrong AC phase" present on the output, and run the connected loads.


Posted by: @the-blind-wolf

wasn't thinking about it, so I reached over and hit the slave power switch, lets just say, boom!!  and lots, and lots of probley smoke cause it sure smell like a real good times inside that thing.

So when the "slave" inverter powered on, it tried to overdrive the grid.  And that's a battle that nothing wins.

Posted by: @the-blind-wolf

none of my batts fuses even flintch, which I guess was a good thing,

That's because the slave inverter ended up deadshorting the AC line out in the FETs.  Power didn't even reach the batteries.


I won't be too surprised if the master inverter survived.  But that "slave" inverter is gonna need some repairs.

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well I got the slave off the wall open up for the first time, wow, just wow, I never knew how big the dang coil was on this sucker. wow!!!!.


hmmmm.  will go check the master to see if it will come on, will use a small 12v power supply to see if it boots up.


here are some pictures of the slave.

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Hmmm pictures don't want to go in. .

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one more time.

house inverter 1
house inverter 2
house inverter 5
house inverter 3
house inverter 6
house inverter 4
house inverter 7


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Actually, I've ben feeling around, seems not that bad.  I think I could swap it to the c board, though I don't know what went out, I know its somewhere where the stack of boards are located.   I see where the coil primary going to the board, so I'm guessing that is coming off the driver board then goes  into the coil.  There is a bunch of other looped coils and I see a amp wattaage sensor on the primary and its just flopping as it pleases. seems like that should be zip tie.


yeah those fans dang reminds me of my tornato fance, looks almost exactly the same and the same thickness. just these are big!!.  Oddly not hardly any dust inside after nearly 2k running.

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I can't see any damage from the photos, but there's also no photos of the FETs.

They're bolted on the side of the tall heatsinks that the transformer primaries go to.

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The blown FETs are very likely going to be the ones on the heatsinks that the transformer primaries bolt to.

Those are the ones that would be responsible for shorting out the AC wave if it's out-of-phase.

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Okay, the master is fireing up at 24v but, no AC output as its makeing a clicking sound like the relay is switchin.  Like I said, before I turn the master on, I had the input hooked  up to accept AC and I turn the GS on while the input was hot t the same time the output was being power by the grid.  Since I use a 240v breaker.

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Yep found it, and here is the picture, I think the gs won't come on though not sure, .

Picture of ATF


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If that is the only thing that got to replaced, I guess its like a fuse lol.  thought really tempted to switch to a C board. but, you going to come out with a newer one, so I guess if I can get this back up and going I can wait cause I want the one that I can play Doom on and maybe it will have a sound jack to add speech lol.

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Oh boy.  Hey Sid. I'm going to mod it while its open. . .  RGB Time. Going on amazon, and buying some RGB and some controllers.  and some SUPER LED's. .    Heck if they dirt cheap why not put a smoke machine in it while I am at it with a hot plate on top to keep my coffee warm while I'm at it.  Yeah, the Super Light Show Coffee Makeing GS Inverter!!.

This post was modified 2 years ago by The Blind Wolf

dickson reacted
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You know, if the coil on this thing is that big, I now understand why the 12k would be bigger.  Though why does it seem as if its a square coil and it looks like a stander HF coil just super sized. ,


Oh, not sure if overloading like I did, but that coil was still hot even after 2 hours.  I'm almost thinking that is why the fans run so much on it even when its not pully much of a load.

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Oh, not sure if overloading like I did, but that coil was still hot even after 2 hours.  I'm almost thinking that is why the fans run so much on it even when its not pully much of a load.

Your  transformer is made by Powerjack  .   My 15kw powerjack  inverter transformer also hot after 2 hours  and I use an external fan to cool the 15kw Powerjack after running the 4 ton heat pump for one half hour and shut down .   

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Well, I sat the slave aside, will be bring down the master from the wall and opening it to see if the phase relay or what ever you want to call it has blown since I am not getting any AC on the output.  I got a hunch its blown as the big heavy duty power strip that I had the GS input plugged in is litterly dead as a door nail.  I think it might have burned the toggle switch, as I do not see any fuse, though the switch it self would trip if it got over loaded, so I am guessing its a fused switch, will have to see if I can find a replacment switch that is one of those 10 plug 5 foot long strips.  Love those things.

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