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Passes Thru 1 Megawatt...

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...half of that in the HOT month of July...

Still lovin it...

Haven't even had to connect's a spare now...

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Love to hear a success story ;-).  My house inverter (well, the current iteration of it!) has gone through 1,123kWH over 4,206 hours.  Part of the problem of being a designer is that I keep upgrading the equipment, and lose my records as I do that.


Any feature requests/ideas I should possibly consider?

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Passed thru 4800 hours on the meter overnight...

2 megawatt hours is going to be a while as we transition from hot to cold..

Burning less than 10kwh per day right now...


No suggestions come to mind...


Hoping you have success in turning GS into a long-term, viable company...

Your 6k is a ****ton better than the Sigineer I had online previously...

(I had to supplement it with a couple of HF inverters to keep it from rebooting constantly.)

And, I still haven't repaired the 12k of their's that blew up after a week...

(Only done minor mods to reduce our loads...)



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Posted by: @richard
Your 6k is a ****ton better than the Sigineer I had online previously...

Sigineer constantly rebooting??  Was this due to overload?  (I know the GS doesn't redline EXACTLY at 6kw)

Rumor has it that Aims / Sigineer (and related rebrands) "aren't as reliable as you might think."  From the photos I've seen of the internals of a 15kw Yiyen inverter, I'm not surprised to hear that their 12kw blew up.  Heck, it's a PJ inverter with better software and a better transformer.  Same lousy imbalanced FET drive...which simply isn't up to the task.


Posted by: @richard
Hoping you have success in turning GS into a long-term, viable company...

It's a lot of work, for sure.  But that's our goal.

Obviously, as with any new design, there have been a couple "teething" issues, and several customers have had issues with the control board power supply--but all in all, it's been a very valuable learning experience to make the latest control boards even better.



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Always wondered about the quality of those those yiyen inverters.

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I just passed 1 MWh a couple days ago and going strong.  So far 6030 hours and counting running pretty much the whole house short of the water heater, range and clothes dryer.

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Ah, I see, you're waiting with baited breath for a 12kw 😉

We'll get it as soon as we can.  There's just a limit to what 2 people can do.

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Yeah I am patiently waiting.  I would rather wait longer for it to be done right then to have it rushed and run into any issues.  Take all the time you 2 need to get it right.  The 6K is working just fine for the majority of my needs until I can get a much larger battery bank anyway.  Keep up the great work!

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With their 6k, I think Sigineer figured out that as soon as they approach limit, they should shut down and restart, rather than blow up. The sorry thing about it is that it was happening at nowhere near 6kw. Again, I'm guessing, but I think it was closer to an unbalanced 3kw on one line. I did like that it was an all-in-one, with the ability to pump 5k of solar in.

Your inverter passed through 2 megawatts the other day... at our now .24/kwh Tier 1, it's almost to the halfway point of paying for itself.

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Posted by: @richard
The sorry thing about it is that it was happening at nowhere near 6kw. Again, I'm guessing, but I think it was closer to an unbalanced 3kw on one line.

Wouldn't be too surprised if this was exactly what was happening.  Technically, transformer amperage is the heat limit--and trying to pull 6kw off a single phase is going to generate a lot of heat from that winding (i.e. pulling 50A off a coil specced for 25A).  Some imbalance can be tolerated...but it definitely doesn't need to be a hard limit @ 3kw i.e. "you can only get 6kw from this inverter if it's perfectly balanced."

GS inverters are heat-limited (and total output limited) if the load is seriously imbalanced, the inverter should simply overheat and shut down.
