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My 6K arrived today

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OK, I've just got to know 😉

There's one more test to confirm/deny what I'm suspecting is the actual problem...without taking someone's word for it.  Behavior is exactly correspondent to the fans being plugged into the control board (which due to a small design mistake on my part...doesn't QUITE work as intended.)  The fans should be plugged into the LCD board.


With the inverter on, if you go to the FANS tab, the first row of numbers ("Throtle") will turn to "TEST" if you highlight them.  Hit "Enter" on the "TEST" for each fan channel, one at a time (A / B / C)...and see if you can separately control the throttle of each of the 2 fans (Up/Down adjusts by 10%).

If you can directly control the speed of each fan separately (not sure if they're plugged into A / B or B / C)--or for that matter, control both of their speed simultaneously, then I'm back to being stymied.

If you can't get either fan to spin up from the LCD...then my initial hunch is correct that the fans are plugged into the wrong board (which would cause EXACTLY what you report).


Another symptom would be the fans starting to spin up the moment you turn the power button off--instead of waiting for the LCD to say, "No thermistors connected.  All fans full speed" BEFORE starting to spin up.

EDIT: and correspondingly, fans instantly shutting off when you turn the power button on--instead of waiting 3-4 seconds to turn off.

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West coast plus slept in. I didn't expect to hear from you until Monday.

Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
With the inverter on, if you go to the FANS tab, the first row of numbers ("Throtle") will turn to "TEST" if you highlight them. Hit "Enter" on the "TEST" for each fan channel, one at a time (A / B / C)...and see if you can separately control the throttle of each of the 2 fans (Up/Down adjusts by 10%).

yes i was able to do that.


Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
Another symptom would be the fans starting to spin up the moment you turn the power button off--instead of waiting for the LCD to say, "No thermistors connected. All fans full speed" BEFORE starting to spin up.

there is a delay when pwr is turned off.

there is a delay when pwr is turned on.

when pwr is off i have full control of menu functions including fan test.

hope this helps


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So to confirm, you can separately control the fans' PWM from the LCD?

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that is correct.

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Posted by: @joe-s
that is correct.

Well, then I'm back to being stymied 😉.  Will have to get a full setup on my bench to try to replicate the issue and figure out what's going on.

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Just for the record:

Spent an hour troubleshooting the issue, and eventually figured it out: one of the thermistors' internal isolation had failed, and it was conducting battery positive from a FET heatsink directly to the control board.  Fortunately, due to the safety improvements on the Rev. C control board, nothing was damaged.  (Replacing the thermistor solves the issue.)

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