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Bringing It all back to life..

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I know its been a while sine I've been around.  Will be bringing my system back up here shortly when the extra batts come in, and the extra 1/0 awg wire.  Batts are starting to get cheap as of late.


I got my generator out and changing the oil in it this weekend if it gets warm enough, freaking cold at the moment.


Sid, have you had a chance to finish that remote?


Also, just wondering, since mine is setup as 24v system, do I have to rewire it if I want to bump it up to 36v syste?  cause that would use 400amps at 12kw from waht I figured.

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5 hours ago, The Blind Wolf said:

Sid, have you had a chance to finish that remote?

Yes.  Finished it a month or so back...but my concern is that I really don't know for sure that PJ used the same pinout on all the genstart connectors, as they didn't use the specification I provided.  If I ship it to you and the pinout is wrong, it won't work.  So I'm kinda stallin'...with no real reason I guess, haha.


5 hours ago, The Blind Wolf said:

Also, just wondering, since mine is setup as 24v system, do I have to rewire it if I want to bump it up to 36v syste?  cause that would use 400amps at 12kw from waht I figured

If you want to run 36v nominal, the transformer needs rewired (and tested with a variac to make sure it's wired correctly), both fans need replaced, AND the software warranty needs voided to adjust the software nominal voltage.

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10 hours ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

Yes.  Finished it a month or so back...but my concern is that I really don't know for sure that PJ used the same pinout on all the genstart connectors, as they didn't use the specification I provided.  If I ship it to you and the pinout is wrong, it won't work.  So I'm kinda stallin'...with no real reason I guess, haha.


If you want to run 36v nominal, the transformer needs rewired (and tested with a variac to make sure it's wired correctly), both fans need replaced, AND the software warranty needs voided to adjust the software nominal voltage.

Geesh, might as well get a 12k invert at 36v then have to send two gs invets to sawn.


Well, if you got where I can change the pins around like quick disconnect conenctors ont he wire for each pin I can just move wires around while trouble shooting if need be.


I think I will be okay on the 24v system anyhow, with the extra batts I got coming in and switching all the wires to a 0/1 wires and each invert gets it own batt bank that can handle 400a.  

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Well, if you got where I can change the pins around like quick disconnect conenctors ont he wire for each pin I can just move wires around while trouble shooting if need be.

Unfortunately, the mini-XLR connector has a housing, etc., etc.--so there isn't an easy way to adjust the pinout.  Well, unless I used quick connects with insulating housings, that might work....
