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Unable to wash clothes with my GS.

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17 hours ago, The Blind Wolf said:

I have two gens, one is a honda contrustion 8500k with a 5gal tank, the other is a champion rv 30A  I think its 6500kw its nice, though with a 1gal tank it sucks, I got to change the oil on it and get it back up going, I've just order a 25a charger, going to order two more of them.  I'm running two 12v 3k inverters right now to my breaker box, washer runs with no issue.  got 1200ah of 12v.  with 240v breakers switched off when not on grid.

I'm planning on tapping the main fuel tank for when i get the genny for my camper. Since my truck is diesel, i'll probably just get a remote-tank diesel genny and combine that with a tigerloop that runs to the main fuel tank. The less tanks to monitor the better for my sanity. Can't say i've really seen any gas generators that have remote-tank functionality - but surely they exist... it's so nice because you just run the fuel line to wherever you got fuel.

FWIW, washing machines don't cost that much. You could always buy one - probably a lot cheaper than re-off-gridding. Just need a no-questions-asked return policy to try a few options out. 😄

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Posted by: @notmario
Can't say i've really seen any gas generators that have remote-tank functionality - but surely they exist... it's so nice because you just run the fuel line to wherever you got fuel.

Onan is the standard for that option, make sure to get a fuel regulator because the fuel pressure that the vehicle is running can cause flooding, but that was an easy fix previous owner removed it so spot was there I just had to find one that fit in the location.  I am sure there may be others just haven't seen any yet.  The trucker APUs are nice too they have all the same features and more. 

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Hey sid, I got the remote, however, its got the wrong connector?  Sawn never sent me the connector for my two gs inverts cause he didn't have those when he sent them.



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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Hey sid, I got the remote, however, its got the wrong connector? Sawn never sent me the connector for my two gs inverts cause he didn't have those when he sent them.

Hmph...I almost dropped one of the newer connectors in the package.  I thought you had the A.1 units with the mini-XLR connector.

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Nope its got a I'm guessing five pin flat connector square shap.

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Posted by: @the-blind-wolf
Nope its got a I'm guessing five pin flat connector square shap.

So everything after the 1st revision chassis has a 3-pin removable Phoenix connector.  I have several of those connectors here, and I almost dropped one in the package...

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Well, Good news, and this topic should be resolved now.  Its nothing to do with my washer, nor the GS.  I'm washing loads of clothes with no issue now.


You ask what was it?  Would you believe that a battery is the problem?


For those who are new into any battery bank over 12v, I beg of you, make sure you get battery balancers the ones that goes between the 12v connections between each batter to keep all the 12v in synth with each other on voltage during charge and dischargeing.  I don't care if you got a perfect new battery or not even if they are all the same brand.  What was happening was and I didn't know it at the time cause I was still so new to these LFP batteries is that once one of them drops to a point, it will never catch back up to fully charge it self, before the charger stop chargeing.


I had two 12v 200ah batts, both showing 13.8v  and hooked up to power my gs at 24v.  Well, needless to say, when one of them starts to go to 10.5v when you apply any kind of load, even thoug its still pumping out power and the GS was still seeing it as such would make any washer act like its having a heart attack.


which if you having this issue will burn a BMS heart out as well, even though its showing it has 10.5 and with no load it showing it has 13.9 and you can charge it and all that.


  Watch your voltage as well, if you seeing high voltage drops during loads  and not staying at some what of a level voltage even with a load going on and off back to bck, then you got a issue with a BMS about to crap on you.


I had two 12v 200ah a ampatime and a zoom go out like this.  and I'm replacing my other bms on my built batts if they show this issue.


So yes now I have clean clothes to wear. all power by the GS and the Sun.


End of Story.

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Also, it don't matter if you got fusses or breakers, if one of your 12v batts bms craps on you its most likely going to make the other 12v batt next to it take a dump and there is no saving it all even with breakers and fusses.  best Idea to maybe prevent this is have your invert cut off if it goes below the normal voltage like if you got a 24v bank if it drops at 23v, shut it down, don't push your luck, unless you are rich and in that case then send me some batteries, I'm a poor blind person, and I still need new batts to finish my system lol.

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@the-blind-wolfThank you for the update.  The issue had me quite confounded...

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Well I spoke toooooo soon.  I guess my fix wasn't what it was lol.  I got it to wash a load, and then try again, and well it got to the washing, then right when it got to the part where its supposed to drain and then spin the load, the washer basicly said hell with you and just shut down.  So yeah, correction its not resolved.


On another note, since I got the one inverter going at the moment, I noticed the voltage that its saying it has is 118.6v.  I'm kind of wondering if maybe I need to turn up the voltage maybe?


But still keep a eye on your batteries though that part is some crazy crap, the gs was still kicking on even at 23.6v and one of the batts was at 10.5 while the other was basicly fully charge. . .


Hey Sid if you got time well one day when I get my phone back, I might need your eyes to turn up the voltage or do you know what are the steps that I need to go to turn up the volatage, I might can get somebody to help me do it.

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Oh, not sure yet, but when I switch the gs to run half the house it started makeing odd surging sounds, and I had all 240v breakers turned off.  only thing that was hooked up at the time that would have done that would have been the washer it was still hooked up by a cord instead of the wall.  Almost makes me wonder i its a voltage issue the sagging trying to start the washer now.  and its got the cap still on it.

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Okay, I think this is odd.


here is what I'm seeing.


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Genetry Solar GS-6000-24-110


Inverter Stats

Battery Voltage



Inverter Amps



Charge Amps



Output Volts



Output Amps



Output Watts



AC Input





Fan 1



Fan 2



























4253 hours
















Master Inverter Control

Off On Power Save Auto

Test Fans

Slave Inverter Control

Off On Power Save Auto

Test Fans


Copyright (©) Genetry Solar. All rights reserved.

Just sitting here, running a light load on the gs, and I'm seeing a voltage going up and down from119, down to 118.6v  I've seen it hit 117 before. but, mainly only running a 75w load.  I think I'll bump up the voltage to 121v since it seems my house grid is running around that high.


Though the odd thing when it was making those grunting sounds, I've only ever heard that sound on a inverter when it was pushing the heck out of the transformer and that was the PJ 8k 12v, it would make all those sounds when I was washing clothes and running basicly more then I run the GS at the moment. 


I've not pushed it no more then 1300w since I got it back, ever since I blown it last time when it had a faulty connection inside I've been hestent to even try pushing it again with the drier test.



Notice the voltage output?  It keeps droping the higher I go.   I'm almost putting my finger on that this is what causeing al my issue.  So from my math, it seems I will go below 100v before even makeing 1500w.  If that is the cause then I can see why a motor on a washer won't work.



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<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="/profile/3-the-blind-wolf/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="3" href="/profile/3-the-blind-wolf/" rel="">@The Blind WolfIf you have a sighted friend who is electrically knowledgeable, I'm more than happy to help you get your inverters upgraded to the Rev. C control boards...that would get a much more level playing field and also solve the voltage regulation issue.

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18 hours ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="/profile/3-the-blind-wolf/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="3" href="/profile/3-the-blind-wolf/" rel="">@The Blind WolfIf you have a sighted friend who is electrically knowledgeable, I'm more than happy to help you get your inverters upgraded to the Rev. C control boards...that would get a much more level playing field and also solve the voltage regulation issue.


Well, I might have someone, I mean if its simply moving wires to the new board since they in a diff location they shouldn'thave any issue.  However, I can't afford to pay $350 bucks  for each GS inverter to get the board and then have to pay said person to change them for me.


It would be so much easier to send these t shawn and he just send me updated models.  I only got one of the boxes not sure where the other box went to to ship them.  

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Heck better yet, Swap these two for one of the 12k model, if it can handle 600 amps 24v that is.  I just order a 600 ANL fuse bus bar. 

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