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trouble with ups

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my gentry 6000 watt inverter usually does great but living in the forest we get a lot of limbs that fall and trip the wires occasionally,It seems when the power goes completely out the ups kicks in and takes over just fine but if the power just breifly flashes it trips the converter and i loose power and the red light comes on hopefully threres a solution.

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Posted by: @bobby-t
my gentry 6000 watt inverter usually does great but living in the forest we get a lot of limbs that fall and trip the wires occasionally,It seems when the power goes completely out the ups kicks in and takes over just fine but if the power just breifly flashes it trips the converter and i loose power and the red light comes on hopefully threres a solution.

I think I know who this is...but am not fully sure, so I'll just ask the questions 😉.

Can you provide more details/info?

  • what revision control board the inverter has?  (A.1 / B / C)
    • STAT page, 2nd line, "Rev.: "
  • what firmware revision the inverter is running? (1.1r4, 1.1r5, 1.1r6)
    • OUT page -> Diagnostic Info -> top lines
  • what error you are getting when the red light comes on?
    • OUT page, bottom line, "ERR: ......."


Because yes, the inverter should not be tripping out with an error upon brief power transitions.  I need more details so I can figure out what is going we can fix it.

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its rev 3 board and i didnt see the err message it was 3 am and pouring rain i just went out to the garage and reset the inverter


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sid next time it does it i will look at error message. its probably something in the settings because this has been one tough inverter !

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Posted by: @bobby-t
sid next time it does it i will look at error message. its probably something in the settings because this has been one tough inverter !

OK, thanks.  It's always the diagnostic stuff that helps pin down the error 😉.


I'm expecting something like "Xformer Polarity" or "Xformer Volt".  Those are errors I've put in as a safeguard for potentially dangerous situations--but false triggers have been a pretty big issue in testing/work.  If it's something like "AC Volt" or something else, that's a different thing to deal with.

One-off random errors are almost impossible to diagnose, unfortunately.  If it can be reliably repeated, however, the error can be addressed far easier--especially if I can duplicate it on my bench.

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it never does it when power goes off completely it works fine. its only when the power just flashes for a second

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ok it just did it again and it says err ac backfeed

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Posted by: @bobby-t
ok it just did it again and it says err ac backfeed

Ah.  That definitely helps narrow down the issue.

Sorry I didn't ask for more details....because there's more diagnostics that can be gotten from the inverter to pin down what exactly is going on.  In this case, a photo of the Oscilloscope "DVLT" (Diagnostic Voltage) channel would be very helpful--but only during the error state.  (If the inverter is running normally, the DVLT channel won't be of much value.)


"AC Backfeed" basically indicates that there was power present on the inverter's OUTPUT when it was not expecting power to be present there.  (This error is to try to notify the user AND avoid FET destruction resulting from connecting the inverter's output to a live AC panel--which happens more often than you might think.)

In your case, it likely is simply a result of the code being a little too protective.  The inverter requires AC output to be <20vAC before it will start battery power mode--and if the voltage is >20vAC for 0.5 seconds, it will throw an "AC Backfeed" error.  What I don't understand is how certain loads can provide power to the inverter for over half a second after power has been cut off...

I probably should bump the limit to 50vAC, as the FETs will be fine as long as there isn't any significant current behind said unexplained power.


This I can easily address in an update--hopefully you have been able to get WiFi signal to the inverter?

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i did run a cat cable out into the steel container where the inverter and batteries are stored and will work on the wifi extender and get the wifi going and will get back to you. Thankks Sid !

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Ok Sid i finally have wifi in the steel container that inverter is in and did manage to switch wifi on the inverter to on not sure what to do next

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Ha.  I'm tinkerin' with the code right now, but I guess I can get you a Tech update to bump up the limits ;-).  

I should ask: do you have a battery-backed method of getting WiFi to the inverter?  There's always the possibility that something can go amiss with the update sequence--and if you have no backup means of getting WiFi to the inverter, that would be quite an issue.


Posted by: @bobby-t
did manage to switch wifi on the inverter to on

Does this mean that it is connected to your WiFi network?  If it's connected, the "WiFi" line will read "WiFi: On -> Connected".  If not, the bottom line will read "(no credentials)"

If the inverter does not have any WiFi credentials, you'll need to configure the inverter's WiFi settings.  To do this, scroll down the WiFi page to the bottom line, which will change to "Configure WiFi" when selected.  Hit "Enter" on that (right button), and the inverter will display a QR code. 

You should be able to scan this QR code on your phone (connect to network), then hopefully the captive portal will come up (on your phone).  From here, the inverter will scan for WiFi networks, and provide you a list on your phone...if you tap on the network you want, you can enter a password and click "Connect." The inverter will try to connect to the network, and if successful, it will automatically exit configuration.


Once the inverter is connected to WiFi (and both "WiFi" and "MQTT" lines read "Connected"), the inverter should be basically ready for an update.

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yes i scanned the code and it pops up a screen on my phone that says wifi encrtption:nopass password:null and the page wont do anything


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Posted by: @bobby-t
yes i scanned the code and it pops up a screen on my phone that says wifi encrtption:nopass password:null and the page wont do anything

This means that your phone isn't executing the "WiFi network connect" QR code, and is instead just displaying the text data of the QR code.

In this case, you can manually connect your phone to the inverter network: when the QR code is displaying, the inverter will be generating a WiFi network labeled "GS_Inverter".  Connect your phone to that, and HOPEFULLY a captive portal will pop up (unfortunately, this is quite dependent on the phone's WiFi handling implementation).  If not, try navigating to    Some have said than an IP address of works...

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the connect to wifi button does nothing


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connecting to gs network made it work and now the inverter says connected credentials saved


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