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Netural between 2 panels.

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I'm setting up a 6 K with 220 grid tie and out putting to a new panel. I have all my circuits in the new panel and  have it ran to a breaker to the old panel  temporally. When I  hook up the inverter  disconnect the 2 hot leads and run them through the 6K is it OK to leave the neutral between the panels connected?  Thanks Steve

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Posted by: @tootallsteve
I'm setting up a 6 K with 220 grid tie and out putting to a new panel. I have all my circuits in the new panel and have it ran to a breaker to the old panel temporally. When I hook up the inverter disconnect the 2 hot leads and run them through the 6K is it OK to leave the neutral between the panels connected? Thanks Steve

Which control board revision does your GS 6k have?  (STAT screen, second line.)

Rev. C will be fine with the neutral going between both panels.  Rev. A.1 / B....don't try it!

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Thanks Sid it is a Rev C. I figured it was cool but wanted to check . Thanks for getting back to me ! I was wondering when you run 2 6Ks grid tied in split sync mode do you run One 120 leg to the master and the other 110 leg to slave ?

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Posted by: @tootallsteve
Thanks Sid it is a Rev C. I figured it was cool but wanted to check . Thanks for getting back to me ! I was wondering when you run 2 6Ks grid tied in split sync mode do you run One 120 leg to the master and the other 110 leg to slave ?

As of right now, that's not quite possible, as the AC input on the "slave" inverter is the sync source from the master--so split-sync is kinda limited to single-phase 120v (25A) input only.

The next revision of inverters is planned to have dedicated sync ports to allow a full split-sync method to be possible.  Plus many other methods.  (It would technically be possible to retrofit current Rev. C-based inverters with the sync ports once available.)

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So my understanding in parallel mode it is possible it just is slow to ramp up from 0. but you can get 12 K if needed from 2 6Ks? What are your thoughts on that .The biggest thing I will be starting other than a freezer and refer  is a mini split single head. Ill get a 12 K when they come out and  use the 6 k somewhere else. You guys are definitely on the right track with your development. I have several customers that are wanting to start setting up grid tie so we are planning on using your product. Thanks Steve

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Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2891
Posted by: @tootallsteve
So my understanding in parallel mode it is possible it just is slow to ramp up from 0. but you can get 12 K if needed from 2 6Ks? What are your thoughts on that .The biggest thing I will be starting other than a freezer and refer is a mini split single head. Ill get a 12 K when they come out and use the 6 k somewhere else. You guys are definitely on the right track with your development. I have several customers that are wanting to start setting up grid tie so we are planning on using your product. Thanks Steve

Sorry I lost track of your message here....


Parallel mode with the first gen boards was stunted due to design limitations.  The Rev. C boards should be capable of handling this considerably better due to design improvements.  I've just been busy working on a lot of other features than parallel--but it's in the works.
