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GS-6K Overload alarm when pass-through power connected

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   Hello, I have a issue with model GS-6K/24-240SPB Rev:C Up to date update LCD & CPU to 1.2r0 on September 6. Issue started yesterday 9/13 when I plugged into 120 line in to charge float battery everything power cycles and a alarm is heard. I put a amateur video to see it otherwise I have some screenshots if you’d like more data.

   The video is one minute long I am unable to compress it so here is the link. Takes you to my YouTube video so you should be able to see and hear relay. At the end of the video you will notice the AC volts goes to 0V as it has tripped the breaker. It was working fine prior to the 13th and before.


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I notice it's "warranty void"...did you unlock it for any particular purpose?  I mean, if the transformer ratio is wrong (i.e. wired for 36v, but being given 24v), it would definitely cause this exact issue due to uncontrolled backcharge into the batteries.

This is very easy to check for from the Diagnostic Info page: scroll all the way to the bottom (with the inverter running on battery, no AC input needed) and give me the value on the "Xfrmr Volt" line.  Should be ~16v for a 24v system at no load.  Another check would be from the Scope ("OUT -> Scope", default channel is fine) to see if the output is a pure sine at no load from battery power.


If that's the problem (or even if it isn't), I should be available later tonight to try to sort out the issue via video call.  What makes this problem definitely weird is that it seems to run fine from battery...but fails when AC input is connected.  Suspecting an internal miswiring, but not sure exactly what! 

I also can't rule out an external miswiring, if you have ground path loops and/or crossed AC phases on the output.  I would suggest "isolating" the inverter from any output wiring, and just connect 120v to the input leads--see if it still protests.  If it switches over without any complaints or breaker tripping, then there's likely crossed phases or otherwise in the AC output path.  (But that would kinda require a backpower situation...which it wouldn't like in battery mode either.  Hmph....!)

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   I sent a message to Sean via text about it, this is right when I turn my inverter on the first time out of the box. I questioned it as well but was advised it’s okay and locked, he just was doing some testing on it. Other then that the start up was okay but it’s still locked. That Have been using this GS 6K/24V for about six months with no issues. Other that an error I will get with AC Error shut down but I found it from the utility service power off for just a second and back on by that time the inverter switches over to battery power and goes into an error and shut off. Error message was A/C Feedback. I’ve sent some screenshots to Sean via text. Otherwise once the inverter is reset the inverter which is normal along with pass-through and charging until the 13th of course. Voltage in and pass through matched but i never replied back to Sean with the information.

   I will try to get the diagnostic information to you. Give me a few minutes. As far as any changes to the wiring nothing has been changed since the inverter was installed.

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1 minute ago, Ted Alva Jr said:

I sent a message to Sean via text about it, this is right when I turn my inverter on the first time out of the box. I questioned it as well but was advised it’s okay and locked, he just was doing some testing on it.

"Unlocked" does not change anything in the simply "unlocks" certain settings that could be potentially damaging if misused.


3 minutes ago, Ted Alva Jr said:

Other that an error I will get with AC Error shut down but I found it from the utility service power off for just a second and back on by that time the inverter switches over to battery power and goes into an error and shut off. Error message was A/C Feedback.

Was this on firmware 1.2r0?

AC Feedback...there isn't an error for that.  Closest probably would be "AC Input Fault", at least for 1.2r0.

If you can repeat this issue, I'm all ears for diagnostics, etc.


but that makes it sound like it used to work just fine with AC input--and somehow now isn't?

I'm definitely very curious to figure out what's going on.

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Here you go some data images. Xfmr in 16.348vAC. I also included all the Scope data to see if it helps.

 I do Not have bonded neutrals, and I have the heavy output breakers off when testing for this fault . I’m in southern California so a phone/video call is okay just the time difference. I can give you my number in the morning.













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Posted by: @sid-genetry-solar
"Unlocked" does not change anything in the simply "unlocks" certain settings that could be potentially damaging if misused.

Yes I understand about the unlock and lock otherwise I have not optioned to unlock it. But to answer your question about the firmware it was 1.1r6. It went into AC feedback and shut down not be supplying power. This was a old issue but only occurred when the utility power switch/cut off and back. Kind of rapidly. I will include a screenshot not August 8.

Yes, it was working as intended.

PNG image 2.png

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1 hour ago, Sid Genetry Solar said:

I sent a message to Sean via text about it, this is right when I turn my inverter on the first time out of the box. I questioned it as well but was advised it’s okay and locked, he just was doing some testing on it.

My apologies. “Warranty intact” need coffee. I have pictures if you like when I first turned on if you like?

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Posted by: @ted-alva-jr
My apologies. “Warranty intact” need coffee. I have pictures if you like when I first turned on if you like?

Nah, no prob.  We're not out to "screw customers" with warranty stuff...the warranty terms & conditions are mostly to try to protect ourselves from outright sabotage.


So...looking at the screenshots you provided, and understanding the scenario a bit better....

...output voltage is a decent sine, transformer voltage is correct, etc., etc.

Can you set the System Mode ("CFG -> System -> Mode") to "Inverter Only" (this will prevent it from switching to mains), and send another screenshot of the "SYNC" 'scope channel with AC Mains connected?


Probably will be quicker to figure out what's going on via video call...we can sort those details out via PM.

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   Thanks again Sid. Inverter is solid so far, even more meeting and exceeds my expectations as well with safety of this inverter responses well to issues. So I figured I would like to share what Sid and I found with some diagnostic. I attached a video and a power strip test that was found to be the route of the cause . The weird thing that was found and both power strips needed to be connected to duplicate the problem.  So I tested both with a safety device/GFCI unit I use at certain customers location as Me being mobile. Note I use two Power strips full time out of the receptacles on inverter, but has a hard time figuring which power strip was the problem. See video. I tried the other yellow power strip and passed the safety device. Once tested circuit on the other black one it failed rapidly, and even the inverter shutdown safety. Pass through and now charging is back just in time for the weekend. Thank you Sid!

Here is a link via google photos:


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I have to say that I'm quite confused as to how everything runs fine (with the fault problem in circuit) when the inverter runs on batteries--but faults out when AC input is connected.  Unless there's a shared ground or something else external to the inverter...but over 6kw of power has to flow through the inverter to get it to fault out that quick!

Always a first for everything.  At least the inverter checked out functionally correct.
